Follow-up email to City Attorney - 5/29/23
This email was sent to the city attorney after I didn't receive a response from him the first time. I did provide a "plea offer" to the city...which was more than reasonable...however received no response. In response, as I gave it 10 days, I ultimately filed the complaint with the Federal Division of Civil Rights to ensure that my complaint would be heard. Given during the interaction, the police ignored my rights completely...I wasn't going to file a complaint with the police department as I didn't see it as going anywhere, so I wanted to ensure that my complaint was heard, and to get ahead of the curve if they decide to attack me for their civil rights violations.
re__recent_citations_-_civil_rights_violations.msg |
To Email Addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]
From Email Address: [email protected]
An update to the email originally sent; I still whole heartedly and under penalty of perjury believe my civil rights were violated, a true Christian, I sent a message to the police giving them back their immunity from criminal/civil penalties based on true Christian protocol where it clearly indicates to do good to those that harm and persecute you. In my "haste", I was not compliant with my own values due primarily to being up for nearly 30 hours at the time the email was sent to you, and having spent most of the time literally stranded in north Tonawanda with no vehicle, and no access to my phones at all to contact family given my phones were left in the impounded rental car, and as such, I wasn't able to get them back until around 8am the following morning based on company policy that inhibited the driver from returning to the impound lot himself to give me my phones.
That said, the police did let me know where I might find a phone to make a call, however with the current state of technology, I honestly don't know a single phone number of any of my family members as I don't dial by number, but by name in my contacts. The benefits of modern technology, right?
When I was informed of this by the driver, I had faith in YAHWEH, left the fastrak and YAHWEH provided for me; a group of guys had their garage door open with food (I was hungry), took me in and let me use the phone for a little bit to try to use the internet on their phone to contact family. Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact anybody directly, however word went out and my brother called my phone (which was still in the impound vehicle). Given the time of night, and my natural love for the outdoors and survival instincts; I made my way back out in the cold with a hoodie provided by the men, some food, and some water with directions to the impound lot...and basically walked the streets for the night; stopping for a few hours here or there to try to rest under a tree, being discreate in relieving myself, and going to the 7-11 to warm up when it got too cold.
Eventually I got my phones etc...and hence the message where I was legitimately concerned and upset at the circumstances. I don't hold grudges; it's against my religion. Given all that, which I assure you isn't a "pity party" "woe is me", explanation, as (even though it was my birthday which I don't celebrate - I'm not any better than anybody else), I'm the type that likes to look at the benefits of everything and see how it helps more than it hinders. Through the experience, I hopefully opened the eyes of some of the officers that I wasn't acting like a state national nor a sovereign citizen as they may have suspected, but as a Messianic Jew given authority under YAHWEH to preach to the masses and hopefully bring them to the light and truth (maybe give them some understanding for the next time they encounter a messianic Jew).
I haven't always been a messianic Jew, however I have always been an equalist...understanding the dynamics of true Christianity being that there is no male, no female, no jew, nor's about equality under the law without discrimination. It's based on this that I'm so adamant, as the majority of all religions are derivative, however they are not true Christianity. As somebody that was raised Baptist, had "heathen" for a family, have a dad that is very intelligent that proclaimed that he was part of Mensa back in the day etc...I am blessed to have the heathen family that I have as it helped me learn true equality. I love and treat everybody like family, however I also don't trust anybody and hence I'm very "scientifically" inclined; pursuing truth and knowledge rather than my own benefit and vanity.
As such, that's why I can easily debunk evolution theory and the big bang theory; not because I'm a "creationalist" that has a "mental health issue", but as somebody that is exceptionally mathematically inclined and see the fallacies of the logic; and hence found that the majority of it is a pretense of science, rather than actual science. It's just as dogmatic as modern Christianity/Orthodox Judaism.
A portion of my family was impacted emotionally by what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge, which helped push a certain initiative, however I didn't find out that Ruby Ridge was about Messianic Jews until maybe 3-5 years ago (Cornell University biology syllabus I read online once was openly teaching that western Christianity is racist; Janet Reno went to did Fauci...and my ex girlfriend. My uncle, whom has passed away about 1.5 years ago now...was 1st Sargant military police where, after the VA decided to move the Enterprise Service Desk elsewhere (a position I held with the federal security clearance of high security public trust) he offered me a position given his connections as a part of the military police...I declined for the same principles as I'm indicating to you now.
