New York State - Penal - PEN - Part 3 - Title P - Article 265
Section 265.00 Definitions.
265.01 Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
265.01-a Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds.
265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm.
265.01-c Criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device.
265.01-d Criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location.
265.01-e Criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location.
265.02 Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree.
265.03 Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree.
265.04 Criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree.
265.05 Unlawful possession of weapons by persons under sixteen.
265.06 Unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds.
265.07 Registration and serialization of firearms, rifles, shotguns, finished frames or receivers, and unfinished frames or receivers.
265.08 Criminal use of a firearm in the second degree.
265.09 Criminal use of a firearm in the first degree.
265.10 Manufacture, transport, disposition and defacement of weapons and dangerous instruments and appliances.
265.11 Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree.
265.12 Criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree.
265.13 Criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree.
265.14 Criminal sale of a firearm with the aid of a minor.
265.15 Presumptions of possession, unlawful intent and defacement.
265.16 Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor.
265.17 Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon.
265.19 Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon.
265.20 Exemptions.
265.25 Certain wounds to be reported.
265.26 Burn injury and wounds to be reported.
265.30 Certain convictions to be reported.
265.35 Prohibited use of weapons.
265.37 Unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding devices.
265.38 Unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled firearm.
265.40 Purchase of rifles and/or shotguns in contiguous states.
265.45 Safe storage of rifles, shotguns, and firearms.
265.50 Criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
265.50*2 Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the second degree.
265.55 Criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
265.60 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree.
265.61 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree.
265.63 Criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver in the second degree.
265.64 Criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver in the first degree.
265.65 Criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle.
265.66 Criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle.
§ 265.00 Definitions.
As used in this article and in article four hundred, the following terms shall mean and include:
1. "Machine-gun" means a weapon of any description, irrespective of size, by whatever name known, loaded or unloaded, from which a number of shots or bullets may be rapidly or automatically discharged from a magazine with one continuous pull of the trigger and includes a sub-machine gun.
2. "Firearm silencer" means any instrument, attachment, weapon or appliance for causing the firing of any gun, revolver, pistol or other firearms to be silent, or intended to lessen or muffle the noise of the firing of any gun, revolver, pistol or other firearms.
3. "Firearm" means (a) any pistol or revolver; or (b) a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length; or (c) a rifle having one or more barrels less than sixteen inches in length; or (d) any weapon made from a shotgun or rifle whether by alteration, modification, or otherwise if such weapon as altered, modified, or otherwise has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches; or (e) an assault weapon; or (f) any other weapon that is not otherwise defined in this section containing any component that provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate any fire control component that is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of explosive. For the purpose of this subdivision the length of the barrel on a shotgun or rifle shall be determined by measuring the distance between the muzzle and the face of the bolt, breech, or breechlock when closed and when the shotgun or rifle is cocked; the overall length of a weapon made from a shotgun or rifle is the distance between the extreme ends of the weapon measured along a line parallel to the center line of the bore. Firearm does not include an antique firearm.
3-a. "Major component of a firearm, rifle or shotgun" means the barrel, the slide or cylinder, the frame, or receiver of the firearm, rifle, or shotgun.
4. "Switchblade knife" means any knife which has a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife.
5. "Gravity knife" means any knife which has a blade which is released from the handle or sheath thereof by the force of gravity or the application of centrifugal force which, when released, is locked in place by means of a button, spring, lever or other device.
5-a. "Pilum ballistic knife" means any knife which has a blade which can be projected from the handle by hand pressure applied to a button, lever, spring or other device in the handle of the knife.
5-b. "Metal knuckle knife" means a weapon that, when closed, cannot function as a set of plastic knuckles or metal knuckles, nor as a knife and when open, can function as both a set of plastic knuckles or metal knuckles as well as a knife.
5-c. "Automatic knife" includes a stiletto, a switchblade knife, a cane sword, a pilum ballistic knife, and a metal knuckle knife.
5-d. "Undetectable knife" means any knife or other instrument, which does not utilize materials that are detectable by a metal detector or magnetometer when set at a standard calibration, that is capable of ready use as a stabbing or cutting weapon and was commercially manufactured to be used as a weapon.
6. "Dispose of" means to dispose of, give, give away, lease, loan, keep for sale, offer, offer for sale, sell, transfer and otherwise dispose of.
7. "Deface" means to remove, deface, cover, alter or destroy the manufacturer's serial number or any other distinguishing number or identification mark.
8. "Gunsmith" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of repairing, altering, assembling, manufacturing, cleaning, polishing, engraving or trueing, or who performs any mechanical operation on, any firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device or machine-gun.
8-a. "Serialized" means bearing a visible identification number and/or symbol in accordance with the requirements imposed on licensed importers and licensed manufacturers pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 923 of Title 18 of the United States Code and regulations issued pursuant thereto in effect at the time of assembly, except for antique firearms as defined in subdivision fourteen of this section, as added by chapter nine hundred eighty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-four, or any firearm, rifle or shotgun manufactured prior to nineteen hundred sixty-eight.
9. "Dealer in firearms" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of purchasing, selling, keeping for sale, loaning, leasing, or in any manner disposing of, any assault weapon, large capacity ammunition feeding device, pistol, revolver, or semiautomatic rifle.
10. "Licensing officer" means in the city of New York the police commissioner of that city; in the county of Nassau the commissioner of police of that county; in the county of Suffolk the sheriff of that county except in the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, Islip and Smithtown, the commissioner of police of that county; for the purposes of section 400.01 of this chapter the superintendent of state police; and elsewhere in the state a judge or justice of a court of record having his office in the county of issuance.
11. "Rifle" means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned and made or remade to use the energy of the explosive to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger using either: (a) fixed metallic cartridge; or (b) each projectile and explosive charge are loaded individually for each shot discharged. In addition to common, modern usage, rifles include those using obsolete ammunition not commonly available in commercial trade, or that load through the muzzle and fire a single projectile with each discharge, or loading, including muzzle loading rifles, flintlock rifles, and black powder rifles.
12. "Shotgun" means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned and made or remade to use the energy of the explosive to fire through a smooth or rifled bore either a number of ball shot or a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger using either: (a) a fixed shotgun shell; or (b) a projectile or number of ball shot and explosive charge are loaded individually for each shot discharged. In addition to common, modern usage, shotguns include those using obsolete ammunition not commonly available in commercial trade, or that load through the muzzle and fires ball shot with each discharge, or loading, including muzzle loading shotguns, flintlock shotguns, and black powder shotguns.
13. "Cane Sword" means a cane or swagger stick having concealed within it a blade that may be used as a sword or stilletto.
* 14. "Antique firearm" means:
Any unloaded muzzle loading pistol or revolver with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system, or a pistol or revolver which uses fixed cartridges which are no longer available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
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* 14. "Chuka stick" means any device designed primarily as a weapon, consisting of two or more lengths of a rigid material joined together by a thong, rope or chain in such a manner as to allow free movement of a portion of the device while held in the hand and capable of being rotated in such a manner as to inflict serious injury upon a person by striking or choking. These devices are also known as nunchakus and centrifugal force sticks.
* NB There are 2 sb 14's
15. "Loaded firearm" means any firearm loaded with ammunition or any firearm which is possessed by one who, at the same time, possesses a quantity of ammunition which may be used to discharge such firearm.
15-a. "Electronic dart gun" means any device designed primarily as a weapon, the purpose of which is to momentarily stun, knock out or paralyze a person by passing an electrical shock to such person by means of a dart or projectile.
15-b. "Kung Fu star" means a disc-like object with sharpened points on the circumference thereof and is designed for use primarily as a weapon to be thrown.
15-c. "Electronic stun gun" means any device designed primarily as a weapon, the purpose of which is to stun, cause mental disorientation, knock out or paralyze a person by passing a high voltage electrical shock to such person.
16. "Certified not suitable to possess a self-defense spray device, a rifle or shotgun" means that the director or physician in charge of any hospital or institution for mental illness, public or private, has certified to the superintendent of state police or to any organized police department of a county, city, town or village of this state, that a person who has been judicially adjudicated incompetent, or who has been confined to such institution for mental illness pursuant to judicial authority, is not suitable to possess a self-defense spray device, as defined in section 265.20 of this article, or a rifle or shotgun.
17. "Serious offense" means (a) any of the following offenses defined in the current penal law and any offense in any jurisdiction or the former penal law that includes all of the essential elements of any of the following offenses: illegally using, carrying or possessing a pistol or other dangerous weapon; possession of burglar's tools; criminal possession of stolen property in the third degree; escape in the third degree; jostling; fraudulent accosting; endangering the welfare of a child; obscenity in the third degree; issuing abortional articles; permitting prostitution; promoting prostitution in the third degree; stalking in the fourth degree; stalking in the third degree; sexual misconduct; forcible touching; sexual abuse in the third degree; sexual abuse in the second degree; criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree; criminally possessing a hypodermic instrument; criminally using drug paraphernalia in the second degree; criminal possession of methamphetamine manufacturing material in the second degree; and a hate crime defined in article four hundred eighty-five of this chapter.
(b) any of the following offenses defined in the current penal law and any offense in any jurisdiction or in the former penal law that includes all of the essential elements of any of the following offenses, where the defendant and the person against whom the offense was committed were members of the same family or household as defined in subdivision one of section 530.11 of the criminal procedure law and as established pursuant to section 370.15 of the criminal procedure law: assault in the third degree; menacing in the third degree; menacing in the second degree; criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation; unlawful imprisonment in the second degree; coercion in the third degree; criminal tampering in the third degree; criminal contempt in the second degree; harassment in the first degree; aggravated harassment in the second degree; criminal trespass in the third degree; criminal trespass in the second degree; arson in the fifth degree; or attempt to commit any of the above-listed offenses.
(c) any misdemeanor offense in any jurisdiction or in the former penal law that includes all of the essential elements of a felony offense as defined in the current penal law.
18. "Armor piercing ammunition" means any ammunition capable of being used in pistols or revolvers containing a projectile or projectile core, or a projectile or projectile core for use in such ammunition, that is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of any of the following: tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or uranium.
19. "Duly authorized instructor" means (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, or by the division of criminal justice services, or by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state; (c) by a person duly qualified and designated by the department of environmental conservation as its agent in the giving of instruction and the making of certifications of qualification in responsible hunting practices; or (d) a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor.
20. "Disguised gun" means any weapon or device capable of being concealed on the person from which a shot can be discharged through the energy of an explosive and is designed and intended to appear to be either; (a) something other than a gun; or (b) a toy gun that shall include, but not be limited to, any firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine-gun displaying a color finish other than the original manufacture color, a decorative pattern or plastic like surface; provided, however, that any rifle or shotgun displaying a camouflage color finish or pattern that is intended for hunting, as defined by article eleven of the environmental conservation law, shall not be considered a "disguised gun" for purposes of this section.
21. "Semiautomatic" means any repeating rifle, shotgun or pistol, regardless of barrel or overall length, which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge or shell to extract the fired cartridge case or spent shell and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge or shell.
22. "Assault weapon" means
(a) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least one of the following characteristics:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
(iii) a thumbhole stock;
(iv) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand;
(v) a bayonet mount;
(vi) a flash suppressor, muzzle break, muzzle compensator, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor, muzzle break, or muzzle compensator;
(vii) a grenade launcher; or
(b) a semiautomatic shotgun that has at least one of the following characteristics:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a thumbhole stock;
(iii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand;
(iv) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of seven rounds;
(v) an ability to accept a detachable magazine; or
(c) a semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least one of the following characteristics:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a thumbhole stock;
(iii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand;
(iv) capacity to accept an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip;
(v) a threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer;
(vi) a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned;
(vii) a manufactured weight of fifty ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded; or
(viii) a semiautomatic version of an automatic rifle, shotgun or firearm;
(d) a revolving cylinder shotgun;
(e) a semiautomatic rifle, a semiautomatic shotgun or a semiautomatic pistol or weapon defined in subparagraph (v) of paragraph (e) of subdivision twenty-two of section 265.00 of this chapter as added by chapter one hundred eighty-nine of the laws of two thousand and otherwise lawfully possessed pursuant to such chapter of the laws of two thousand prior to September fourteenth, nineteen hundred ninety-four;
(f) a semiautomatic rifle, a semiautomatic shotgun or a semiautomatic pistol or weapon defined in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this subdivision, possessed prior to the date of enactment of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which added this paragraph;
(g) provided, however, that such term does not include:
(i) any rifle, shotgun or pistol that (A) is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (B) has been rendered permanently inoperable; or (C) is an antique firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(16);
(ii) a semiautomatic rifle that cannot accept a detachable magazine that holds more than five rounds of ammunition;
(iii) a semiautomatic shotgun that cannot hold more than five rounds of ammunition in a fixed or detachable magazine; or
(iv) a rifle, shotgun or pistol, or a replica or a duplicate thereof, specified in Appendix A to 18 U.S.C. 922 as such weapon was manufactured on October first, nineteen hundred ninety-three. The mere fact that a weapon is not listed in Appendix A shall not be construed to mean that such weapon is an assault weapon;
(v) any weapon validly registered pursuant to subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter. Such weapons shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (h) of this subdivision;
(vi) any firearm, rifle, or shotgun that was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, but not including replicas thereof that is validly registered pursuant to subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter;
(h) Any weapon defined in paragraph (e) or (f) of this subdivision may only be sold to, exchanged with or disposed of to a purchaser authorized to possess such weapons or to an individual or entity outside of the state provided that any such transfer to an individual or entity outside of the state must be reported to the entity wherein the weapon is registered within seventy-two hours of such transfer. An individual who transfers any such weapon to an individual inside New York state or without complying with the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
23. "Large capacity ammunition feeding device" means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition; provided, however, that such term does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition or a feeding device that is a curio or relic. A feeding device that is a curio or relic is defined as a device that (i) was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, (ii) is only capable of being used exclusively in a firearm, rifle, or shotgun that was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, but not including replicas thereof, (iii) is possessed by an individual who is not prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm and (iv) is registered with the division of state police pursuant to subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter, except such feeding devices transferred into the state may be registered at any time, provided they are registered within thirty days of their transfer into the state. Notwithstanding paragraph (h) of subdivision twenty-two of this section, such feeding devices may be transferred provided that such transfer shall be subject to the provisions of section 400.03 of this chapter including the check required to be conducted pursuant to such section.
24. "Seller of ammunition" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of purchasing, selling or keeping ammunition.
25. "Qualified retired New York or federal law enforcement officer" means an individual who is a retired police officer as police officer is defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law, a retired peace officer as peace officer is defined in section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law or a retired federal law enforcement officer as federal law enforcement officer is defined in section 2.15 of the criminal procedure law, who: (a) separated from service in good standing from a public agency located in New York state in which such person served as either a police officer, peace officer or federal law enforcement officer; and (b) before such separation, was authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law, and had statutory powers of arrest, pursuant to their official duties, under the criminal procedure law; and (c) (i) before such separation, served as either a police officer, peace officer or federal law enforcement officer for five years or more and at the time of separation, is such an officer; or (ii) separated from service with such agency, after completing any applicable probationary period of such service, due to a service-connected disability, as determined by such agency at or before the time of separation; and (d)(i) has not been found by a qualified medical professional employed by such agency to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health; or (ii) has not entered into an agreement with such agency from which the individual is separating from service in which that individual acknowledges he or she is not qualified for reasons relating to mental health; and (e) is not otherwise prohibited by New York or federal law from possessing any firearm.
26. "Rapid-fire modification device" means any bump stock, trigger crank, binary trigger system, burst trigger system, or any other device that is designed to accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-automatic firearm, rifle or shotgun.
27. "Bump stock" means any device or instrument that increases the rate of fire achievable with a semi-automatic firearm, rifle or shotgun by using energy from the recoil of the weapon to generate a reciprocating action that facilitates repeated activation of the trigger.
28. "Trigger crank" means any device or instrument that repeatedly activates the trigger of a semi-automatic firearm, rifle or shotgun through the use of a lever or other part that is turned in a circular motion and thereby accelerates the rate of fire of such firearm, rifle or shotgun, provided, however, that "trigger crank" shall not include any weapon initially designed and manufactured to fire through the use of a crank or lever.
29. "Binary trigger system" means any device that, when installed in or attached to a semi-automatic firearm rifle, or shotgun causes that weapon to fire once when the trigger is pulled and again when the trigger is released.
30. "Burst trigger system" means any device that, when installed in or attached to a semi-automatic firearm, rifle, or shot gun, allows that weapon to discharge two or more shots with a single pull or the trigger by altering the trigger reset.
31. "New York state 4-H certified shooting instructor" means a certified shooting sports instructor of the National 4-H Shooting Sports, a non-profit organization, engaged in shooting education and youth development programming that is administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the United States department of agriculture.
* 32. "Unfinished frame or receiver" means any unserialized material that does not constitute the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun but that has been shaped or formed in any way for the purpose of becoming the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun, and which may readily be made into a functional frame or receiver through milling, drilling or other means.
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* 32. "Ghost gun" means a firearm, rifle or shotgun that does not comply with the provisions of section 265.07 of this article and is not serialized.
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33. "Microstamp" means a unique alphanumeric or geometric code that identifies the make, model, and serial number of a firearm.
34. "Microstamping component" means a component part of a semi-automatic pistol that will produce a microstamp on at least one location of the expended cartridge case each time the pistol is fired.
35. "Microstamping-enabled pistol" means any semiautomatic pistol that contains a microstamping component.
§ 265.01 Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree when:
(1) He or she possesses any firearm, electronic dart gun, electronic stun gun, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, cane sword, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, chuka stick, sand bag, sandclub, wrist-brace type slingshot or slungshot, shirken, or "Kung Fu star";
(2) He or she possesses any dagger, dangerous knife, dirk, machete, razor, stiletto, imitation pistol, undetectable knife or any other dangerous or deadly instrument or weapon with intent to use the same unlawfully against another; or
(3); or
(4) He possesses a rifle, shotgun, antique firearm, black powder rifle, black powder shotgun, or any muzzle-loading firearm, and has been convicted of a felony or serious offense; or
(5) He possesses any dangerous or deadly weapon and is not a citizen of the United States; or
(6) He is a person who has been certified not suitable to possess a rifle or shotgun, as defined in subdivision sixteen of section 265.00, and refuses to yield possession of such rifle or shotgun upon the demand of a police officer. Whenever a person is certified not suitable to possess a rifle or shotgun, a member of the police department to which such certification is made, or of the state police, shall forthwith seize any rifle or shotgun possessed by such person. A rifle or shotgun seized as herein provided shall not be destroyed, but shall be delivered to the headquarters of such police department, or state police, and there retained until the aforesaid certificate has been rescinded by the director or physician in charge, or other disposition of such rifle or shotgun has been ordered or authorized by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(7) He knowingly possesses a bullet containing an explosive substance designed to detonate upon impact.
(8) Such person possesses any armor piercing ammunition with intent to use the same unlawfully against another.
* (9) Such person possesses a major component of a firearm, rifle, or shotgun and such person is prohibited from possessing a shotgun or rifle pursuant to:
(i) this article;
(ii) subsection (g) of section 922 of title 18 of the United States Code; or
(iii) a temporary or final extreme risk protection order issued under article sixty-three-A of the civil practice law and rules; or
* NB There are 2 sb (9)'s
* (9) Such person is not licensed as a gunsmith or a dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter and, knowing it is a ghost gun, such person possesses a ghost gun, provided that a person shall not be guilty under this subdivision when he or she (a) voluntarily surrenders such ghost gun to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) for a period of six months after the effective date of this section possesses a ghost gun prior to serialization and registration of such ghost gun pursuant to section 265.07 of this article.
* NB There are 2 sb (9)'s
(10) Such person is not licensed as a gunsmith or dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter and, knowing it is an unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver, such person possesses an unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver, provided that for a period of six months after the effective date of this subdivision, a person shall not be guilty under this subdivision when such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) possesses such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver prior to serialization of such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver in accordance with the requirements imposed on licensed importers and licensed manufacturers pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 923 of Title 18 of the United States Code and regulations issued pursuant thereto, except for antique firearms as defined in subdivision fourteen of section 265.00 of this article, as added by chapter nine hundred eighty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-four, or any firearm, rifle or shotgun manufactured prior to nineteen hundred sixty-eight.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.01-a Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds when he or she knowingly has in his or her possession a rifle, shotgun, or firearm in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college, or university, except the forestry lands, wherever located, owned, maintained or held in trust for the benefit of the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University, now known as the State University of New York college of environmental science and forestry, or upon a school bus as defined in section one hundred forty-two of the vehicle and traffic law, without the written authorization of such educational institution; provided, however no school, as defined in subdivision ten of section eleven hundred twenty-five of the education law, shall issue such written authorization to any teacher, school administrator, or other person employed at the school who is not primarily employed as a school resource officer, police officer, peace officer, or security guard who has been issued a special armed guard registration card as defined in section eighty-nine-f of the general business law, regardless of whether the person is employed directly by such school or by a third party.
Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds is a class E felony.
§ 265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm when he or she: (1) possesses any firearm or; (2) lawfully possesses a firearm prior to the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which added this section subject to the registration requirements of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter and knowingly fails to register such firearm pursuant to such subdivision.
Criminal possession of a firearm is a class E felony.
§ 265.01-c Criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device when he or she knowingly possesses any rapid-fire modification device.
Criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.01-d Criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location.
1. A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location when such person possesses a firearm, rifle, or shotgun and enters into or remains on or in private property where such person knows or reasonably should know that the owner or lessee of such property has not permitted such possession by clear and conspicuous signage indicating that the carrying of firearms, rifles, or shotguns on their property is permitted or by otherwise giving express consent.
2. This section shall not apply to:
(a) police officers as defined in section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law;
(b) persons who are designated peace officers as defined in section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law;
(c) qualified law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926B, or qualified retired law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926C;
(d) security guards as defined by and registered under article seven-A of the general business law who has been granted a special armed registration card, while at the location of their employment and during their work hours as such a security guard;
(e) active-duty military personnel;
(f) persons licensed under paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter while in the course of his or her official duties;
(g) persons while lawfully engaged in taking of wildlife or attempts to take wildlife pursuant to a hunting permit or license issued by the department of environmental conservation, or as otherwise authorized pursuant to section 11-0707 and 11-0709 of the environmental conservation law; or
(h) persons, while acting in the scope of their official duties, who are employed in the revenue control and security departments of the metropolitan transportation authority, or the New York city transit authority or an affiliate or subsidiary thereof, who are authorized to carry a firearm as part of their employment.
Criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location is a class E felony.
§ 265.01-e Criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location.
1. A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location when such person possesses a firearm, rifle or shotgun in or upon a sensitive location, and such person knows or reasonably should know such location is a sensitive location.
2. For the purposes of this section, a sensitive location shall mean:
(a) any place owned or under the control of federal, state or local government, for the purpose of government administration, including courts;
(b) any location providing health, behavioral health, or chemical dependance care or services;
(c) any place of worship, except for those persons responsible for security at such place of worship;
(d) libraries, public playgrounds, public parks, and zoos, provided that for the purposes of this section a "public park" shall not include (i) any privately held land within a public park not dedicated to public use or (ii) the forest preserve as defined in subdivision six of section 9-0101 of the environmental conservation law;
(e) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, funded, or approved by the office of children and family services that provides services to children, youth, or young adults, any legally exempt childcare provider; a childcare program for which a permit to operate such program has been issued by the department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to the health code of the city of New York;
(f) nursery schools, preschools, and summer camps; provided that for the purposes of this section, nothing shall prohibit the activity permitted under subdivisions seven-c, seven-d, and seven-e of section 265.20 of this article where such activity occurs at a summer camp in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations;
(g) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office for people with developmental disabilities;
(h) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by office of addiction services and supports;
(i) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office of mental health;
(j) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office of temporary and disability assistance;
(k) homeless shelters, runaway homeless youth shelters, family shelters, shelters for adults, domestic violence shelters, and emergency shelters, and residential programs for victims of domestic violence;
(l) residential settings licensed, certified, regulated, funded, or operated by the department of health;
(m) in or upon any building or grounds, owned or leased, of any educational institutions, colleges and universities, licensed private career schools, school districts, public schools, private schools licensed under article one hundred one of the education law, charter schools, non-public schools, board of cooperative educational services, special act schools, preschool special education programs, private residential or non-residential schools for the education of students with disabilities, and any state-operated or state-supported schools;
(n) any place, conveyance, or vehicle used for public transportation or public transit, subway cars, train cars, buses, ferries, railroad, omnibus, marine or aviation transportation; or any facility used for or in connection with service in the transportation of passengers, airports, train stations, subway and rail stations, and bus terminals;
(o) any establishment holding an active license for on-premise consumption pursuant to article four, four-A, five, or six of the alcoholic beverage control law where alcohol is consumed and any establishment licensed under article four of the cannabis law for on-premise consumption;
(p) any place used for the performance, art entertainment, gaming, or sporting events such as theaters, stadiums, racetracks, museums, amusement parks, performance venues, concerts, exhibits, conference centers, banquet halls, and gaming facilities and video lottery terminal facilities as licensed by the gaming commission;
(q) any location being used as a polling place;
(r) any public sidewalk or other public area restricted from general public access for a limited time or special event that has been issued a permit for such time or event by a governmental entity, or subject to specific, heightened law enforcement protection, or has otherwise had such access restricted by a governmental entity, provided such location is identified as such by clear and conspicuous signage;
(s) any gathering of individuals to collectively express their constitutional rights to protest or assemble;
(t) the area commonly known as Times Square, as such area is determined and identified by the city of New York; provided such area shall be clearly and conspicuously identified with signage.
3. This section shall not apply to:
(a) qualified law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C 926B, or qualified retired law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926C;
(b) persons who are police officers as defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law;
(c) persons who are designated peace officers by section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law;
(d) persons who were employed as police officers as defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law but are retired;
(e) security guards as defined by and registered under article seven-A of the general business law, who have been granted a special armed registration card, while at the location of their employment and during their work hours as such a security guard;
(f) active-duty military personnel;
(g) persons licensed under paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter while in the course of his or her official duties;
(h) a government employee under the express written consent of such employee's supervising government entity for the purposes of natural resource protection and management;
(i) persons while lawfully engaged in taking of wildlife or attempts to take wildlife pursuant to a hunting permit or license issued by the department of environmental conservation, or as otherwise authorized pursuant to the environmental conservation law, and persons while lawfully engaged in hunter education training, marksmanship practice, marksmanship competition or training, or training in the safe handling and use of firearms, in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations;
(j) persons operating a program in a sensitive location out of their residence, which is licensed, certified, authorized, or funded by the state or a municipality, so long as such possession is in compliance with any rules or regulations applicable to the operation of such program and use or storage of firearms;
(k) persons, while acting in the scope of their official duties, who are employed in the revenue control and security departments of the metropolitan transportation authority, or the New York city transit authority or an affiliate or subsidiary thereof, who are authorized to carry a firearm as part of their employment;
(l) persons while lawfully engaged in historical reenactments, educational programming involving historical weapons of warfare, or motion picture or theatrical productions, in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations;
(m) persons, while acting within the scope of their official duties, who are responsible for the storage or display of antique firearms, rifles or shotguns at museums and historic sites;
(n) persons while participating in military ceremonies, funerals, and honor guards; or
(o) persons while lawfully engaging in learning, practicing, training for, competing in, or travelling into or within the state to learn, practice, train for, or compete in, the sport of biathlon, in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations.
Criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location is a class E felony.
§ 265.02 Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree when:
(1) Such person commits the crime of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree as defined in subdivision one, two, three or five of section 265.01, and has been previously convicted of any crime; or
(2) Such person possesses any explosive or incendiary bomb, bombshell, firearm silencer, machine-gun or any other firearm or weapon simulating a machine-gun and which is adaptable for such use; or
(3) Such person knowingly possesses a machine-gun, firearm, rifle or shotgun which has been defaced for the purpose of concealment or prevention of the detection of a crime or misrepresenting the identity of such machine-gun, firearm, rifle or shotgun; or
(5) (i) Such person possesses three or more firearms; or (ii) such person possesses a firearm and has been previously convicted of a felony or a class A misdemeanor defined in this chapter within the five years immediately preceding the commission of the offense and such possession did not take place in the person's home or place of business; or
(6) