2nd Response from the Federal Division of Civil Rights - 7/24/23

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Dear Richard Ewert,
You contacted the Department of Justice on July 7, 2023. Your report number is 315359-WHV. The Civil Rights Division relies on information from community members to identify potential civil rights violations. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies conduct investigations for the Division. Therefore, you may want to contact your local FBI office or visit www.FBI.gov.
The Criminal Section is one of several Sections in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. We are responsible for enforcing federal criminal civil rights statutes. The Criminal Section prosecutes criminal cases involving:
- Civil rights violations by persons acting under color of law, such as federal, state, or other police officers or corrections officers;
- Hate crimes;
- Force or threats intended to interfere with religious activities because of their religious nature;
- Force or threats intended to interfere with providing or obtaining reproductive health services and
- Human trafficking in the form of coerced labor or commercial sex.
We cannot help you recover damages or seek any other personal relief. We also cannot assist you in ongoing criminal cases, including wrongful convictions, appeals, or sentencing. For more detailed information about the Criminal Section or the work we do, please visit our web page: www.justice.gov/crt/about/crm/.
We will review your letter to decide whether it is necessary to contact you for additional information. We do not have the resources to follow-up on or reply to every letter. If your concern is not within this Section’s area of work, you may wish to consult the Civil Rights Division web page to determine whether another Section of the Division may be able to address your concerns: www.justice.gov/crt. Again, if you are writing to report a crime, please contact the federal and/or state law enforcement agencies in your local area, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation or your local police department or sheriff’s office.
The Criminal Section
Dear Richard Ewert,
You contacted the Department of Justice on July 7, 2023. Your report number is 315359-WHV. The Civil Rights Division relies on information from community members to identify potential civil rights violations. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies conduct investigations for the Division. Therefore, you may want to contact your local FBI office or visit www.FBI.gov.
The Criminal Section is one of several Sections in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. We are responsible for enforcing federal criminal civil rights statutes. The Criminal Section prosecutes criminal cases involving:
- Civil rights violations by persons acting under color of law, such as federal, state, or other police officers or corrections officers;
- Hate crimes;
- Force or threats intended to interfere with religious activities because of their religious nature;
- Force or threats intended to interfere with providing or obtaining reproductive health services and
- Human trafficking in the form of coerced labor or commercial sex.
We cannot help you recover damages or seek any other personal relief. We also cannot assist you in ongoing criminal cases, including wrongful convictions, appeals, or sentencing. For more detailed information about the Criminal Section or the work we do, please visit our web page: www.justice.gov/crt/about/crm/.
We will review your letter to decide whether it is necessary to contact you for additional information. We do not have the resources to follow-up on or reply to every letter. If your concern is not within this Section’s area of work, you may wish to consult the Civil Rights Division web page to determine whether another Section of the Division may be able to address your concerns: www.justice.gov/crt. Again, if you are writing to report a crime, please contact the federal and/or state law enforcement agencies in your local area, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation or your local police department or sheriff’s office.
The Criminal Section