Although I could have had a great deal of benefits etc...I don't follow secular law, and hence wouldn't feel comfortable enforcing it. That said, I understand the purpose of street signs and regulations; this isn't a matter of that at all, however given the recent dynamics with mask/vaccine mandates and me knowing whole heartedly that democrats were NOT following the science (I can provide evidence under penalty of perjury). Although I entertained the aspects of the 9th amendment provided by what the police might consider to be sovereign citizens that utilize case law under pro se litigation and win most, if not all of their cases; that’s their dynamic...I understand the need for licensing, my argument would only be the need for a person to renew the license for a fee based on the case law used to justify not needing a license. I could only imagine the damage caused by teenagers if we gave them free reign to drive any way that they want without any rules of the road. I consider it more of a "common sense" protocol than a law...a good rule of thumb. In this case, I didn't intentionally go through the stop sign at an excessive speed; I didn't see the stop sign either because the sun was in my eyes, or I saw something to the side and was ensuring safety...I'm a country boy and I'm still not quite as well adept to constant stop signs like people that were born and raised in the city; despite putting over 50,000 miles or more a year on a vehicle for the past 5-7 years in the north buffalo and surrounding areas. Nevertheless, that's not the case in point here when it comes to the obstruction charge;
When it comes to obstruction and based on my religious principles which have more basis in fact that the majority believe, I was trying the best I could to advise the officer that the name on my license isn't my name, and was somewhat annoyed as I am typically when people don't recognize that we are equal. As such, I was, in probably an irritating way, trying to calmly to the best of my ability advise him of my 1st amendment freedom of exercise where my name isn't what's written on my license, but rather I go by Obadyah...I really don't have many interactions with police at all, however based on my recent experience with the NT courts; I wanted to affirm my position outright as to avoid any complications as well as to substantiate my position that I didn't cause any harm, and hence didn't see it as a violation of the law (as you can see in my record, I do get traffic tickets and typically I plea out taking a lesser offence, however even that causes me some strife if it's not worded properly as it gives me the impression that I'm lying.) I don't like to lie under any condition; partly due to me being raised as a Baptist, but also because I've always seen it as making me less than credible...I'm not a salesman. Again, historically you can look at my record if it's still there where I pled guilty to 3 speeding tickets within an 18 month period when I was in my early twenties because I felt like I would be lying if I plead not guilty. I was speeding, give me the ticket and I'll pay the fine. With the 3rd ticket being on the 18th month precisely, I knew my license could get suspended, but hey...don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I recall even the judge basically pleading with me to withdraw my guilty plea and telling me my license could be is what it is; I did the crime, I'll do my time.
Unfortunately, and this is merely my opinion, but the police probably encounter a lot of state nationals, 1st amendment auditors, or sovereign citizens and as such, were easily annoyed too. I wasn't trying to avoid providing identification at all; I have always provided identification historically to anybody and everybody that asks; my only purpose was to assert my first amendment right which democrats have been prominently ignoring in the state these past few years with requiring the amish to vaccinate their children or face fines/school closures by Andrew Cuomo literally months prior to COVID, some Messianic Jews having issues with CPS given they were spanking their children to correct them, etc...all dynamics which seem to me to be very odd given the constitution states quite clearly that we have the freedom of exercise of religion, and although I don't denounce science (I'm a former neo-pythagorean that believed then as I still do now that there is no disparity between science and true "religion", as the bible is a literal history book that has been distorted for thousands of years due to mistranslations, the order of the books being arranged, some books being removed altogether intentionally give people that want to have authority the authority and control over the people; or as the democrats say "its' been utilized to control the people"...because it has...however that’s based primarily on people following other people rather than what has been written.
For example; John (Yochanan) 4:22..."salvation is of the Jews"
Romans 2 - summarized...a jew isn't one by heredity, but by obedience to the torah (10 commandments)
That said, again, under the penalty of perjury I can provide literal undeniable facts that validate that modern Christians aren't Christians and orthodox jews aren't jews. Christmas actually celebrates the birth of Tammuz whom was worshipped as the sun god baal (hence why modern Christians worship on SunDay...a literal day to worship the sun), and Easter celebrates his mother Semiramis aka Isthar, the "Queen of Heaven" where the concept of when you die you go to heaven comes from.
Most people follow dogma and propaganda because they still don't know any better. The push to mitigate the freedom of exercise is prominently done with the Freemason agenda whom are satanic in nature and likewise know the Torah, and utilize it to obtain their objective of a New World Order.
