New York State - Criminal Procedure - CPL - Part Two - Title H - Article 150
Section 150.10 Appearance ticket; definition, form and content.
150.20 Appearance ticket; when and by whom issuable.
150.30 Appearance ticket; issuance and service thereof after arrest upon posting of pre-arraignment bail.
150.40 Appearance ticket; where returnable; how and where served.
150.50 Appearance ticket; filing a local criminal court accusatory instrument; dismissal of insufficient instrument.
150.60 Appearance ticket; defendant's failure to appear.
150.70 Appearance ticket; fingerprinting of defendant.
150.75 Appearance ticket; certain cases.
150.80 Court appearance reminders.
150.20 Appearance ticket; when and by whom issuable.
150.30 Appearance ticket; issuance and service thereof after arrest upon posting of pre-arraignment bail.
150.40 Appearance ticket; where returnable; how and where served.
150.50 Appearance ticket; filing a local criminal court accusatory instrument; dismissal of insufficient instrument.
150.60 Appearance ticket; defendant's failure to appear.
150.70 Appearance ticket; fingerprinting of defendant.
150.75 Appearance ticket; certain cases.
150.80 Court appearance reminders.
§ 150.10 Appearance ticket; definition, form and content.
1. An appearance ticket is a written notice issued and subscribed by a police officer or other public servant authorized by state law or local law enacted pursuant to the provisions of the municipal home rule law to issue the same, directing a designated person to appear in a designated local criminal court at a designated future time in connection with his alleged commission of a designated offense. A notice conforming to such definition constitutes an appearance ticket regardless of whether it is referred to in some other provision of law as a summons or by any other name or title.
2. When an appearance ticket as defined in subdivision one of this section is issued to a person in conjunction with an offense charged in a simplified information, said appearance ticket shall contain the language, set forth in subdivision four of section 100.25, notifying the defendant of his right to receive a supporting deposition.
3. Before issuing an appearance ticket a police officer or other public servant must inform the arrestee that they may provide their contact information for the purposes of receiving a court notification to remind them of their court appearance date from the court or a certified pretrial services agency. Such contact information may include one or more phone numbers, a residential address or address at which the arrestee receives mail, or an email address. The contact information shall be recorded and be transmitted to the local criminal court as required by section 150.80 of this article.
1. An appearance ticket is a written notice issued and subscribed by a police officer or other public servant authorized by state law or local law enacted pursuant to the provisions of the municipal home rule law to issue the same, directing a designated person to appear in a designated local criminal court at a designated future time in connection with his alleged commission of a designated offense. A notice conforming to such definition constitutes an appearance ticket regardless of whether it is referred to in some other provision of law as a summons or by any other name or title.
2. When an appearance ticket as defined in subdivision one of this section is issued to a person in conjunction with an offense charged in a simplified information, said appearance ticket shall contain the language, set forth in subdivision four of section 100.25, notifying the defendant of his right to receive a supporting deposition.
3. Before issuing an appearance ticket a police officer or other public servant must inform the arrestee that they may provide their contact information for the purposes of receiving a court notification to remind them of their court appearance date from the court or a certified pretrial services agency. Such contact information may include one or more phone numbers, a residential address or address at which the arrestee receives mail, or an email address. The contact information shall be recorded and be transmitted to the local criminal court as required by section 150.80 of this article.
§ 150.20 Appearance ticket; when and by whom issuable.
1. (a) Whenever a police officer is authorized pursuant to section 140.10 of this title to arrest a person without a warrant for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law, or other than where an arrest is required to be made pursuant to subdivision four of section 140.10 of this title, the officer shall, except as set out in paragraph (b) of this subdivision, subject to the provisions of subdivisions three and four of section 150.40 of this title, instead issue to and serve upon such person an appearance ticket.
