Blacks Law - 4th Edition
USURPATION. The unlawful assumption of the
use of property which belongs to another; an
interruption or the disturbing a man in his right
and possession. Tomlins.
The unlawful seizure or assumption of sovereign
power; the assumption of government or supreme
power by force or illegally, in derogation of the
constitution and of the rights of the lawful ruler.
"Usurpation" for which writ of prohibition may be
granted involves attempted exercise of power not possessed
by inferior officer.
USURPATION. The unlawful assumption of the
use of property which belongs to another; an
interruption or the disturbing a man in his right
and possession. Tomlins.
The unlawful seizure or assumption of sovereign
power; the assumption of government or supreme
power by force or illegally, in derogation of the
constitution and of the rights of the lawful ruler.
"Usurpation" for which writ of prohibition may be
granted involves attempted exercise of power not possessed
by inferior officer.