The biblical government is socialist, however it follows the dynamics created by YAHWEH...such as the Holy Days per Leviticus 23 which are:
Unleavened Bread
Feast of Weeks
Shavout (Pentacost)
Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)
Day of Atonement
Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
Which are all a shadow of things to come in less than 200 years. Those are the yearly Holy Days, however there's also the 7th year sabbath of the land, and the 50th year jubilee. If you look at the modern Hebrew Calendar, they call the first month Nisan which isn't biblical as the first month as written is Abib (which means to come alive), which occurs during the "Ides of March"...hence why December literally means the 10th month because even the Julian calendar was based off the biblical calendar. Likewise, Rosh Hashanah isn't the new year; its' the 1st day of the 7th month.
The relevance here is both modern Christians, and orthodox jews worship death (hence why the new year is January the middle of winter when everything is dead, and why Rosh Hashanah is around the fall and is the Orthodox Jews new year, despite being the 1st day of the 7th month; when everything is dying.)
If you understand history and the dynamics I do; most of what you think you know are fairy rales meant to keep you in check and in control. I'm not perfect, but I'm also not one that likes to lie under any condition. If I'm wrong about anything, it's usually because I haven't read enough to know where I'm wrong, or I made a typo. I encourage people to disprove me; I can't learn if somebody doesn't prove me wrong which is why I'm a Messianic Jew.
While working at Fiserv, a co-worker of mine was a Messianic Jew...a black Hebrew Israelite. He was able to prove me wrong where others couldn't, and I changed accordingly. I know about a high degree of discrimination in the workplace and otherwise that go highly against black people, which is why a lot of them "hate" can actually search on YouTube where some are out in the streets of New York screaming that Israel has been stolen from them and they want it back...these are the end of days my friend. I shit you not.
So what's the benefit you might ask of me getting treated like this? It helps me help the original Israelites that are truly waking up to reality to prevent them from going truly ballistic on the gentiles and understand that it's because they were disobedient to YAHWEH which is why they are in diaspora. I'm trying to act like a firefighter, and what better present could the police give than to act the way they did; it's all according to YAHWEH's plan. Eventually there will be a push to go back to Israel; I've been called to go to Ethiopia, reconstruct the calendar that has been decimated by gentiles for thousands of years, and help get them back on track for the return of YahShua.
If you want to jail me it...I have to love you unconditionally regardless which is common law; no murder, no theft, no adultery, no coveting, no bearing false witness in a biblical perspective...all of which are crimes and/or criminal offenses in American law. Love thy neighbor as thyself. I likewise have to love YAHWEH my Elohiym with all my heart, mind, and soul. To argue any of this is to literally tell me that I can't be a jew, and that you want to ensure I don't live forever. I can't harm you; I'm obligated to do good to those that harm me (almost like a leprechaun right?...from what I gather, that mythology could be derived from the Irish visiting a north African tribe that was short in stature with a lot of gold, and hence why there are "black" irish (irish people with pitch black hair) and why I have freckles. The irish were slaves/indentured servants in America too...and its my personal belief that the Hopi Indians may be one of the lost tribes of Israel.
We're all family, however the majority want to kill everybody for their own gain. True Christians are the light in the darkness...we don't want to hurt you, we want to help you and provide you with salvation from what's coming in revelations (the blowing of the trumpets which is the purpose of the feast of trumpets and the rest of the holy days...they're shadows of things to come.)
Richard Ewert aka Obadyah - "Servant of YAH" - TikTok - Obadyah_ if you want to verify that I'm not here to hurt you and that I try to help people understand history; that we're all family. Eve's real name was Chawah, which translates to "Mother of All".
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Ewert
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 4:05 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Recent citations - civil rights violations
I regretfully email you this information/request as I hold an expectation from public servants aka government employees to uphold their oath of office to the constitution of the United States. My case is by far not standard, as the rights I express aren’t applicable to the majority given they don’t have the same guidelines that I follow.
To clarify, I’m a messianic Jew. YahShua was a “black” Jew that proclaimed “salvation is of the Jews” per John 4:22 with Romans 2 clarifying that a Jew isn’t one by heredity, but by obedience to the Torah (10 commandments) which neither modern Christian’s nor Orthodox Jews follow (I can substantiate that claim easily with literal, undeniable facts).
Likewise, I went to college for engineering and I can debunk evolution theory as well as the Big Bang theory on purely scientific principles (I can also provide clarification upon request likewise utilizing literal, undeniable facts).
That said, I understand that I’m not the most intelligent person in the world (the booking officer corrected me when I said the police are a branch of the judicial department and proclaimed that they’re a part of the executive). I’m humble, and can admit to my own mistakes.
