5th Trial? (Pending)
My Court Cases
Trial Case #1
Summary (took it on the cheek and paid the fine despite it violating my 1st amendment, and Article 1 Section 3 rights among others...although there was a victim, so despite the technicality on the ticket...I conceded): While leaving my parking lot, I accidentally hit a parked police vehicle that was monitoring traffic while attempting to pass on the left hand side of his partrol car. The sheriffs office came out to file the report, and gave me a citation for Pass On Right...to which I even questioned it when I was provided the ticket as if I were passing on the right hand side of the patrol car, I would have been in the bushes and hit a tree...
I refused the plea offers mailed by the DA, took it to trial, waited patiently after all other cases were heard for the police officer to show up (although it should have been dismissed given the state wasn't ready), and argued my case under the 1st amendment based on the principle that I would have to lie to accept the plea offer as I did not pass the vehicle on the right, and went through the aspects of being a messianic Jew with one requirement being keeping the 10 commandments and hence not lying. Even the DA asked the officer about it as it didn't make sense to him to begin with prior to being heard. Not knowing the procedures, and thinking I would have the option to question the officer directly (as with court cases on TV), it didn't make sense to me that I couldn't question the officer, the judge accepted the DA's response, the DA objected to my 1st amendment immunity to which I got angry and blasted him...the judge allowed me to continue. The judge ultimately went with the officer, which made me feel alienated with my assumed unalienable rights; and thus the story begins.
In prior traffic infractions and historically, I refused to lie...and always accepted fault for my actions. The first tickets I was ever issued I never plead not guilty to because I was guilty of the offenses, and subsequently my license was suspended on the 3rd speeding ticket in an 18th month period with even the judge virtually pleading with me to not plead guilty. Likewise, on traffic infractions where it provided a section to write in your own summary of events under penalty of perjury; after I became a messianic Jew...I would write in the concept of how people proclaim December to be the 12th month when it literally means the 10th etc...on dates like September, October, November, and December that requested my signature and date to affirm that I was contesting having to lie under penalty of perjury with an inaccurate date which compelled me to sign using the Gregorian Calendar.
Given this ultimately did have impact on me later on down the road, I contacted the DMV about it and then were willing to allow me to escalate the situation, however I held true to the Christian principle of turning the other cheek and let it slide. The judge involved at the time was also currently at trial himself for child abuse, with his lawyer screaming about the democrats in the Batavia Daily etc...and ultimately he ended up resigning to evade the investigation; with a court order to hand over all of his guns which he didn't obey initially, and then ultimately complied.
I refused the plea offers mailed by the DA, took it to trial, waited patiently after all other cases were heard for the police officer to show up (although it should have been dismissed given the state wasn't ready), and argued my case under the 1st amendment based on the principle that I would have to lie to accept the plea offer as I did not pass the vehicle on the right, and went through the aspects of being a messianic Jew with one requirement being keeping the 10 commandments and hence not lying. Even the DA asked the officer about it as it didn't make sense to him to begin with prior to being heard. Not knowing the procedures, and thinking I would have the option to question the officer directly (as with court cases on TV), it didn't make sense to me that I couldn't question the officer, the judge accepted the DA's response, the DA objected to my 1st amendment immunity to which I got angry and blasted him...the judge allowed me to continue. The judge ultimately went with the officer, which made me feel alienated with my assumed unalienable rights; and thus the story begins.
In prior traffic infractions and historically, I refused to lie...and always accepted fault for my actions. The first tickets I was ever issued I never plead not guilty to because I was guilty of the offenses, and subsequently my license was suspended on the 3rd speeding ticket in an 18th month period with even the judge virtually pleading with me to not plead guilty. Likewise, on traffic infractions where it provided a section to write in your own summary of events under penalty of perjury; after I became a messianic Jew...I would write in the concept of how people proclaim December to be the 12th month when it literally means the 10th etc...on dates like September, October, November, and December that requested my signature and date to affirm that I was contesting having to lie under penalty of perjury with an inaccurate date which compelled me to sign using the Gregorian Calendar.
Given this ultimately did have impact on me later on down the road, I contacted the DMV about it and then were willing to allow me to escalate the situation, however I held true to the Christian principle of turning the other cheek and let it slide. The judge involved at the time was also currently at trial himself for child abuse, with his lawyer screaming about the democrats in the Batavia Daily etc...and ultimately he ended up resigning to evade the investigation; with a court order to hand over all of his guns which he didn't obey initially, and then ultimately complied.
Trial Case #2
Summary (dismissed - the people weren't ready): While driving in North Tonawanda, I approached and did a "rolling stop" at a stop sign in front of a police officer. I did technically stop for a brief second, noticed the officer at another part of the intersection, and then proceeded quickly trying not to waste either of our time with being cordial as a lot of people try to waive other people on at intersections and we all just end up sitting at the intersection not moving at all. The officer decided to stop me not far along after, didn't issue me a citation for the stop sign rolling stop, however he did cite me for an uninspected vehicle.
The problem with that goes back to the intial cases and what the officer himself told me. I don't lie, and it wasn't my responsibility to insepct the RENTAL vehicle...especially when the vehicle had a seemingly valid inspection sticker on it that was good for a few months, however the officer said that his system said otherwise. The officer likewise advised me that it WASN'T MY RESPONSPIBILITY and to take it up with the rental company.
I emailed the rental company of the situation, and mailed in the not guilty plea such as not to get any notices of failure to respond etc...
More than 6 months later, I was being sent plea offers by the DA...and I had no idea what was going on as so much time had passed, I forgot about the infraction altogether and the case should have been dismissed based on that alone...that so much time had passed that they shouldn't have proceeded.