(b) An officer is not required to issue an appearance ticket if:
(i) the person has one or more outstanding local criminal court or superior court warrants;
(ii) the person has failed to appear in court proceedings in the last two years;
(iii) the person has been given a reasonable opportunity to make their verifiable identity and a method of contact known, and has been unable or unwilling to do so, so that a custodial arrest is necessary to subject the individual to the jurisdiction of the court. For the purposes of this section, an officer may rely on various factors to determine a person's identity, including but not limited to personal knowledge of such person, such person's self-identification, or photographic identification. There is no requirement that a person present photographic identification in order to be issued an appearance ticket in lieu of arrest where the person's identity is otherwise verifiable; however, if offered by such person, an officer shall accept as evidence of identity the following: a valid driver's license or non-driver identification card issued by the commissioner of motor vehicles, the federal government, any United States territory, commonwealth or possession, the District of Columbia, a state government or municipal government within the United States or a provincial government of the dominion of Canada; a valid passport issued by the United States government or any other country; an identification card issued by the armed forces of the United States; a public benefit card, as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section 158.00 of the penal law;
(iv) the person is charged with a crime between members of the same family or household, as defined in subdivision one of section 530.11 of this chapter;
(v) the person is charged with a crime defined in article 130 of the penal law;
(vi) it reasonably appears the person should be brought before the court for consideration of issuance of an order of protection, pursuant to section 530.13 of this chapter, based on the facts of the crime or offense that the officer has reasonable cause to believe occurred;
(vii) the person is charged with a crime for which the court may suspend or revoke his or her driver license;
(viii) it reasonably appears to the officer, based on the observed behavior of the individual in the present contact with the officer and facts regarding the person's condition that indicates a sign of distress to such a degree that the person would face harm without immediate medical or mental health care, that bringing the person before the court would be in such person's interest in addressing that need; provided, however, that before making the arrest, the officer shall make all reasonable efforts to assist the person in securing appropriate services;
(ix) the person is eighteen years of age or older and charged with criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds as defined in section 265.01-a of the penal law;
(x) the person is eighteen years of age or older and charged with a hate crime as defined in section 485.05 of the penal law; or
(xi) the offense is a qualifying offense pursuant to paragraph (t) of subdivision four of section 510.10 of this chapter, or pursuant to paragraph (t) of subdivision four of section 530.40 of this chapter.
2. (a) Whenever, pursuant to section 140.10 of this title, a police officer has arrested a person without a warrant for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law or other than where an arrest was required to be made pursuant to subdivision four of section 140.10 of this title, or (b) whenever a peace officer, who is not authorized by law to issue an appearance ticket, has arrested a person for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law pursuant to section 140.25 of this title, and such peace officer has requested a police officer to issue and serve upon such arrested person an appearance ticket pursuant to subdivision four of section 140.27 of this title, or (c) whenever a person has been arrested for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law and such person has been delivered to the custody of an appropriate police officer pursuant to section 140.40 of this title, such police officer may, instead of bringing such person before a local criminal court and promptly filing or causing the arresting peace officer or arresting person to file a local criminal court accusatory instrument therewith, issue to and serve upon such person an appearance ticket.
3. A public servant other than a police officer, who is specially authorized by state law or local law enacted pursuant to the provisions of the municipal home rule law to issue and serve appearance tickets with respect to designated offenses other than class A, B, C or D felonies or violations of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law, may in such cases issue and serve upon a person an appearance ticket when he has reasonable cause to believe that such person has committed a crime, or has committed a petty offense in his presence.
1. (a) Whenever a police officer is authorized pursuant to section 140.10 of this title to arrest a person without a warrant for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law, or other than where an arrest is required to be made pursuant to subdivision four of section 140.10 of this title, the officer shall, except as set out in paragraph (b) of this subdivision, subject to the provisions of subdivisions three and four of section 150.40 of this title, instead issue to and serve upon such person an appearance ticket.