810488661…that’s my drivers license number and you can hopefully see any citations I’ve received historically (I typically send in the citations where it states “under penalty of perjury” and proclaim an argument about “dating” practices such as proclaiming December to be the 12th month when it literally means the 10th as a reference point for perjury…an offense Bill Clinton was impeached for.
In my case, I’m typically very cordial with the police and polite when they address me; I don’t hate anybody and I have police officers in my family (Morgan Ewert, I’m not throwing her name out there to gain any special privileges but in this case somewhat for humor given I only mentioned that to the officers to reinforce the idea that “hey, I’m on your side here too”…but they asked for her name, I gave it, they contacted her, and she told them to tell me not to ever use her name (her and I had a disagreement when she was still a teenager and I was “attacking” modern Christian’s for not actually being Christian’s given biblically there is no heaven to go to when you die (Revelations 21), which ultimately pushed back at the police officer as, it’s my constitutional 1at amendment right which is inalienable, “to have respect to persons is to commit sin” and Morgan back then was calling me out for being “disrespectful” to the family.
I don’t need to throw out names of people I know and that I’m affiliated with other than YAHWEH. He’s the ultimate law, and no other laws supersede his laws. As such, unless I cause harm to somebody or their respective property; I’m not violating a law and hence not obligated to uphold that law.
That said; I was cited for traffic violations. In course of asserting my 1st amendment immunity per the 14th amendment; the officers refused to listen that their 10th amendment authority doesn’t limit my rights where it states clearly that whatever isn’t on the federal level goes “to the state OR the people”. In process of asserting my rights, they openly and blatantly violated those rights which automatically removes their respective immunities.
So when I caused no harm to anybody with my traffic infractions (which are civil in nature), they tried to force me to produce a license (I was working commercially at the time, however the 9th amendment isn’t limited to personal use, nor is the 1st); with their blatant disregard for my rights I called 911 and provided my full “legal” name, as well as drivers license number to “satisfy” their request for my information…which is wrong given the name I was given by YAH (Obadyah), is my legal name (which in Hebrew translated to “Servant of YAH”…the only authority I recognize. Again; my first amendment right doesn’t require me to abide by secular law and change it on a license, or a formal name change request form.
Working under the color of law to violate civil rights isn’t constitutional and not supported in case law. Marbury vs Madison; if a law violates a constitutional standard, it’s automatically null and void.
Other court cases I found;
Buchanan vs Warley
Boyd vs United States
Byars vs US
Connonlly vs Union Sewer Pipe
I’m sure there are an exceptional amount out there, but those are a few to add to Marbury vs Madison.
Even Donald J Trump created an executive order to further proclaim the 1st amendment as an inalienable right not to be questioned by the government which in turn requires the Attorney General of the US to send a memorandum to the various branches of government to affirm this exact stance.
Given every state constitution recognizes the US Constitution as the supreme law of the law; my rights cannot be violated regardless of what state I live in and where I’m at at any given point in time.
That said; when I asserted my rights which were blatantly ignored and hence I was “assaulted” (I have 2 older brother; they’ve done worse)….and kidnapped with my property seized (4th amendment violation), which likewise violates the 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments which ensures EQUAL rights…the officers have no immunity and could be tried for felony treason to name a few.
Civilly; for each violation of my civil rights; I can litigate up to $10,000 for each infraction per officer, along with damages from impounding a rental vehicle which prohibited me from earning a living for 1.25 days thus far (the car can’t be retrieved by me, has to be retrieved by the rental company, the rental company typically takes longer than 5 days per the impound lot to retrieve the vehicle, and they likewise won’t allow me to exchange the vehicle or rent another until the vehicle is returned; which causes an extreme financial burden on me causing other damages which will be cited in my litigation.
As such; I need all of the names and badge numbers of each of the officers in involved in the insurrection/act of treason…I want a copy of all of the body cam footage from each of the officers which, I was told by the chief town clerk, I had to contact you for, and likewise I’d like a copy of their signed oath of office to the constitution, and their bonding agency information.
These are serious infractions; perjury was just cause to impeach Bill Clinton…violating civil rights openly and blatantly without regards to the rights of the people ignorant.
I likewise plan on contacting the police department per the chief clerk to not only make formal complaints, but likewise charge them with said crimes which aren’t civil in nature; which include potential time in prison and possibly the death penalty (as is the case with felony treason).
Personally, I’d settle for both citations which are unconstitutional to be dismissed, damages due to my inability to work while I try to obtain a replacement vehicle and subsequent charges from the towing, additional rental charges for the occurrence, and other impound fees etc which nullifies the financial impact of the circumstances because I don’t hate anybody, and people make mistakes…however making mistakes creates penalties on others and being irresponsible is unacceptable. I’ve always owned up to my mistakes and compensated accordingly; why would I expect anything less from public servants that are obligated to ensure they don’t infringe on my rights?
I’ll await your response prior to making any criminal charges.
Kind regards,
Richard Ewert aka Obadyah
Sent from my iPhone
An update to the email originally sent; I still whole heartedly and under penalty of perjury believe my civil rights were violated, a true Christian, I sent a message to the police giving them back their immunity from criminal/civil penalties based on true Christian protocol where it clearly indicates to do good to those that harm and persecute you. In my "haste", I was not compliant with my own values due primarily to being up for nearly 30 hours at the time the email was sent to you, and having spent most of the time literally stranded in north Tonawanda with no vehicle, and no access to my phones at all to contact family given my phones were left in the impounded rental car, and as such, I wasn't able to get them back until around 8am the following morning based on company policy that inhibited the driver from returning to the impound lot himself to give me my phones.
That said, the police did let me know where I might find a phone to make a call, however with the current state of technology, I honestly don't know a single phone number of any of my family members as I don't dial by number, but by name in my contacts. The benefits of modern technology, right?
When I was informed of this by the driver, I had faith in YAHWEH, left the fastrak and YAHWEH provided for me; a group of guys had their garage door open with food (I was hungry), took me in and let me use the phone for a little bit to try to use the internet on their phone to contact family. Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact anybody directly, however word went out and my brother called my phone (which was still in the impound vehicle). Given the time of night, and my natural love for the outdoors and survival instincts; I made my way back out in the cold with a hoodie provided by the men, some food, and some water with directions to the impound lot...and basically walked the streets for the night; stopping for a few hours here or there to try to rest under a tree, being discreate in relieving myself, and going to the 7-11 to warm up when it got too cold.
Eventually I got my phones etc...and hence the message where I was legitimately concerned and upset at the circumstances. I don't hold grudges; it's against my religion. Given all that, which I assure you isn't a "pity party" "woe is me", explanation, as (even though it was my birthday which I don't celebrate - I'm not any better than anybody else), I'm the type that likes to look at the benefits of everything and see how it helps more than it hinders. Through the experience, I hopefully opened the eyes of some of the officers that I wasn't acting like a state national nor a sovereign citizen as they may have suspected, but as a Messianic Jew given authority under YAHWEH to preach to the masses and hopefully bring them to the light and truth (maybe give them some understanding for the next time they encounter a messianic Jew).
I haven't always been a messianic Jew, however I have always been an equalist...understanding the dynamics of true Christianity being that there is no male, no female, no jew, nor's about equality under the law without discrimination. It's based on this that I'm so adamant, as the majority of all religions are derivative, however they are not true Christianity. As somebody that was raised Baptist, had "heathen" for a family, have a dad that is very intelligent that proclaimed that he was part of Mensa back in the day etc...I am blessed to have the heathen family that I have as it helped me learn true equality. I love and treat everybody like family, however I also don't trust anybody and hence I'm very "scientifically" inclined; pursuing truth and knowledge rather than my own benefit and vanity.
As such, that's why I can easily debunk evolution theory and the big bang theory; not because I'm a "creationalist" that has a "mental health issue", but as somebody that is exceptionally mathematically inclined and see the fallacies of the logic; and hence found that the majority of it is a pretense of science, rather than actual science. It's just as dogmatic as modern Christianity/Orthodox Judaism.
A portion of my family was impacted emotionally by what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge, which helped push a certain initiative, however I didn't find out that Ruby Ridge was about Messianic Jews until maybe 3-5 years ago (Cornell University biology syllabus I read online once was openly teaching that western Christianity is racist; Janet Reno went to did Fauci...and my ex girlfriend. My uncle, whom has passed away about 1.5 years ago now...was 1st Sargant military police where, after the VA decided to move the Enterprise Service Desk elsewhere (a position I held with the federal security clearance of high security public trust) he offered me a position given his connections as a part of the military police...I declined for the same principles as I'm indicating to you now.