I called the court clerk, she didn't see anything stated by the police officer that it wasn't my responsbility, gave me the number for the DA's office to which I called and was pushed to voicemail. I left a voicemail detailing the situation with the case number etc...and never responded to the plea offer as it indicated it would go to trial if I didn't. Thinking the case should be easily dismissed, as it's not my responsibility and all parties were notified (I wasn't even renting that particular rental vehicle anymore), I got a second plea offer in the mail. At this point I started emailing the court clerk instead to ensure it went on record, and she advised me that I had to show up to court as my name was on the ticket.
I showed up to court thinking it was going to be a trial as indicated by the plea offers, and instead I was offered the plea offer again, declined it, made a vocal motion to dismiss based on my 1st amendment immunity, and a second motion to dismiss based on it not being my responsibility to have a rental vehicle inspected to which the Judge, Luke Brown, ignored my motions, told me that it was my responsibility. and wanted me to set a time for a trial date (the whole Gregorian calendar concept)...I made them make that decision, and likewise declared that if the judge violates my rights, he can be removed from his position (Penal code 195.00...official misconduct).
I went to trial, and the case was dismissed by Shawn as the police officer didn't show up and hence "the people" (the state isn't the people) wasn't prepared.
The problem with that goes back to the intial cases and what the officer himself told me. I don't lie, and it wasn't my responsibility to insepct the RENTAL vehicle...especially when the vehicle had a seemingly valid inspection sticker on it that was good for a few months, however the officer said that his system said otherwise. The officer likewise advised me that it WASN'T MY RESPONSPIBILITY and to take it up with the rental company.
I emailed the rental company of the situation, and mailed in the not guilty plea such as not to get any notices of failure to respond etc...
More than 6 months later, I was being sent plea offers by the DA...and I had no idea what was going on as so much time had passed, I forgot about the infraction altogether and the case should have been dismissed based on that alone...that so much time had passed that they shouldn't have proceeded.
I called the court clerk, she didn't see anything stated by the police officer that it wasn't my responsbility, gave me the number for the DA's office to which I called and was pushed to voicemail. I left a voicemail detailing the situation with the case number etc...and never responded to the plea offer as it indicated it would go to trial if I didn't. Thinking the case should be easily dismissed, as it's not my responsibility and all parties were notified (I wasn't even renting that particular rental vehicle anymore), I got a second plea offer in the mail. At this point I started emailing the court clerk instead to ensure it went on record, and she advised me that I had to show up to court as my name was on the ticket.
I showed up to court thinking it was going to be a trial as indicated by the plea offers, and instead I was offered the plea offer again, declined it, made a vocal motion to dismiss based on my 1st amendment immunity, and a second motion to dismiss based on it not being my responsibility to have a rental vehicle inspected to which the Judge, Luke Brown, ignored my motions, told me that it was my responsibility. and wanted me to set a time for a trial date (the whole Gregorian calendar concept)...I made them make that decision, and likewise declared that if the judge violates my rights, he can be removed from his position (Penal code 195.00...official misconduct).
I went to trial, and the case was dismissed by Shawn as the police officer didn't show up and hence "the people" (the state isn't the people) wasn't prepared.
Trial Case #3
Summary (dismissed under CPL 730 - deemed incompetent when it's illegal to deem a citizen incompetent under Article 1 Section 3 of the NYS free exercise as well as the 1st amendment): In this case, I was pulled over by the police (Officer Kam of the North Tonawanda PD) for a minor traffic infraction (failure to stop at a stop sign, and likewise excessive speed through it I guess), and given the prior alienations of my rights in prior cases which had an impact on my liberty...I decided to exercise my rights with impunity. I watched quite a few videos from 1st amendment auditors where the police openly and blatantly were violating the rights of the people, so I knew that I didn't have to present an ID to the police for a minor traffic infraction (despite them proclaiming otherwise) and I knew the case law prior to the interaction. As such, I refused to provide my ID, was never asked for my name, was trying to assert my immunity from state prosecution under the 1st, 9th, and 10th amendment freedom of exercise of religion (to have respect to persons is to commit sin, rebuking devils, using my Christian name to identify, separation of church and state etc...), which went completely ignored even after I called 911 to report their criminal activity (penal code 195.00), provided my full LEGAL name as well as drivers license number ensuring Officer Flores heard it as he was standing within a few feet from me to which I was told the Lt was on his way...(Officer Kam said over the radio that I called 911), and when I tried to assert my rights with Lt Swick...he continued with the threats (conspiracy against rights under Title 18 Section 241), which ultimately lead up to me being arrested, the rental vehicle being impounded, being given the citations for the traffic infractions (but not obstruction) and let go after an hour or so...being left stranded 46 miles away from home with my phones in the impounded rental vehicle and no knowledge of the public transportation system and how it works to get home nor contact my family as I only remember the phone number of my dad that we had since I was a child, and I didn't even think he had anymore.
I was provided food, and an opportunity to use a phone by some of the locals, however wasn't able to reach my family via Facebook...contacted the rental company whom said that they would be able to turn over the vehicle to me in the morning as the towing company said that it couldn't be released to anybody but the owner of the vehicle...which ended up being a lie too.
I was given a sweatshirt by the locals, and spent the night in the city trying to sleep under a tree; warming up periodically at the local 7/11. I was able to retrieve all of my possessions from the rental vehicle the following morning with a little hassle by the towing company manager of the location, contact my family, and get home...which cost a significant amount in lost income, impounding fees etc...as I was left without a way to go anywhere for some time and couldn't rent again (to my knowledge) with the same rental company until the vehicle was retrieved from the impound lot...and the manager I had been working with for years said that I may not be able to rent from them even after (but she wasn't sure) as they may put a hold on my account. I was able to figure out that I could rent from another company within a few days, had the means, and made everything work...HalleluYAH.
It took some doing, but I got back on my feet, did my research, had some help online by sovereign citizens and state nationals with the laws and codes...used Cornell's website etc...and created the initial document listed under Legal Defense that was provided to the DA with the email after I received the discovery to which, at the next appearance, the DA tried to remand me, the judge didn't remand me but I was "forced" (coerced) into going to psychiatric evaluations under the pretense that I don't know the time let alone what a crime is and that I needed to have a lawyer REPRESENT ME (the public defender was declined and tried to say that I was obligated to provide the police with my ID so I knew he was a liar and not going to help me); which violated Title 18 Section 241 by all involved with the attempt to remand me being attempted kidnapping...
Prior to going to the first court appearance, I did advise the court, as well as the city attorneys of my civil rights being violated, likewise messaged the city police on their website of my rights being violated, offered the city attorneys a plea offer...never received a response from anybody, and hence filed a complaint against the police with the Federal Division of Civil Rights whom, prior to the first court appearance, sent their email advising that they were interfering with religious activity, hate crimes etc...and to contact the FBI.
As it's my obligation to do good to those that harm and persecute me, and given the FBI's own known violations on the 1st amendment...I never did.
After the DA's attempt to remand me, I also filed another complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights, same response, and emailed updates to the DA and court clerk about my rights being violated with clarification on the principles of being a messianic Jew. During the first evaluation by Brian Joseph, I advised of Title 18 Section 242...deprivation of rights under color of law and likewise that the DA was trying to coerce me into getting a lawyer (Title 18 Section 241) with them being upset that I said I could remove Joe Biden from office during the interaction (the president isn't immune from criminal prosecution)...and he played the psychological game...to which he was ultimately advised that the judges, police, etc...are all public servants with an oath of office which, if they violate, means they can be removed from office and that it's the job of every person in NYS under the NYS constitution to protect and defend the state, as well as the united states (we are the militia and the highest level executive branch)...and ultimately I went on my marry way after he said he made a decision (which title 18 section 242 states clearly it applies to public health care workers too, and Article 1 Section 3 of the NYS constitution states clearly I can't be deemed incompetent...I had also charged Joe Biden many months prior to any of this of treason on TikTok and posted it to his Twitter account...treason is title 18 section 2381...validating that I do have the ability to remove him from office).
I went to the next, postponed evaluation by Melissa where she wanted to say that the police were my teachers, and asking if I listen to my teachers, where I again was asserting my first amendment immunity...this time I was advising of me trying to assert my Christian name which isn't on my drivers license, however with Brian I asserted the 911 call where I provided my full legal name and drivers license number to mitigate the failure to identify, and he proceeded in saying that going through a stop sign where there was no intent nor a victim is a crime rather than a traffic infraction. A 730 psych eval requires a crime, and there was no crime committed...a right can't be converted into a crime per Miller v United States...so they were trying to exercise authority they were never given under either constitution (their oath of office), and hence committed a multitude of capital offenses, felonies, etc...and yet Melissa wanted me to see the police as my teachers of the law when they can't be complaint to the law themselves...she herself violating the law with hate crimes etc...trying to demerit my beliefs.
On 10/12/23, I was deemed incompetent without any paperwork provided to me (a requirement if I'm going to refute their claims as I was representing myself pro se), and no option to file a motion for a hearing where I could put the psychiatrists on the stand on my witness list and brow beat them in accordance to their own knowledge of psychology/psychiatry)...again, I can't be deemed incompetent under Article 1 Section 3 of the NYS constitution as nothing I did was licentious (depriving anybody of their rights as there was no victim),,,so I ignored the court order, and filed a 3rd complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights, emailed the court clerk as well as the psychiatric center that was trying to remand me a portion of the laws that they were violating, advised I was going to ignore the court order etc...as literally just after the appearance on 10/12/23 I emailed the clerk requesting the paperwork from the psychiatrists and likewise advised I wasn't given the opportunity to file a motion for a hearing...with the final order clearly stating that I was provided with the paperwork etc...
I also didn't receive the paperwork from the psychiatric hospital per the psych evals to have me remanded, as I wasn't ever home to sign for the papers, nor did I try to retrieve them. I also ignored their many attempts to call me on a weekly basis for a nearly a month or so, as it was unconstitutional and hence they didn't have the authority.
I was provided food, and an opportunity to use a phone by some of the locals, however wasn't able to reach my family via Facebook...contacted the rental company whom said that they would be able to turn over the vehicle to me in the morning as the towing company said that it couldn't be released to anybody but the owner of the vehicle...which ended up being a lie too.
I was given a sweatshirt by the locals, and spent the night in the city trying to sleep under a tree; warming up periodically at the local 7/11. I was able to retrieve all of my possessions from the rental vehicle the following morning with a little hassle by the towing company manager of the location, contact my family, and get home...which cost a significant amount in lost income, impounding fees etc...as I was left without a way to go anywhere for some time and couldn't rent again (to my knowledge) with the same rental company until the vehicle was retrieved from the impound lot...and the manager I had been working with for years said that I may not be able to rent from them even after (but she wasn't sure) as they may put a hold on my account. I was able to figure out that I could rent from another company within a few days, had the means, and made everything work...HalleluYAH.
It took some doing, but I got back on my feet, did my research, had some help online by sovereign citizens and state nationals with the laws and codes...used Cornell's website etc...and created the initial document listed under Legal Defense that was provided to the DA with the email after I received the discovery to which, at the next appearance, the DA tried to remand me, the judge didn't remand me but I was "forced" (coerced) into going to psychiatric evaluations under the pretense that I don't know the time let alone what a crime is and that I needed to have a lawyer REPRESENT ME (the public defender was declined and tried to say that I was obligated to provide the police with my ID so I knew he was a liar and not going to help me); which violated Title 18 Section 241 by all involved with the attempt to remand me being attempted kidnapping...
Prior to going to the first court appearance, I did advise the court, as well as the city attorneys of my civil rights being violated, likewise messaged the city police on their website of my rights being violated, offered the city attorneys a plea offer...never received a response from anybody, and hence filed a complaint against the police with the Federal Division of Civil Rights whom, prior to the first court appearance, sent their email advising that they were interfering with religious activity, hate crimes etc...and to contact the FBI.
As it's my obligation to do good to those that harm and persecute me, and given the FBI's own known violations on the 1st amendment...I never did.
After the DA's attempt to remand me, I also filed another complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights, same response, and emailed updates to the DA and court clerk about my rights being violated with clarification on the principles of being a messianic Jew. During the first evaluation by Brian Joseph, I advised of Title 18 Section 242...deprivation of rights under color of law and likewise that the DA was trying to coerce me into getting a lawyer (Title 18 Section 241) with them being upset that I said I could remove Joe Biden from office during the interaction (the president isn't immune from criminal prosecution)...and he played the psychological game...to which he was ultimately advised that the judges, police, etc...are all public servants with an oath of office which, if they violate, means they can be removed from office and that it's the job of every person in NYS under the NYS constitution to protect and defend the state, as well as the united states (we are the militia and the highest level executive branch)...and ultimately I went on my marry way after he said he made a decision (which title 18 section 242 states clearly it applies to public health care workers too, and Article 1 Section 3 of the NYS constitution states clearly I can't be deemed incompetent...I had also charged Joe Biden many months prior to any of this of treason on TikTok and posted it to his Twitter account...treason is title 18 section 2381...validating that I do have the ability to remove him from office).
I went to the next, postponed evaluation by Melissa where she wanted to say that the police were my teachers, and asking if I listen to my teachers, where I again was asserting my first amendment immunity...this time I was advising of me trying to assert my Christian name which isn't on my drivers license, however with Brian I asserted the 911 call where I provided my full legal name and drivers license number to mitigate the failure to identify, and he proceeded in saying that going through a stop sign where there was no intent nor a victim is a crime rather than a traffic infraction. A 730 psych eval requires a crime, and there was no crime committed...a right can't be converted into a crime per Miller v United States...so they were trying to exercise authority they were never given under either constitution (their oath of office), and hence committed a multitude of capital offenses, felonies, etc...and yet Melissa wanted me to see the police as my teachers of the law when they can't be complaint to the law themselves...she herself violating the law with hate crimes etc...trying to demerit my beliefs.
On 10/12/23, I was deemed incompetent without any paperwork provided to me (a requirement if I'm going to refute their claims as I was representing myself pro se), and no option to file a motion for a hearing where I could put the psychiatrists on the stand on my witness list and brow beat them in accordance to their own knowledge of psychology/psychiatry)...again, I can't be deemed incompetent under Article 1 Section 3 of the NYS constitution as nothing I did was licentious (depriving anybody of their rights as there was no victim),,,so I ignored the court order, and filed a 3rd complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights, emailed the court clerk as well as the psychiatric center that was trying to remand me a portion of the laws that they were violating, advised I was going to ignore the court order etc...as literally just after the appearance on 10/12/23 I emailed the clerk requesting the paperwork from the psychiatrists and likewise advised I wasn't given the opportunity to file a motion for a hearing...with the final order clearly stating that I was provided with the paperwork etc...
I also didn't receive the paperwork from the psychiatric hospital per the psych evals to have me remanded, as I wasn't ever home to sign for the papers, nor did I try to retrieve them. I also ignored their many attempts to call me on a weekly basis for a nearly a month or so, as it was unconstitutional and hence they didn't have the authority.
Trial Case #4
Summary (dismissed): On 4/4/24 I received a notice from the DMV that my license WILL BE suspended on 5/3/24 if they don't receive a signed copy of the form that they mailed me for failure to respond to a citation. I was not aware of any citation, as I have only been pulled over twice since 10/12/23...and neither time was I issued a citation.
Both times I was pulled over it was not long prior to 3/17 (2/21/24 and 2/28/24 I believe), so I figured they were just out looking for anything to get prepared for St. Patricks Day. In both cases, unlike the prior case, I gave up my 4th amendment right to searches and seizures as my license is something I paid for, and it's my possession...the 4th amendment states clearly to be secure in your papers as well. I had a cordial conversation with the 1st time I was pulled over, asked why I was pulled over and was told it was because I failed to use a turn signal when I was pretty sure I did. I'm typically the one screaming in my car when people don't use their turn signals, so it didn't make sense, and I had the cop check if it worked when I put it on...he said it did. It's a rental vehicle, and not mine...so it's possible the light went out and I wasn't aware. Either way, we had a pleasant conversation, and he let me go on my merry way (this was late at night early morning, so a turn signal really isn't much of a thing when there is no traffic on the road that late at night in Batavia, NY.).
A week or so later, I was pulled over when I pulled into my driveway to my apartment complex. Technically I could have "ran" with how slow it took the cop to get to me, as the turn into my driveway is literally a 180 degree turn, and I by chance saw his lights come on (I think even an unmarked vehicle as this wasn't lights on the top of the car). I waited for him patiently to catch up to me, and he told me that he caught me going 57 in a 40. I refuted the claim as I live locally from where he claimed, and I know where the speed limit signs are...he became AUTHORITATIVE in his response ("I'm not going to argue with you!") kind of tone, and you have to keep in mind that this is the principle that gets the police in trouble with the church to a degree. He may have been right, however the church also has the capability to speech with authority. So before I got upset and started rebuking devils on the principle that it's being irrationally angry with me when again, there is no victim and hence no crime (which is irrational), I told him "you're aware that this is a crime, right?" This threw him off his balance for a second, and I told him that I'm a messianic Jew that has to be strictly adherent to the 10 commandments, and any law to the contrary is blasphemy. I advised of Penal code 195.00 by number and asked if he knew what it was...he didn't seem to know, and thought perhaps obstruction later in conversation. I gave up my 4th amendment right again and provided him with my ID (which is only required to be provided when a crime has been committed), to evade the complications, and told him to do whatever he needed to do with it and come back when he's ready. He said early on that he was going to let me off anyway, but I wanted to help spread the awareness. When he came back with my ID (I didn't even know if he ran it), I asked him if he wanted to know what Penal Code 195.00 is, and hence the "obstruction" response...I advised no that it's not obstruction (that's penal code 195.05), pointed to my ID where my name and drivers license number is clearly seen, and advised of what happened to me in North Tonawanda while I was trying to assert my rights and that that's what they cited me for...obstruction...failure to identify...and I asked him if he recognized the last name as my cousin works in his department which I believe he's in the sheriff's office. He said he knew her, but he didn't speak to her often...that he sits not far from her though. I told him he could bust my cousins "balls" if he wants to help him understand that I am a "friendly"...I'm not looking to start trouble or for trouble at all; I just want to exercise my right freely of Qadosh...separation of church and state. We had a brief friendly conversation where he seemed pretty nervous throughout etc...as I told him he was committing a crime...he was "black"...so I can only imagine what was going through his head. I wanted to tell him to chill with all of the hype democrats push as their narrative and tell him I'm formerly affiliated with a black hebrew Israelite church, however I let it slide and continued to state that we're just having a friendly discussion. I wasn't lying. He said that he respects peoples rights, asked to ensure I wasn't just asserting it to get out of a ticket, I affirmed to him that no, it has nothing to do with a ticket and advised of the court case that occurred not far down the road from our interaction where I asserted the same right in court with the former judge John (the 1st trial case). He said he respects peoples rights, and asked me if I had any questions for him, I said I didn't as I really just wanted to get to my apartment, and we parted ways.
That all said, those are the only 2 times I was pulled over since 10/12/23. After receiving the notice from the DMV, it states clearly that it came from the city of North Tonawanda (again now for the third time I'm going to trial!), and immediately thought it was retaliation for the other 2 trials; especially the last with 3 complaints filed with the Federal Division of Civil Rights and ignoring the court order which all was unconstitutional. That was my first time trying to assert the right with the police, and he wasn't in a good mood that day...neither was I given all of the videos I saw on TikTok and otherwise with police openly violating peoples rights as if they didn't have any rights. It goes well beyond that too, as the democrats in general openly and blatantly violate the rights of the people; including the Governor whom likewise decided to violate a court order to rehire and provide back pay to people that were terminated for not getting vaccinated by the New York Supreme Court...and the whole problem with the democrats not respecting the separation of church and state while likewise stating that they should be separate...as a means of trying to control the church. So I emailed the court clerk about it, obtained a copy of the citation which I never received given I was never pulled over, and (not surprisingly) it was from Lt Swick whom was in charge of arresting me after I called 911 to report the crime of the police, and he was suppose to come and listen to what I was saying, but instead decided to act like an imbecile and ask mental health questions etc...
I advised the court clerk of my stance on the separation of church and state and how even a minor traffic infraction is a violation of that separation cordially, and when I did finally open the email where she provided me the citation...I emailed back that it's a clear cut case of retaliation...advising of how he would have obtained the license information as well as vehicle plate information. He got the license information from my YouTube videos where I openly state what they are, and the location of the citation coincides with the place and time I saw him at Submasters in North Tonawanda eating while I was picking up an order...which means my phones would put me there at that place and time...smart...however not smart enough to realize that he doesn't have any body cam or other footage of the interaction to validate the violation (as it never occurred), and had it occurred, just as with my last interaction...I would have still advised that it was illegal even if he threw a tantrum again, and would have live streamed the encounter ESPECIALLY given it was him and I know he doesn't like to follow the law.
So I filed another complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights. At this time, on 4/11/24 going into 4/12/24, I have the intention of contacting the DMV to advise them of my rights being violated, maybe contacting the state police for hate crimes, maybe emailing the mayor to have the case dismissed and many other possibilities; all with the lens of I have to do good to those that harm and persecute me...but also ensuring it's well documented that he committed perjury by filing the phony ticket with the court, and likewise further official misconduct (penal code 195.00) as he definitely knew (just as he had with the prior case) that he was committing a crime, and yet he wanted to deflect his irresponsibility on me. The court clerk was also advised that it was retaliation, that it never occurred, and it was also a crime of perjury and official misconduct.
Brief Update - 5-2-24. I went to court on 4/24/24 and while there, posted the video incident of 5/18/23 again where Officer Swick violated my rights blatantly. I reviewed the videos, I did notice that they did ask me to identify a number of times near the end, however I already did identify at that point (they never asked for my name, though), and I kept advising them of their oath of office, and how by breaking their oath it would be a crime. I also advised often that I am trying to assert my rights, and that they kept preventing me from asserting those rights; which is basically them obstructing their own investigation. Under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution, whatever isn't on the federal level goes to the state OR the people. Since the citizens of the state are the people, it's common sense that they don't have any authority unless it's given to them by the people. Under the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution it states clearly that congress can't create a law that prohibits the free exercise of religion, therefore the executive branch (lowest level being the police) nor the judicial department can enforce it. Basically during the whole interaction they were making me subject to their opinion and playing the role of judge and executioner...I should have been brought in front of a magistrate to plead my case prior to the arrest, as case law itself indicates that it's a felony if they don't, however they didn't follow that procedure either...arresting me without due process of law. On the 911 call I advised of their insurrection against the people (14th amendment violation), and yet none of that seemed to sink into their heads.
So when I went to court, I uploaded the video to one site with it loaded on another as well. I prepared a motion to dismiss in my own format which can be viewed under the 4th trial section; providing a vast number of laws that were broken in the 3rd trial interaction by all state representatives, the rights violated under the US and NYS constitutions, and the basis of argument under the freedom of exercise clarifying my position as a Messianic Jew. Not all Messianic Jews are the same...some following rabbinic tradition, some proclaiming the 10 commandments and not following them etc...as the majority are partial in the truth. Under Ephesians 4:11...I'm part of the 5 fold ministry and not bound by any "church" or "congregation" as I haven't found other parts of the ministry that are completely adherent to the 10 commandments exclusively. That said, the state has no foundation of argument against me (living alone, etc...) that they tried to use to justify some kind of mental disorder rather than understanding that it's a matter of keeping my mind and body pure from "worldly" mentalities. I'm not violent, nor do I have a history of violence; all they had was conjecture to try to mitigate my rights in favor of their incompetence. That said, I provided a great deal of scripture to validate my position as the ministry, and how the absolute enforcement of secular law on the church is forcing me to commit blasphemy...and hence a violation of my rights and all of the respective laws associated with my position. Technically per scripture I'm not suppose to prepare my argument before the judge prior to being brought before the judge, however traffic court runs kind of fast, and I usually get halted (as with the 1st trial) because it's a lot to take in and think about; hence why I went with a written motion to dismiss so it's on public record, and both the judge and DA can review my exact position without the natural human emotion of "oh really, yeah...let's get on with this..."
My intent at this point is to break down the discovery from the prior interaction and format it with the law and case law I was using to justify my position then so everybody can see where I'm coming from other than just projecting "sovereign citizen" rather than understanding that I'm following biblical protocol...hence the separation of church and state where the state isn't the church and isn't there to teach me right from wrong...as they don't know right from wrong themselves. Their job under section 290 of the executive code of NYS is to primarily protect the rights of the citizens without discrimination as a matter of public health, safety, welfare, etc...that they're not familiar with. I have court again on 5/8/24 where I don't think they have any other option other than to dismiss given I was never pulled over (perjury and official misconduct), and likewise even if it did occur (which it didn't), then I would still have 1st amendment immunity under the free exercise clause given there wasn't a victim, and hence the state doesn't have any right to sue the supreme sovereigns (section 2 of the NYS Civil Rights Code) without our consent (this applies to secular people as well under the freedom from establishment clause of the 1st amendment as the state is trying to act like it's the church with absolute application of secular law to proclaim dominance over the citizens rather than being subject to the people with their primary purpose being to serve and protect our rights.
UPDATE: THE CASE WAS DISMISSED BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WERE'T READY: Despite filing a 31 page motion to dismiss indicating clearly how not only was this particular citation completely illegal based on the incident never occurring which hence was perjury by Officer Swich badge 203 of the City of NT Police, and hence likewise Official Misconduct...which also clarified in great detail how exactly all of my rights were violated in the 3rd trial...which went ignored and hence made the assistant city attorney as well as the judge, again, complicit with a multitude of crimes against me...it went to trial anyway only to be dismissed because "the people weren't ready"...so instead of dismissing in the interest of justice, the sovereign citizens of the city of NT (public servants violating their oath of office) dismissed the case because they think they are the people and not public servants when they are working in their official capacity.
Both times I was pulled over it was not long prior to 3/17 (2/21/24 and 2/28/24 I believe), so I figured they were just out looking for anything to get prepared for St. Patricks Day. In both cases, unlike the prior case, I gave up my 4th amendment right to searches and seizures as my license is something I paid for, and it's my possession...the 4th amendment states clearly to be secure in your papers as well. I had a cordial conversation with the 1st time I was pulled over, asked why I was pulled over and was told it was because I failed to use a turn signal when I was pretty sure I did. I'm typically the one screaming in my car when people don't use their turn signals, so it didn't make sense, and I had the cop check if it worked when I put it on...he said it did. It's a rental vehicle, and not mine...so it's possible the light went out and I wasn't aware. Either way, we had a pleasant conversation, and he let me go on my merry way (this was late at night early morning, so a turn signal really isn't much of a thing when there is no traffic on the road that late at night in Batavia, NY.).
A week or so later, I was pulled over when I pulled into my driveway to my apartment complex. Technically I could have "ran" with how slow it took the cop to get to me, as the turn into my driveway is literally a 180 degree turn, and I by chance saw his lights come on (I think even an unmarked vehicle as this wasn't lights on the top of the car). I waited for him patiently to catch up to me, and he told me that he caught me going 57 in a 40. I refuted the claim as I live locally from where he claimed, and I know where the speed limit signs are...he became AUTHORITATIVE in his response ("I'm not going to argue with you!") kind of tone, and you have to keep in mind that this is the principle that gets the police in trouble with the church to a degree. He may have been right, however the church also has the capability to speech with authority. So before I got upset and started rebuking devils on the principle that it's being irrationally angry with me when again, there is no victim and hence no crime (which is irrational), I told him "you're aware that this is a crime, right?" This threw him off his balance for a second, and I told him that I'm a messianic Jew that has to be strictly adherent to the 10 commandments, and any law to the contrary is blasphemy. I advised of Penal code 195.00 by number and asked if he knew what it was...he didn't seem to know, and thought perhaps obstruction later in conversation. I gave up my 4th amendment right again and provided him with my ID (which is only required to be provided when a crime has been committed), to evade the complications, and told him to do whatever he needed to do with it and come back when he's ready. He said early on that he was going to let me off anyway, but I wanted to help spread the awareness. When he came back with my ID (I didn't even know if he ran it), I asked him if he wanted to know what Penal Code 195.00 is, and hence the "obstruction" response...I advised no that it's not obstruction (that's penal code 195.05), pointed to my ID where my name and drivers license number is clearly seen, and advised of what happened to me in North Tonawanda while I was trying to assert my rights and that that's what they cited me for...obstruction...failure to identify...and I asked him if he recognized the last name as my cousin works in his department which I believe he's in the sheriff's office. He said he knew her, but he didn't speak to her often...that he sits not far from her though. I told him he could bust my cousins "balls" if he wants to help him understand that I am a "friendly"...I'm not looking to start trouble or for trouble at all; I just want to exercise my right freely of Qadosh...separation of church and state. We had a brief friendly conversation where he seemed pretty nervous throughout etc...as I told him he was committing a crime...he was "black"...so I can only imagine what was going through his head. I wanted to tell him to chill with all of the hype democrats push as their narrative and tell him I'm formerly affiliated with a black hebrew Israelite church, however I let it slide and continued to state that we're just having a friendly discussion. I wasn't lying. He said that he respects peoples rights, asked to ensure I wasn't just asserting it to get out of a ticket, I affirmed to him that no, it has nothing to do with a ticket and advised of the court case that occurred not far down the road from our interaction where I asserted the same right in court with the former judge John (the 1st trial case). He said he respects peoples rights, and asked me if I had any questions for him, I said I didn't as I really just wanted to get to my apartment, and we parted ways.
That all said, those are the only 2 times I was pulled over since 10/12/23. After receiving the notice from the DMV, it states clearly that it came from the city of North Tonawanda (again now for the third time I'm going to trial!), and immediately thought it was retaliation for the other 2 trials; especially the last with 3 complaints filed with the Federal Division of Civil Rights and ignoring the court order which all was unconstitutional. That was my first time trying to assert the right with the police, and he wasn't in a good mood that day...neither was I given all of the videos I saw on TikTok and otherwise with police openly violating peoples rights as if they didn't have any rights. It goes well beyond that too, as the democrats in general openly and blatantly violate the rights of the people; including the Governor whom likewise decided to violate a court order to rehire and provide back pay to people that were terminated for not getting vaccinated by the New York Supreme Court...and the whole problem with the democrats not respecting the separation of church and state while likewise stating that they should be separate...as a means of trying to control the church. So I emailed the court clerk about it, obtained a copy of the citation which I never received given I was never pulled over, and (not surprisingly) it was from Lt Swick whom was in charge of arresting me after I called 911 to report the crime of the police, and he was suppose to come and listen to what I was saying, but instead decided to act like an imbecile and ask mental health questions etc...
I advised the court clerk of my stance on the separation of church and state and how even a minor traffic infraction is a violation of that separation cordially, and when I did finally open the email where she provided me the citation...I emailed back that it's a clear cut case of retaliation...advising of how he would have obtained the license information as well as vehicle plate information. He got the license information from my YouTube videos where I openly state what they are, and the location of the citation coincides with the place and time I saw him at Submasters in North Tonawanda eating while I was picking up an order...which means my phones would put me there at that place and time...smart...however not smart enough to realize that he doesn't have any body cam or other footage of the interaction to validate the violation (as it never occurred), and had it occurred, just as with my last interaction...I would have still advised that it was illegal even if he threw a tantrum again, and would have live streamed the encounter ESPECIALLY given it was him and I know he doesn't like to follow the law.
So I filed another complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights. At this time, on 4/11/24 going into 4/12/24, I have the intention of contacting the DMV to advise them of my rights being violated, maybe contacting the state police for hate crimes, maybe emailing the mayor to have the case dismissed and many other possibilities; all with the lens of I have to do good to those that harm and persecute me...but also ensuring it's well documented that he committed perjury by filing the phony ticket with the court, and likewise further official misconduct (penal code 195.00) as he definitely knew (just as he had with the prior case) that he was committing a crime, and yet he wanted to deflect his irresponsibility on me. The court clerk was also advised that it was retaliation, that it never occurred, and it was also a crime of perjury and official misconduct.
Brief Update - 5-2-24. I went to court on 4/24/24 and while there, posted the video incident of 5/18/23 again where Officer Swick violated my rights blatantly. I reviewed the videos, I did notice that they did ask me to identify a number of times near the end, however I already did identify at that point (they never asked for my name, though), and I kept advising them of their oath of office, and how by breaking their oath it would be a crime. I also advised often that I am trying to assert my rights, and that they kept preventing me from asserting those rights; which is basically them obstructing their own investigation. Under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution, whatever isn't on the federal level goes to the state OR the people. Since the citizens of the state are the people, it's common sense that they don't have any authority unless it's given to them by the people. Under the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution it states clearly that congress can't create a law that prohibits the free exercise of religion, therefore the executive branch (lowest level being the police) nor the judicial department can enforce it. Basically during the whole interaction they were making me subject to their opinion and playing the role of judge and executioner...I should have been brought in front of a magistrate to plead my case prior to the arrest, as case law itself indicates that it's a felony if they don't, however they didn't follow that procedure either...arresting me without due process of law. On the 911 call I advised of their insurrection against the people (14th amendment violation), and yet none of that seemed to sink into their heads.
So when I went to court, I uploaded the video to one site with it loaded on another as well. I prepared a motion to dismiss in my own format which can be viewed under the 4th trial section; providing a vast number of laws that were broken in the 3rd trial interaction by all state representatives, the rights violated under the US and NYS constitutions, and the basis of argument under the freedom of exercise clarifying my position as a Messianic Jew. Not all Messianic Jews are the same...some following rabbinic tradition, some proclaiming the 10 commandments and not following them etc...as the majority are partial in the truth. Under Ephesians 4:11...I'm part of the 5 fold ministry and not bound by any "church" or "congregation" as I haven't found other parts of the ministry that are completely adherent to the 10 commandments exclusively. That said, the state has no foundation of argument against me (living alone, etc...) that they tried to use to justify some kind of mental disorder rather than understanding that it's a matter of keeping my mind and body pure from "worldly" mentalities. I'm not violent, nor do I have a history of violence; all they had was conjecture to try to mitigate my rights in favor of their incompetence. That said, I provided a great deal of scripture to validate my position as the ministry, and how the absolute enforcement of secular law on the church is forcing me to commit blasphemy...and hence a violation of my rights and all of the respective laws associated with my position. Technically per scripture I'm not suppose to prepare my argument before the judge prior to being brought before the judge, however traffic court runs kind of fast, and I usually get halted (as with the 1st trial) because it's a lot to take in and think about; hence why I went with a written motion to dismiss so it's on public record, and both the judge and DA can review my exact position without the natural human emotion of "oh really, yeah...let's get on with this..."
My intent at this point is to break down the discovery from the prior interaction and format it with the law and case law I was using to justify my position then so everybody can see where I'm coming from other than just projecting "sovereign citizen" rather than understanding that I'm following biblical protocol...hence the separation of church and state where the state isn't the church and isn't there to teach me right from wrong...as they don't know right from wrong themselves. Their job under section 290 of the executive code of NYS is to primarily protect the rights of the citizens without discrimination as a matter of public health, safety, welfare, etc...that they're not familiar with. I have court again on 5/8/24 where I don't think they have any other option other than to dismiss given I was never pulled over (perjury and official misconduct), and likewise even if it did occur (which it didn't), then I would still have 1st amendment immunity under the free exercise clause given there wasn't a victim, and hence the state doesn't have any right to sue the supreme sovereigns (section 2 of the NYS Civil Rights Code) without our consent (this applies to secular people as well under the freedom from establishment clause of the 1st amendment as the state is trying to act like it's the church with absolute application of secular law to proclaim dominance over the citizens rather than being subject to the people with their primary purpose being to serve and protect our rights.
UPDATE: THE CASE WAS DISMISSED BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WERE'T READY: Despite filing a 31 page motion to dismiss indicating clearly how not only was this particular citation completely illegal based on the incident never occurring which hence was perjury by Officer Swich badge 203 of the City of NT Police, and hence likewise Official Misconduct...which also clarified in great detail how exactly all of my rights were violated in the 3rd trial...which went ignored and hence made the assistant city attorney as well as the judge, again, complicit with a multitude of crimes against me...it went to trial anyway only to be dismissed because "the people weren't ready"...so instead of dismissing in the interest of justice, the sovereign citizens of the city of NT (public servants violating their oath of office) dismissed the case because they think they are the people and not public servants when they are working in their official capacity.
Trial #5?
Summary: On 8/22/24 per the Gregorian Calendar (instilled by the Pope which isn't a Christian) at around 4:50-5pm...I was pulled over by Officer Retzlaff of the City of Corfu police after I successfully completed a legal pass per VTL standards on the road. During the pass, which was done based on the motorist ahead of me going 5-7mph under the speed limit consistently without any obstructions causing their slow speed, I not only noticed the oncoming patrol car in the opposite lane (a distance away, but notable given I had to ensure I accelerated fast enough to past the other vehicle and turn back into the lane prior to a collision), as well as noticed the possibility of the other vehicle increasing their speed as I attempted to pass; hence "forcing" me to accelerate well beyond normal speeds to ensure a successful pass without incident (aka I hit the gas and saw that I hit around 50mph or so when I pulled back into my lane). The patrol car, which should have been well aware that I was passing and hence hitting high speeds for a reason...decided to pull me over anyway despite it being a legal pass; which makes the stop even by secular standards unlawful detention. I asserted my immunity and my rights, told the officer he didn't have the authority, advised of hate crimes, title 18 section 241 & 242, was threatened when I initially refused to give up my 4th amendment right with obstruction (penal code 195.05) when no crime was committed, and hence no ID required which likewise violated penal code 195.00 - official misconduct to which he was also advised of as well as Article 15 Section 290 of the EXC code which states it's his responsibility to protect our rights. I gave him my ID under duress (which violated other penal codes as well as title 18 section 241 for him to coerce me into compliance); was never asked for my name or anything as an alternative, and he stated he didn't have a body cam...so I recorded the incident myself after he went back to the patrol car. He did cite my which is likewise a violation of penal code 195.00 and the video shows what I did next; basically ripping him and his accomplice on the side of the road for violating penal code 195.00, article 135 - unlawful detention, Title 18 Section 241, 242, 2381, 2382, 2383, and 2384...asking them why they weren't writing themselves up for the crimes they were committing.