What most don't realize given the constant propaganda and rhetoric from the "scientific" community as well as the "religious" community is that the Bible is not a fairy tale full of stories, but rather a literal history book. It's "Holy" (unique) because it's about YAHWEH. The truth was not given to everybody...the truth was given to Israel through their obedience to YAHWEH.
The main difference between the Bible and any other "religion" (science inclusive) is that it has a verifiable timeline through heredity and world events. "Science" utilizes methods such as radiometric dating and radioactive carbon dating to try to get an estimate for a timeframe as to when something was created; a method that a lot of people believe was utilized to help them determine that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. What they don't realize is that the stories that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago (what they ate, how they lived etc...) have no basis in science at all...the bones were discovered and then stories told to gain interest to gain funding. There was no "scientific" method performed to validate their assessments...radioactive carbon dating nor radiometric dating didn't even exist until decades later. The stories were just stories told, and even with the advent of radioactive carbon dating...it's still not possible to date dinosaur bones to millions of years ago primarily because radioactive carbon dating can only date organic material, and dinosaur bones are inorganic. Even if dinosaur bones were organic, and therefore could be subject to radioactive carbon dating methods...radioactive carbon dating is only reliable to a few thousand years...not millions. Those whom know this argue the method of radiometric dating, however this is a misdirection technique as well as if anybody assessed how radiometric dating works...it's highly speculative and not a definitive method to date anything. Anyone serious about striving to obtain the truth would note that this is completely accurate and easily verifiable with simple research.
That said, the premise of a Messianic Jew is to strive to obtain the truth. The truth is the 10 commandments,, which is in itself a double edged sword. Those whom think they wield said sword can't be trusted themselves, and it cuts both ways. I, personally, am not completely compliant, however perfection can be obtained through YahShua's example. Biblically I'm also justified not being a member of any "church" because the leaders of the church are equally accountable to those same rules, and if they do not want to uphold those values, then not only they are considered to be false prophets biblically, but also those that follow them. Hence, if anybody wants to be a member of any church...you can go to learn, take things like a grain of salt, and weigh them against scripture to ensure that the people they are congregating with are being taught those proper 10 values, and those 10 values from the leadership (aka the 5 fold ministry) are adhered to without excuse.