(b) An officer is not required to issue an appearance ticket if:
(i) the person has one or more outstanding local criminal court or superior court warrants;
(ii) the person has failed to appear in court proceedings in the last two years;
(iii) the person has been given a reasonable opportunity to make their verifiable identity and a method of contact known, and has been unable or unwilling to do so, so that a custodial arrest is necessary to subject the individual to the jurisdiction of the court. For the purposes of this section, an officer may rely on various factors to determine a person's identity, including but not limited to personal knowledge of such person, such person's self-identification, or photographic identification. There is no requirement that a person present photographic identification in order to be issued an appearance ticket in lieu of arrest where the person's identity is otherwise verifiable; however, if offered by such person, an officer shall accept as evidence of identity the following: a valid driver's license or non-driver identification card issued by the commissioner of motor vehicles, the federal government, any United States territory, commonwealth or possession, the District of Columbia, a state government or municipal government within the United States or a provincial government of the dominion of Canada; a valid passport issued by the United States government or any other country; an identification card issued by the armed forces of the United States; a public benefit card, as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section 158.00 of the penal law;
(iv) the person is charged with a crime between members of the same family or household, as defined in subdivision one of section 530.11 of this chapter;
(v) the person is charged with a crime defined in article 130 of the penal law;
(vi) it reasonably appears the person should be brought before the court for consideration of issuance of an order of protection, pursuant to section 530.13 of this chapter, based on the facts of the crime or offense that the officer has reasonable cause to believe occurred;
(vii) the person is charged with a crime for which the court may suspend or revoke his or her driver license;
(viii) it reasonably appears to the officer, based on the observed behavior of the individual in the present contact with the officer and facts regarding the person's condition that indicates a sign of distress to such a degree that the person would face harm without immediate medical or mental health care, that bringing the person before the court would be in such person's interest in addressing that need; provided, however, that before making the arrest, the officer shall make all reasonable efforts to assist the person in securing appropriate services;
(ix) the person is eighteen years of age or older and charged with criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds as defined in section 265.01-a of the penal law;
(x) the person is eighteen years of age or older and charged with a hate crime as defined in section 485.05 of the penal law; or
(xi) the offense is a qualifying offense pursuant to paragraph (t) of subdivision four of section 510.10 of this chapter, or pursuant to paragraph (t) of subdivision four of section 530.40 of this chapter.
2. (a) Whenever, pursuant to section 140.10 of this title, a police officer has arrested a person without a warrant for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law or other than where an arrest was required to be made pursuant to subdivision four of section 140.10 of this title, or (b) whenever a peace officer, who is not authorized by law to issue an appearance ticket, has arrested a person for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law pursuant to section 140.25 of this title, and such peace officer has requested a police officer to issue and serve upon such arrested person an appearance ticket pursuant to subdivision four of section 140.27 of this title, or (c) whenever a person has been arrested for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law and such person has been delivered to the custody of an appropriate police officer pursuant to section 140.40 of this title, such police officer may, instead of bringing such person before a local criminal court and promptly filing or causing the arresting peace officer or arresting person to file a local criminal court accusatory instrument therewith, issue to and serve upon such person an appearance ticket.
3. A public servant other than a police officer, who is specially authorized by state law or local law enacted pursuant to the provisions of the municipal home rule law to issue and serve appearance tickets with respect to designated offenses other than class A, B, C or D felonies or violations of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law, may in such cases issue and serve upon a person an appearance ticket when he has reasonable cause to believe that such person has committed a crime, or has committed a petty offense in his presence.
§ 150.40 Appearance ticket; where returnable; how and where served.
1. An appearance ticket must be made returnable at a date as soon as possible, but in no event later than twenty days from the date of issuance; or at the next scheduled session of the appropriate local criminal court if such session is scheduled to occur more than twenty days from the date of issuance; or at a later date, with the court's permission due to enrollment in a pre-arraignment diversion program. The appearance ticket shall be made returnable in a local criminal court designated in section 100.55 of this title as one with which an information for the offense in question may be filed.