Although I could have had a great deal of benefits etc...I don't follow secular law, and hence wouldn't feel comfortable enforcing it. That said, I understand the purpose of street signs and regulations; this isn't a matter of that at all, however given the recent dynamics with mask/vaccine mandates and me knowing whole heartedly that democrats were NOT following the science (I can provide evidence under penalty of perjury). Although I entertained the aspects of the 9th amendment provided by what the police might consider to be sovereign citizens that utilize case law under pro se litigation and win most, if not all of their cases; that’s their dynamic...I understand the need for licensing, my argument would only be the need for a person to renew the license for a fee based on the case law used to justify not needing a license. I could only imagine the damage caused by teenagers if we gave them free reign to drive any way that they want without any rules of the road. I consider it more of a "common sense" protocol than a law...a good rule of thumb. In this case, I didn't intentionally go through the stop sign at an excessive speed; I didn't see the stop sign either because the sun was in my eyes, or I saw something to the side and was ensuring safety...I'm a country boy and I'm still not quite as well adept to constant stop signs like people that were born and raised in the city; despite putting over 50,000 miles or more a year on a vehicle for the past 5-7 years in the north buffalo and surrounding areas. Nevertheless, that's not the case in point here when it comes to the obstruction charge;
When it comes to obstruction and based on my religious principles which have more basis in fact that the majority believe, I was trying the best I could to advise the officer that the name on my license isn't my name, and was somewhat annoyed as I am typically when people don't recognize that we are equal. As such, I was, in probably an irritating way, trying to calmly to the best of my ability advise him of my 1st amendment freedom of exercise where my name isn't what's written on my license, but rather I go by Obadyah...I really don't have many interactions with police at all, however based on my recent experience with the NT courts; I wanted to affirm my position outright as to avoid any complications as well as to substantiate my position that I didn't cause any harm, and hence didn't see it as a violation of the law (as you can see in my record, I do get traffic tickets and typically I plea out taking a lesser offence, however even that causes me some strife if it's not worded properly as it gives me the impression that I'm lying.) I don't like to lie under any condition; partly due to me being raised as a Baptist, but also because I've always seen it as making me less than credible...I'm not a salesman. Again, historically you can look at my record if it's still there where I pled guilty to 3 speeding tickets within an 18 month period when I was in my early twenties because I felt like I would be lying if I plead not guilty. I was speeding, give me the ticket and I'll pay the fine. With the 3rd ticket being on the 18th month precisely, I knew my license could get suspended, but hey...don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I recall even the judge basically pleading with me to withdraw my guilty plea and telling me my license could be is what it is; I did the crime, I'll do my time.
Unfortunately, and this is merely my opinion, but the police probably encounter a lot of state nationals, 1st amendment auditors, or sovereign citizens and as such, were easily annoyed too. I wasn't trying to avoid providing identification at all; I have always provided identification historically to anybody and everybody that asks; my only purpose was to assert my first amendment right which democrats have been prominently ignoring in the state these past few years with requiring the amish to vaccinate their children or face fines/school closures by Andrew Cuomo literally months prior to COVID, some Messianic Jews having issues with CPS given they were spanking their children to correct them, etc...all dynamics which seem to me to be very odd given the constitution states quite clearly that we have the freedom of exercise of religion, and although I don't denounce science (I'm a former neo-pythagorean that believed then as I still do now that there is no disparity between science and true "religion", as the bible is a literal history book that has been distorted for thousands of years due to mistranslations, the order of the books being arranged, some books being removed altogether intentionally give people that want to have authority the authority and control over the people; or as the democrats say "its' been utilized to control the people"...because it has...however that’s based primarily on people following other people rather than what has been written.
For example; John (Yochanan) 4:22..."salvation is of the Jews"
Romans 2 - summarized...a jew isn't one by heredity, but by obedience to the torah (10 commandments)
That said, again, under the penalty of perjury I can provide literal undeniable facts that validate that modern Christians aren't Christians and orthodox jews aren't jews. Christmas actually celebrates the birth of Tammuz whom was worshipped as the sun god baal (hence why modern Christians worship on SunDay...a literal day to worship the sun), and Easter celebrates his mother Semiramis aka Isthar, the "Queen of Heaven" where the concept of when you die you go to heaven comes from.
Most people follow dogma and propaganda because they still don't know any better. The push to mitigate the freedom of exercise is prominently done with the Freemason agenda whom are satanic in nature and likewise know the Torah, and utilize it to obtain their objective of a New World Order.
The biblical government is socialist, however it follows the dynamics created by YAHWEH...such as the Holy Days per Leviticus 23 which are:
Unleavened Bread
Feast of Weeks
Shavout (Pentacost)
Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)
Day of Atonement
Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
Which are all a shadow of things to come in less than 200 years. Those are the yearly Holy Days, however there's also the 7th year sabbath of the land, and the 50th year jubilee. If you look at the modern Hebrew Calendar, they call the first month Nisan which isn't biblical as the first month as written is Abib (which means to come alive), which occurs during the "Ides of March"...hence why December literally means the 10th month because even the Julian calendar was based off the biblical calendar. Likewise, Rosh Hashanah isn't the new year; its' the 1st day of the 7th month.
The relevance here is both modern Christians, and orthodox jews worship death (hence why the new year is January the middle of winter when everything is dead, and why Rosh Hashanah is around the fall and is the Orthodox Jews new year, despite being the 1st day of the 7th month; when everything is dying.)
If you understand history and the dynamics I do; most of what you think you know are fairy rales meant to keep you in check and in control. I'm not perfect, but I'm also not one that likes to lie under any condition. If I'm wrong about anything, it's usually because I haven't read enough to know where I'm wrong, or I made a typo. I encourage people to disprove me; I can't learn if somebody doesn't prove me wrong which is why I'm a Messianic Jew.
While working at Fiserv, a co-worker of mine was a Messianic Jew...a black Hebrew Israelite. He was able to prove me wrong where others couldn't, and I changed accordingly. I know about a high degree of discrimination in the workplace and otherwise that go highly against black people, which is why a lot of them "hate" can actually search on YouTube where some are out in the streets of New York screaming that Israel has been stolen from them and they want it back...these are the end of days my friend. I shit you not.
So what's the benefit you might ask of me getting treated like this? It helps me help the original Israelites that are truly waking up to reality to prevent them from going truly ballistic on the gentiles and understand that it's because they were disobedient to YAHWEH which is why they are in diaspora. I'm trying to act like a firefighter, and what better present could the police give than to act the way they did; it's all according to YAHWEH's plan. Eventually there will be a push to go back to Israel; I've been called to go to Ethiopia, reconstruct the calendar that has been decimated by gentiles for thousands of years, and help get them back on track for the return of YahShua.
If you want to jail me it...I have to love you unconditionally regardless which is common law; no murder, no theft, no adultery, no coveting, no bearing false witness in a biblical perspective...all of which are crimes and/or criminal offenses in American law. Love thy neighbor as thyself. I likewise have to love YAHWEH my Elohiym with all my heart, mind, and soul. To argue any of this is to literally tell me that I can't be a jew, and that you want to ensure I don't live forever. I can't harm you; I'm obligated to do good to those that harm me (almost like a leprechaun right?...from what I gather, that mythology could be derived from the Irish visiting a north African tribe that was short in stature with a lot of gold, and hence why there are "black" irish (irish people with pitch black hair) and why I have freckles. The irish were slaves/indentured servants in America too...and its my personal belief that the Hopi Indians may be one of the lost tribes of Israel.
We're all family, however the majority want to kill everybody for their own gain. True Christians are the light in the darkness...we don't want to hurt you, we want to help you and provide you with salvation from what's coming in revelations (the blowing of the trumpets which is the purpose of the feast of trumpets and the rest of the holy days...they're shadows of things to come.)
Richard Ewert aka Obadyah - "Servant of YAH" - TikTok - Obadyah_ if you want to verify that I'm not here to hurt you and that I try to help people understand history; that we're all family. Eve's real name was Chawah, which translates to "Mother of All".
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Ewert
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 4:05 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Recent citations - civil rights violations
I regretfully email you this information/request as I hold an expectation from public servants aka government employees to uphold their oath of office to the constitution of the United States. My case is by far not standard, as the rights I express aren’t applicable to the majority given they don’t have the same guidelines that I follow.
To clarify, I’m a messianic Jew. YahShua was a “black” Jew that proclaimed “salvation is of the Jews” per John 4:22 with Romans 2 clarifying that a Jew isn’t one by heredity, but by obedience to the Torah (10 commandments) which neither modern Christian’s nor Orthodox Jews follow (I can substantiate that claim easily with literal, undeniable facts).
Likewise, I went to college for engineering and I can debunk evolution theory as well as the Big Bang theory on purely scientific principles (I can also provide clarification upon request likewise utilizing literal, undeniable facts).
That said, I understand that I’m not the most intelligent person in the world (the booking officer corrected me when I said the police are a branch of the judicial department and proclaimed that they’re a part of the executive). I’m humble, and can admit to my own mistakes.
810488661…that’s my drivers license number and you can hopefully see any citations I’ve received historically (I typically send in the citations where it states “under penalty of perjury” and proclaim an argument about “dating” practices such as proclaiming December to be the 12th month when it literally means the 10th as a reference point for perjury…an offense Bill Clinton was impeached for.
In my case, I’m typically very cordial with the police and polite when they address me; I don’t hate anybody and I have police officers in my family (Morgan Ewert, I’m not throwing her name out there to gain any special privileges but in this case somewhat for humor given I only mentioned that to the officers to reinforce the idea that “hey, I’m on your side here too”…but they asked for her name, I gave it, they contacted her, and she told them to tell me not to ever use her name (her and I had a disagreement when she was still a teenager and I was “attacking” modern Christian’s for not actually being Christian’s given biblically there is no heaven to go to when you die (Revelations 21), which ultimately pushed back at the police officer as, it’s my constitutional 1at amendment right which is inalienable, “to have respect to persons is to commit sin” and Morgan back then was calling me out for being “disrespectful” to the family.
I don’t need to throw out names of people I know and that I’m affiliated with other than YAHWEH. He’s the ultimate law, and no other laws supersede his laws. As such, unless I cause harm to somebody or their respective property; I’m not violating a law and hence not obligated to uphold that law.
That said; I was cited for traffic violations. In course of asserting my 1st amendment immunity per the 14th amendment; the officers refused to listen that their 10th amendment authority doesn’t limit my rights where it states clearly that whatever isn’t on the federal level goes “to the state OR the people”. In process of asserting my rights, they openly and blatantly violated those rights which automatically removes their respective immunities.
So when I caused no harm to anybody with my traffic infractions (which are civil in nature), they tried to force me to produce a license (I was working commercially at the time, however the 9th amendment isn’t limited to personal use, nor is the 1st); with their blatant disregard for my rights I called 911 and provided my full “legal” name, as well as drivers license number to “satisfy” their request for my information…which is wrong given the name I was given by YAH (Obadyah), is my legal name (which in Hebrew translated to “Servant of YAH”…the only authority I recognize. Again; my first amendment right doesn’t require me to abide by secular law and change it on a license, or a formal name change request form.
Working under the color of law to violate civil rights isn’t constitutional and not supported in case law. Marbury vs Madison; if a law violates a constitutional standard, it’s automatically null and void.
Other court cases I found;
Buchanan vs Warley
Boyd vs United States
Byars vs US
Connonlly vs Union Sewer Pipe
I’m sure there are an exceptional amount out there, but those are a few to add to Marbury vs Madison.
Even Donald J Trump created an executive order to further proclaim the 1st amendment as an inalienable right not to be questioned by the government which in turn requires the Attorney General of the US to send a memorandum to the various branches of government to affirm this exact stance.
Given every state constitution recognizes the US Constitution as the supreme law of the law; my rights cannot be violated regardless of what state I live in and where I’m at at any given point in time.
That said; when I asserted my rights which were blatantly ignored and hence I was “assaulted” (I have 2 older brother; they’ve done worse)….and kidnapped with my property seized (4th amendment violation), which likewise violates the 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments which ensures EQUAL rights…the officers have no immunity and could be tried for felony treason to name a few.
Civilly; for each violation of my civil rights; I can litigate up to $10,000 for each infraction per officer, along with damages from impounding a rental vehicle which prohibited me from earning a living for 1.25 days thus far (the car can’t be retrieved by me, has to be retrieved by the rental company, the rental company typically takes longer than 5 days per the impound lot to retrieve the vehicle, and they likewise won’t allow me to exchange the vehicle or rent another until the vehicle is returned; which causes an extreme financial burden on me causing other damages which will be cited in my litigation.
As such; I need all of the names and badge numbers of each of the officers in involved in the insurrection/act of treason…I want a copy of all of the body cam footage from each of the officers which, I was told by the chief town clerk, I had to contact you for, and likewise I’d like a copy of their signed oath of office to the constitution, and their bonding agency information.
These are serious infractions; perjury was just cause to impeach Bill Clinton…violating civil rights openly and blatantly without regards to the rights of the people ignorant.
I likewise plan on contacting the police department per the chief clerk to not only make formal complaints, but likewise charge them with said crimes which aren’t civil in nature; which include potential time in prison and possibly the death penalty (as is the case with felony treason).
Personally, I’d settle for both citations which are unconstitutional to be dismissed, damages due to my inability to work while I try to obtain a replacement vehicle and subsequent charges from the towing, additional rental charges for the occurrence, and other impound fees etc which nullifies the financial impact of the circumstances because I don’t hate anybody, and people make mistakes…however making mistakes creates penalties on others and being irresponsible is unacceptable. I’ve always owned up to my mistakes and compensated accordingly; why would I expect anything less from public servants that are obligated to ensure they don’t infringe on my rights?
I’ll await your response prior to making any criminal charges.
Kind regards,
Richard Ewert aka Obadyah
Sent from my iPhone