I've been procrastinating a lot when it comes to updating the website, however that's normal over the summer. A lot has been going on online with TikTok, and YouTube...so I've been trying to organize as much as possible while still spreading the truth and word of YAH.
The trials are pretty much up with virtually all of the information, to which I'm going to try to finish the 5th trial that may happen in Corfu, NY tonight. I still have to breakdown a few of the NYS codes, and reorganize the historical documents side. I'm going to try to break everything down constitutionally on the federal as well as state levels to make the site a good resource for anybody in every state. The most prominent codes that people should be aware of are Title 18 Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights, 242 - Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law, and in the case of religious freedom...249 - Hate Crimes. When your rights are violated, it's also an act of treason against the United States under Title 18 Section 2381, Misprision of Treason under 2382, Rebellion or Insurrection under 2383, and Seditious Conspiracy under 2384. All of those codes apply equally to judges, the police, district attorneys, city attorneys etc...as well as forensic psychiatrists and any other government witness against you in a court of law whom, if they don't have an oath of office themselves...they have a superior in their department that does have an oath of office and takes responsibility for their actions. The rights of the people supersede state and federal authority. Knowing your rights and how to assert them ensures that the state can't violate your rights under any pretense. NYS Codes that anybody within the state should be aware of: Article 2 Section 2 of the CVR (Civil Rights Code) Article 15 Section 290 of the EXC (Executive Code) PEN 135.00 - Unlawful detention PEN 135.60 - Coercion in the 3rd Degree PEN 135.65 - Coercion in the 1st Degree PEN 195.00 - Official Misconduct PEN 485.00 - Hate Crimes Hate crimes on the state level are dealt with by the state police. Hate Crimes as well as Conspiracy Against Rights and Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law are handled by the FBI, and you can file your complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights. When it comes to hate crimes, the state can't tell you what's right or wrong as if it violates your religious freedom and you haven't done anything that directly violates somebody else's rights (their property, not their feelings), then the state has no authority over you can can't control your actions. Shalom, Rick E aka Obadyah - "Servant of YAH"
I've had this site for well over a decade now, however I've done very little with it given the various dynamics of my life and my aspirations. Now that it's become increasingly more abundantly clear to me how our republic is being converted into a democracy; where feelings supersede anything rational; I feel compelled to get as much as possible in writing and available to the majority to not only substantiate the truth, but help those that are being oppressed by the tyranny of the emotionally unstable.
You can find my own "altercation" with the Police here, where I asserted my rights with impunity (something everybody should do). Unfortunately liberals aka democrats utilize conjecture to subjugate the rights of others (as written would happen in The Federalist Papers which can also be found on the site). Both Republicans as well as Democrats have their issues; both sides have Christian principles, and both sides likewise find ways to violate the laws of YAHWEH in favor of their vanity. That said, this sites primary purpose was to promote the truth of YAHWEH's divinity, and broadcast what it truly means to be a Christian. As such,. I'm going to be constantly updating the "religious" portion of the site to validate just how Modern Christians (Catholic nor Protestant) are actually Christian, and likewise how Orthodox Jews (Ashkenazi or Sephardic) aren't actually Jews given both dynamics don't follow the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). I'm a fomer member of a Black Hebrew Israelite church, and although they were much more KNOWLEDGABLE about the 10 commandments than any other church...the 10 commandments are indiscriminate. The leader of the church has to be without fault (not breaking the commandments), otherwise they become a false prophet if they get rebuked, and fail to acknowledge the rebuke (if the rebuke is justified). In my case, I was rebuking some of the "brothers", and in turn the Paqad aka Pastor openly proclaimed that "only a black man can understand the 10 commandments". That said, it was apparent where his heart truly lied, and likewise given he considered it "disrespectful" for me to wear normal clothes rather than a suit and tie to church...that violated the Royal Law per James 2. I'm not perfect, hence why I don't lead a church. I am, however, I prophet...under Ephesians 4:11 (a part of the 5 fold ministry). I have my faults, however I keep my faults hidden from the public eye as I work diligently everyday to get better...the true mark of a Christian (being humble). That said, if anything is written that can be verifiably proven to be inaccurate, I encourage anybody to let me know so I can rectify the situation. I try to ensure that there are no mistakes, however I do tend to go on tangents and make typos or remember things inaccurately at times...hence why I also have this site to reflect on what the actual truth is rather than what I recall it to be. Anybody can be a part of the chosen; there is no Jew, no Gentile, no male, nor female...however it requires obedience to YAHWEH and his commandments. This site will be worked on diligently as often as possible throughout almost everyday...with obvious exceptions. One portion will deal with the secular laws, and helping others assure our freedom in the United States; another portion will deal with "Religion"...breaking down history and how things have been distorted throughout time making Christianity religion rather than History. Then there will be the "scientific" side of the website utilizing actual science rather than theoretical science to substantiate what most perceive to be reality, however is based more in fantasy (like religion). My focus will be not only to substantiate why the "BIg 3" (Modern Christianity, Orthodox Judaism, and Ishmaelites aka Muslims) are wrong in their observance of the "Abrahamic" faiths (all 3 acknowledge YahShua, and likewise denounce what he preached); but to also validate beyond a reasonable doubt that modern science has become a religion in and of itself...not focused on the benefit of humanity, but utilized to keep people submissive to a perceived authority. Historically governments have utilized conjecture to obtain/maintain dominance under a variety of different pretenses; primarily distorting history and broadcasting fables to maintain control over the populous. In similar fashion, under the pretense of science and hence supremacy...conjecture is utilized to keep the people submissive to a government that doesn't work for their benefit, but for their own. Corrupt people will always lead corrupt governemnts. It's the purpose of a true Christian to not be corrupt...by not favoring any 1 person over anybody else. It doesn't matter how much a person knows, how wealthy they are, etc...all that truly matters is how they treat others. Love thy neighbor as thyself (5 of the 10 commandments), and the other 5 deal with ensuring people are focused on loving each other, not worshipping false gods, and protecting the well-being of YAHWEH's creation. It's in that essence that a true Christian loves unconditionally, and is patient knowing that we weren't born perfect. Likewise we don't make up excuses for hating anybody. Please be patient with me as I update the site to provide more details on how you can take back your own life, and hopefully become a part of the family of Elohiym. Opposes, looks like calling out a Nazi for making prejudiced comments is against facebooks Nazi standards….you can’t call out Nazis for being Nazis, it hurts their feelings too much.
The focus of this site is to bring light where darkness looms. Most in modern times in what they perceive to be an Age of Enlightenment are still living in the dark ages; hence this post.
What are the Nephilim? Nephilim in Hebrew means giant, and per the Bible they are the “sons of Anak”. Some people like the Ancient Astronaut Theorists and those studying the books of Enoch try to utilize concepts from the Bible such as “the sons of god took on wives of the daughters of men”, and how the book of Enoch speaks of angels mating with humans to justify the misconception that there’s an “alien” (angel) human hybrid race. The Ancient Astronaut theorists call them Nephilim and focus on giants historically. Andre the giant was a “giant” in modern times; tall people still do exist. What they don’t understand is that the ancient astronaut theorists stem from NASA, and the Nazis were granted asylum in the US and became a part of NASA. The Nazis believed the exact same concept, and called it the Arian race. They called the “angels” the Anunaki from Planet X beyond Pluto that populated the world starting with Adam and eventually creating the hybrid race from the Sumerians…hence the “Arian” race. The ancient astronaut theorists, however, now call them Nephilim. The reality is in the versus. Most utilize the English translation of the Bible exclusively to justify their position, so when creation took place and it referenced “us”,, they begin to wonder why it’s plural not understanding the term Elohiym. Elohiym is YAHWEH and his family; at the time just the elect “angels” (messengers) that were obedient to him. They would be “aliens” because the earth was created after their existence…they weren’t born on earth. Now, when it talks about the “sons of god” it’s likewise referring to Elohiym…which then included men that were obedient to YAHWEH…not “angels”, but in biblical context they are aliens because they don’t live for this world, but the next. Sometimes they reference how in numbers the 12 spies were sent into Canaan to confront the Nephilim as justification that this “hybrid” race wasn’t destroyed in the flood. Joshua the son of nun and Caleb came back with positive reports that Israel could overcome the Nephilim, however the 10 other spies (1 from each of the other 10 tribes) came back with negative reports that they were too big, and Israel wouldn’t win. As punishment for their lack of faith, YAHWEH lead them around in the desert for 40 years to kill off the faithless generation. Joshua is actually YahShua which means YAH saves…he came from the tribe of Judah. ultimately YahShua lead Israel into the promised land after the death of Moshe. Likewise, “Jesus” wasn’t the name of “Christ”…it was YahShua…the very same from the Old Testament (Torah). YahShua came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and proclaimed “salvation is of the Jews” per John 4:22 with Romans 2 clarifying that a Jew isn’t one by heredity, but by obedience to the Torah (the 10 commandments). Modern Christians nor Orthodox Jews follow the Torah…they follow the vain traditions of men. As such, they’re the children of HaShatan per YahShua. Those obedient to the Torah by heart become children of YAHWEH, and hence become a part of Elohiym. There’s no heaven, nor hell. Those obedient to the Torah will live in the new Jerusalem per Revelations 21 whereas the rest will die in the lake of fire for a permanent death…no eternal torture, just permanent non-existence. Hence, the “sons of god” are in reality the “sons of YAH”, like YahShua, which anyone can be. The alien concept is biblically based because Elohiym doesn’t live for this world, but the next per Revelations 21 where there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Heaven is the sky, with those believing that if you have faith alone, that’s where you will go when you die. That’s Babylonian nonsense instilled into Christianity by Constantine when he changed the sabbath to SunDay (a literal day to worship the sun) which he took from the Egyptians whom took it from the Babylonians. Nimrod and Semiramis founded babylon. Nimrod was worshipped as the sun god Baal, and Semiramis was worshipped as Ishtar, the “Queen of heaven”. Tammuz was born after nimrods death and was worshipped as his reincarnation. The Egyptians took their sun god worship from them, and hence why modern Christians following the vain traditions of men worship on “SunDay”. This is all FACT; not opinion. Opinion is “I think”; this is historically verifiable fact. Given this blog post was made to refute those that want to proclaim the whole Nazi hybrid agenda, you can deny it but facts don’t change to suit your feelings. You can believe what you want, but I don’t waste my time with nonsense and you’ll get blocked if you respond with ignorant propaganda. In modern society, as my other post indicates; people are more followers than leaders. This is one of my websites and it’s dedicated primarily to the illusions people follow based on “religious” dogma, however when I link out the blog post validating the ignorance of the democrats with their affiliation with the KKK and Jim Crow laws…some try to demerit it because I said literal facts that the Bible is a literal history book, or that the website mentions the Bible at all.
They immediately go into their prejudice mode and ignorantly pawn of their ill conceived perceptions on me, not realizing I went to college for engineering and don’t follow the dogma of “science” nor “religion”. The concept that the Bible is a “religion” is just asinine given no other written documents have a timeline that can be validated; instead they have a lot of asinine speculation of events that are completely imaginary without any scientific evidence at all. In this sense, “science” has become a religion of its own; filled with myths that people blindly follow because they’re not intelligent enough to find the irrational ideologies less than credible…having more merit in trying to “fight the church” than to find truth and reality. For instance, people in modern times still proclaim events happened hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago…but where’s the “science” that validates those comments beyond “because this man/woman said it, they have a Ph.D., and hence they know more”? The science doesn’t exist because the numbers are just drawn out of a hat and changed based on who makes them up because there is inconsistency even in the lie. When dinosaur bones were found; radioactive carbon dating and radiometric dating didn’t even exist, yet it was proclaimed openly how the dinosaurs lived, what they ate, and how long ago they lived. There’s no “science” to that at all…just statements and stories told by people that had an agenda. Decades later, the referred to methods came into being, and yet radioactive carbon dating is still limited to a few thousand years (not millions), and can only date organic material (which dinosaur bones are not). Radiometric dating is highly speculative and not a definitive method to date anything. So even in modern times with all of our advanced technology…we still don’t have a “scientific” method to date anything beyond a few thousand years…yet the stories are still told as if they’re factual when they’re mere fantasy. Some animals have been declared by “scientists” to not have been in existence for hundreds of thousands of years, with many other animals evolving from them…yet they have been found alive and well in the modern world in an un-evolved state. Likewise some dinosaurs were thought to exist for decades if not longer only to be found that “ooops…we mixed up the bones and that dinosaur didn’t exist at all, those bones belonged to this other dinosaur.” For anyone that watches the History Channel with the Ancient Astronaut Theorists…it’s quite possible that Native American art history validates the co-existence of humans with dinosaurs. You can even find reference to a “behemoth” in the book of Job with traits similar to that of a dinosaur (back then the word dinosaur didn’t exist). The point of this website is to go through history and validate everything historically; to provide a true education for the rational rather than people that think they know more. Facts are beyond refute, and irrational to argue. Shalom. In today's society, no different than how it was thousands of years ago; we have people fighting for dominance and supremacy under pretense of equality and 'science". There are colleges and others that use the term "racism' openly, while they themselves neglect their own racism.
Race is a superficial construct orchestrated by those whom want to obtain or maintain dominance. For instance 'white people' or 'black people' comments are comments made stereotypically to portray that everybody of the same "color" should either unite together, are prone to standard traits or values (or in some cases should), or for political posturing. For anyone that's actually not superficial and is literate; the Bible is a literal history book with a verifiable timeline. Names such as "Eve", "Jesus', and pretty much every name of the book has been modified throughout the ages not only to slight "Christians', but to help maintain dominance over the chosen. Perception isn't reality, and most are easily deceived; just following the crowd and dogma rather than searching for truth and reality. In American politics, in modern times we have Democrats that historically supported the KKK and instilled Jim Crow laws using peer pressure and bribery to obtain the "black' vote. If a "black' person doesn't comply to their irrational ideologies, they'll shun and put them down using psychological/sociological pressure to push them into 'following the crowd". You can find this kind of dogma being utilized in the media, or even normal TV shows such as "The Good Doctor' or 'Saturday Night Live'. During the pandemic (which most notably killed the elderly more than anybody else), it was constantly brought up in the media on how the virus was "racist"; proclaiming openly that it disproportionately was infecting "black" people. Now, if the genetic makeup of "black" people were different than any other person, and hence making them more prone to infection...I could see the scientific merit in such a proclamation as then the scientists might want to take a look more in depth as to how the virus is transmitted and what particular genes are being infected versus how they are with everybody else; it's only logical deduction. However, in this case, similar to "The Good Doctor" and "Saturday Night Live" - where I just recently watched a few skits in Season 46 Episode 15 that was basically putting heat on "black" people for not wanting to take the vaccine...making them seem "stupid"...going so far as to literally offer them $500-$5000 to take the vaccine, and have them refuse with the only "sensible" argument being "Tuskegee"...referencing historically how the government infected "black" people with the virus intentionally through trials - it's just further bigotry and literal antisemitism trying to justify condescending them for exercising their civil right. When it comes to a civil right, it's a right granted by the Constitution, and not a revocable privilege. In "The Good Doctor", similar to the skits on SNL dealing with the vaccine, you have the newer resident that's a "black" female "Christian" (Jordan) dealing with having to perform a procedure (abortion) to obtain that training. Although the grounds for her not being willing stem beyond the "religious", having had an abortion herself, it's only trying to mitigate the mentality of society at large where doctors are being forced to perform abortions against their will with repercussions ensuing if they refuse for "religious" purposes. The episode (Season 4 Episode 6) is trying to break the "glass ceiling" and instill literal racist bigotry into society and obtain conformity while psychologically conditioning their "viewership" to think it's "ok" to demerit someone on their principles to obtain your objective because you're doing it for a "good" cause. The argument the episode makes is "what if you HAVE to perform the procedure to save the person's life?"...which has been the Democrat perspective for quite some time...focus on the minority of abortions legitimate reason for having an abortion...to "save the mothers life" to try to justify generalized abortions for everybody that murder more babies in a single year within the United States alone (let alone the world) that have presently died from COVID-19. Not only that, but Democrats are pushing for Medicare for All, and want abortions included in Medicare. A lot of Democrats don't know their own parties initiatives and motives, and when I use the term "Medicare for All", they assume I'm using my own terms and not theirs claiming "how many elderly are going to have an abortion?"...assuming that their own party isn't using the term at all to try to push healthcare for all. It's historical fact and easily googled to find that it's factual. So when Democrats cry about how Republicans are like Nazi's and are racist, especially if you're an uneducated "Christian'; their attacks are literally focused on demeriting the teaching of YahShua, a "black' Jew that proclaimed 'salvation is of the Jews" (John 4:22) with Romans 2 clarifying that a Jew isn't one by heredity, but by obedience to the Torah. In the Torah, you not only have the 10 commandments with 'thou shalt not murder' being one, but also a section that deals with people interrupting a pregnancy specifically. For those that proclaim the Civil Rights act of 1964 or 1968 changed the course of Democrats with Republicans swinging to become the party of bigoted racists...they neglect the fact that "religion" is inclusive with those rights, and the Democrats persistent "hippie" love movement isn't about love at all; it's about getting what you want at the expense of society. David Duke, former KKK grand wizard and blatant racist, ran for positions in government under the Democrat ticket long after those acts were implemented. He's literal proof that contrary to what Democrats want others to believe, the roles of the Democrats with their Jim Crow laws haven't switched to Republicans, as although eventually David Duke ran on the Republican ticket for president, he claimed to have stopped being racist at the time and was a "born again Christian"...that only gives credence to the idea that "Christianity" isn't about racist bigotry...why else would he make such a bold proclamation? That's not to say that modern Christians aren't racist like the majority of society, and are more followers than leaders...but modern science and political dogma isn't any better. A true Christian by biblical standards would be a Jew; not by heredity, but by obedience to the Torah. When Democrats argue the 1st amendment separation of church and state; it's politics and literal racism, trying to justify murder and bigotry and perpetuation of lies and confusion for their own merits...not to the benefit of "society" nor "the people", but to their own benefit. Any attack on true Christianity is truly an attack on true equality where the same rules apply to everybody without exception, and anti-semitic in nature. If they weren't bigots, and were about diversity; then why is so much false "science" and other dogma utilized to try to sway people from following what they believe in in order to obtain their own desires? The modern Democratic Party isn't any different, nor any better than it was when they made Jim Crow laws...they're just trying to use emotional manipulation and people's literal hate for "Christianity" that wasn't truly Christian in nature to obtain their objective of hatred towards "black" people and more specifically...the true Jews. A true Jew wears an incorruptible crown; being completely obedient to the Torah at all times with no bias nor favoritism. Love is clearly defined with 5 of the 10 commandments (no murder, no adultery, no theft, no coveting, no bearing false witness) with the majority that contest the Bible trying to justify their hate under the pretense of it being love in order to be disobedient to one of those 5 commandments. The other 5 focus on not worshipping anything other than YAHWEH whom created us all (hence why "Eve's" name is actually Chawah...which means "mother of all"); putting focus on everybody with us being created in his image. There is no "black" nor "white", as we all look like he does. Honoring your Father (YAHWEH) and your mother (elder women obedient to the Torah), keeping the sabbath holy (unique) - take 1 day off a week where you don't do any work, focuses on feeding everybody, with everybody having to work to get their food (daily wages are paid regardless of how much work a person performs on that day...no oppression...unlike modern times where people are paid weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly, etc etc etc...) to mitigate our "poverty" crisis (where the democrats try to use capitalistic endeavors that their own constituents employ for their own merit). The love of a saint is unconditional, with no favoritism played...no matter how much anybody hates us, we love everybody. Respect isn't freely given, it's earned, and anybody can be a Jew through obedience. In today's society, much like people have acted historically, everybody wants to play "God" (YAHWEH), "respect" is considered compliance with their demands, and love has become hate and vice versa. YahShua is the king of kings and lord of lords; glory HalleluYAH. Shalom. In todays world, the majority fight with the saints of Elohiym in light of their own vanity. Hate speech has been redefined much like how December has been historically to fit the ill conceived notions of society rather than reality. In American law, hate speech could be considered more a matter of defamation, slander, or libel with other derivatives, however in America (the United States), most ignore those laws and consider hate speech to mean whatever offends them. Likewise we have social media sites that condemn what they perceive as hate speech, which in turn is actually a violation of those laws when words are taken out of context, and in turn acting like they are the "authority".
I'm not one that will try to cover up my mistakes or faults; pointing fingers at others for my own actions. Instead, I'll let anyone know exactly what I did and let them make assumptions for themselves, however keep in mind this only validates biblical merit rather than taking away from it. Biblically, with the 10 commandments, "love thy neighbor as thyself" is referring to 5 of the 10 commandments, with "hate speech" being defined as "bearing false witness against thy neighbor". Virtually anybody would agree (whether you listen to secular music, read secular books, etc etc etc) that even without holding a bible in your hand, having someone lie about you behind your back or to your face that causes some form of consequence either socially or monetarily leads to a lot of problems. The Bible isn't needed for the majority to make that assessment, however many hypocritically will do it either to promote their own goals/agendas hoping that they won't get caught with a society eager to make accusations of violations more anonymous rather than in full view. Although anonymity has some merit to avoid retaliation in most cases given the state of our current society, if people were more adherent to "loving thy neighbor", then that retaliation wouldn't be condoned...instead we see hypocrites leading hypocrites giving the green light to transgress not only American law, but allowing others the right to equally trespass on others (aka bullying or walk all over them) in order to obtain their own objectives. With this in mind, I "slap" at Facebook with this post mostly due to their hypocrisy in enforcing their own community standards. During one conversation I had about abortion during the early stages of the "pandemic" when the democrats were screaming about how Trump did little to nothing to stop it, how he has blood on his hands etc...I brought up how they similarly don't care for human life and consider it a female right for women to murder babies at a much higher rate...eh, I called someone being an ignorant bully a libtard a few times and received 2 "citations" from Facebook for violating their standards. Whatever...it's their platform, they can do as they will and although what I said was factual (he was making a lot of retarded comments)...I let it slide. I, in turn, was able to validate that Facebook wasn't being hypocritical at the time because I was able to report other users within that same string of comments for their "transgressions" and noted that Facebook took appropriate action. Now, it should be noted that in conversation when people make stupid statements that are bearing false witness (literal hate speech), I use the term "retarded" liberally to refer to their comments as being asinine. Make sure you read that right...I am referring to their comments, not them as a person which would be calling them mentally handicapped such as someone with downs syndrome which, if anyone truly knew me, knows that I put little emphasis on knowledge than I do matters of the heart (hence this website and finding truth over just me trying to put merit into my own ideas). So the next time I got my warning from Facebook, and put into Facebook "jail" for the first time...I take that in stride because I knew it was going to happen, and I knew what I said was against facebook community standards. The person that was making retarded comments was twisting my proper use of the word to try to insinuate that I was mocking people that were mentally handicapped (which is hate speech against me), and eventually when she kept posting a meme that said "anything else" for literally no reason as I stopped talking to her completely...I said that she was retarded, got put in facebook jail, and slapped her with a few warnings from Facebook as well as the other party that thought they had me on something as well, only to find themselves warned by Facebook for not following their guidelines. At least that proved to me that facebook was not being hypocritical, so no harm, no foul. Their definition of hate speech just puts merit in my proclamation similar to YahShua of "forgive them father, for they know not what they do". That said, here's the parts where Facebook deviated from their rigorous endeavors to eliminate their version of "hate speech" and began being more hypocritical. Not long after Biden was affirmed as the president, I made a comment to a democrat/liberal in regards to "retardation" (slowing progress); utilizing the word properly and not calling him a retard in any way/shape/form, and yet even after appeal to Facebook I was put in Facebook jail for making a legitimate comment under pretense that their perception of the context of my use of the word superseded my proper use of the word....I likewise noted that although a liberal called me a Trumptard (which is hate speech in the sense that I haven't voted in 20 years and don't support any secular government...hence this page as the saints...the elect of Elohiym are the government given authority under YAHWEH) I was cited twice for calling a liberal a libtard twice in the same "argument"...whereas Facebook, when the comment was reported, said that it didn't violate their community standards...so basically now it's ok for a liberal to call someone (a Jew in my case) a trumptard, and yet if anyone calls them a libtard they would be in violation of community standards. Now, it's safe to note that people are people and I don't know the internals of how things work at Facebook...whether a person monitors those statements themselves or some sort of AI does it for them. Given the amount of users throughout the world etc...I'm sure AI is utilized, and if a "liberal" is behind the keyboard making those decisions, they may be slanted and prone to bias. This in turn only further validates Biblical standards as hate speech on any level is not condoned; whether it's the pastor, teacher, mother, sister, brother, etc...the rules apply to everybody equally...there is no bias. The next time I made a comment when the whole argument between AOC and Ted Cruz was going on with AOC making false accusations against Ted Cruz in regards to him inciting violence at the capital etc...and then trying to excuse her bad behavior with "I was raped!....to justify her fear and need for further security while she in turn hypocritically didn't try to help Americans that were being pestered by BLM protestors etc...and defending themselves justifiably likewise only to further her "I'm a victim!" status in order to victimize everybody else in process. Ted, in this case, was the victim with her literal hate speech which she historically spoke out against, but hey...she's a politician and a woman...so believe her and just accept her faults without any form of repercussion like any standard hypocrite. I made a general statement on a liberal forum speaking about this very principle of "believing her" that nobody (all inclusive...not any one person better than another) should be taken at their word and didn't even reference any form of rape etc...and yet...violation against facebook standards and put in jail for 7 days for something that a lot of people would agree didn't violate their standards at all, and even on appeal was neglected. Ah, the hypocrisy of allowing one form of hate and condescending others based on pretense of knowledge rather than actual knowledge. Welcome to the world of the supremacist. Now, the last time and current reason I'm in jail is because I LOVE picking at my cousin. I agree that she may have been down and out at the moment, but we have a history of my picking at her when she's down and out to get her in a fighting spirit again....so my comment was doing just that with "you're happy whenever I punch you in the face"....boom, facebook jail for 30 days for picking at my own cousin which she historically laughed at, and in fact sent a text later that same day saying the same thing because, ding ding ding....I have her phone number and can do things without needing facebook as the middle man. 30 days in facebook jail for the comment and a newfound determination to create my own social network that doesn't sell information to other companies, with more privacy in mind, and where hate speech isn't limited to perception but rather "is it true, or false?" Unfortunately if I were to enforce it it would have to be based on AI, but the easiest way to enforce it would simply be the ability for users to hide statements that offend them, or delete them no different than the current facebook model if the comment is made on their own page/comment. I might even make it impossible for others to "like" comments purely because people are crowd followers as proven historically as well as present day, and some people make comments merely to get those likes...which literally promotes true bullying. We'll see how things turn out...for now...I finally blogged for the first time on my site since inception many years ago...which shows signs of how things are already changing...at least for me. Shalom. |
AuthorAll the glory belongs to YAHWEH. Archives
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