2. An appearance ticket, other than one issued for a traffic infraction relating to parking, must be served personally, except that an appearance ticket issued for the violation of a local zoning ordinance or local zoning law, or of a building or sanitation code may be served in any manner authorized for service under section three hundred eight of the civil practice law and rules.
3. An appearance ticket may be served anywhere in the county in which the designated offense was allegedly committed or in any adjoining county, and may be served elsewhere as prescribed in subdivision four.
4. A police officer may, for the purpose of serving an appearance ticket upon a person, follow him in continuous close pursuit, commencing either in the county in which the alleged offense was committed or in an adjoining county, in and through any county of the state, and may serve such appearance ticket upon him in any county in which he overtakes him.
1. An appearance ticket must be made returnable at a date as soon as possible, but in no event later than twenty days from the date of issuance; or at the next scheduled session of the appropriate local criminal court if such session is scheduled to occur more than twenty days from the date of issuance; or at a later date, with the court's permission due to enrollment in a pre-arraignment diversion program. The appearance ticket shall be made returnable in a local criminal court designated in section 100.55 of this title as one with which an information for the offense in question may be filed.
2. An appearance ticket, other than one issued for a traffic infraction relating to parking, must be served personally, except that an appearance ticket issued for the violation of a local zoning ordinance or local zoning law, or of a building or sanitation code may be served in any manner authorized for service under section three hundred eight of the civil practice law and rules.
3. An appearance ticket may be served anywhere in the county in which the designated offense was allegedly committed or in any adjoining county, and may be served elsewhere as prescribed in subdivision four.
4. A police officer may, for the purpose of serving an appearance ticket upon a person, follow him in continuous close pursuit, commencing either in the county in which the alleged offense was committed or in an adjoining county, in and through any county of the state, and may serve such appearance ticket upon him in any county in which he overtakes him.
§ 150.50 Appearance ticket; filing a local criminal court accusatory
instrument; dismissal of insufficient instrument.
1. A police officer or other public servant who has issued and served an appearance ticket must, at or before the time such appearance ticket is returnable, file or cause to be filed with the local criminal court in which it is returnable a local criminal court accusatory instrument charging the person named in such appearance ticket with the offense specified therein; provided, however, that no separate accusatory instrument shall be required to be filed for an appearance ticket issued for a parking infraction which conforms to the requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section 1.20 of this chapter. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the use of a simplified information when not authorized by law.
2. If such accusatory instrument is not sufficient on its face, as prescribed in section 100.40, and if the court is satisfied that on the basis of the available facts or evidence it would be impossible to draw and file an accusatory instrument which is sufficient on its face, it must dismiss such accusatory instrument.
instrument; dismissal of insufficient instrument.
1. A police officer or other public servant who has issued and served an appearance ticket must, at or before the time such appearance ticket is returnable, file or cause to be filed with the local criminal court in which it is returnable a local criminal court accusatory instrument charging the person named in such appearance ticket with the offense specified therein; provided, however, that no separate accusatory instrument shall be required to be filed for an appearance ticket issued for a parking infraction which conforms to the requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section 1.20 of this chapter. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the use of a simplified information when not authorized by law.
2. If such accusatory instrument is not sufficient on its face, as prescribed in section 100.40, and if the court is satisfied that on the basis of the available facts or evidence it would be impossible to draw and file an accusatory instrument which is sufficient on its face, it must dismiss such accusatory instrument.
§ 150.60 Appearance ticket; defendant's failure to appear.
If after the service of an appearance ticket and the filing of a local criminal court accusatory instrument charging the offense designated therein, the defendant does not appear in the designated local criminal court at the time such appearance ticket is returnable, the court may issue a summons or a warrant of arrest based upon the local criminal court accusatory instrument filed.
If after the service of an appearance ticket and the filing of a local criminal court accusatory instrument charging the offense designated therein, the defendant does not appear in the designated local criminal court at the time such appearance ticket is returnable, the court may issue a summons or a warrant of arrest based upon the local criminal court accusatory instrument filed.
§ 150.70 Appearance ticket; fingerprinting of defendant.
Upon the arraignment of a defendant who has not been arrested and whose court attendance has been secured by the issuance and service of an appearance ticket pursuant to subdivision one of section 150.20, the court must, if an offense charged in the accusatory instrument is one specified in subdivision one of section 160.10, direct that the defendant be fingerprinted by the appropriate police officer or agency, and that he appear at an appropriate designated time and place for such purpose.
Upon the arraignment of a defendant who has not been arrested and whose court attendance has been secured by the issuance and service of an appearance ticket pursuant to subdivision one of section 150.20, the court must, if an offense charged in the accusatory instrument is one specified in subdivision one of section 160.10, direct that the defendant be fingerprinted by the appropriate police officer or agency, and that he appear at an appropriate designated time and place for such purpose.
§ 150.75 Appearance ticket; certain cases.
1. The provisions of this section shall apply in any case wherein the defendant is alleged to have committed an offense defined in section 221.05 of the penal law, and no other offense is alleged, notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or any other law to the contrary.
2. Whenever the defendant is arrested without a warrant, an appearance ticket shall promptly be issued and served upon him, as provided in this article. The issuance and service of the appearance ticket may be made conditional upon the posting of pre-arraignment bail as provided in section 150.30 of this chapter but only if the appropriate police officer (a) is unable to ascertain the defendant's identity or residence address; or (b) reasonably suspects that the identification or residence address given by the defendant is not accurate; or (c) reasonably suspects that the defendant does not reside within the state. No warrant of arrest shall be issued unless the defendant has failed to appear in court as required by the terms of the appearance ticket or by the court.
1. The provisions of this section shall apply in any case wherein the defendant is alleged to have committed an offense defined in section 221.05 of the penal law, and no other offense is alleged, notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or any other law to the contrary.
2. Whenever the defendant is arrested without a warrant, an appearance ticket shall promptly be issued and served upon him, as provided in this article. The issuance and service of the appearance ticket may be made conditional upon the posting of pre-arraignment bail as provided in section 150.30 of this chapter but only if the appropriate police officer (a) is unable to ascertain the defendant's identity or residence address; or (b) reasonably suspects that the identification or residence address given by the defendant is not accurate; or (c) reasonably suspects that the defendant does not reside within the state. No warrant of arrest shall be issued unless the defendant has failed to appear in court as required by the terms of the appearance ticket or by the court.
§ 150.80 Court appearance reminders.
1. A police officer or other public servant who has issued and served an appearance ticket must, within twenty-four hours of issuance, file or cause to be filed with the local criminal court the appearance ticket and any contact information made available pursuant to subdivision three of section 150.10 of this article.
2. Upon receipt of the appearance ticket and any contact information made available pursuant to subdivision three of section 150.10 of this article, the local criminal court shall issue a court appearance reminder and notify the arrestee of their court appearances by text message, telephone call, electronic mail, or first class mail. The local criminal court may partner with a certified pretrial services agency or agencies in that county to provide such notification and shall include a copy of the appearance ticket.
3. A local criminal court is not required to issue a court appearance reminder if the appearance ticket requires the arrestee's appearance within seventy-two hours of its issuance, or no contact information has been provided.
1. A police officer or other public servant who has issued and served an appearance ticket must, within twenty-four hours of issuance, file or cause to be filed with the local criminal court the appearance ticket and any contact information made available pursuant to subdivision three of section 150.10 of this article.
2. Upon receipt of the appearance ticket and any contact information made available pursuant to subdivision three of section 150.10 of this article, the local criminal court shall issue a court appearance reminder and notify the arrestee of their court appearances by text message, telephone call, electronic mail, or first class mail. The local criminal court may partner with a certified pretrial services agency or agencies in that county to provide such notification and shall include a copy of the appearance ticket.
3. A local criminal court is not required to issue a court appearance reminder if the appearance ticket requires the arrestee's appearance within seventy-two hours of its issuance, or no contact information has been provided.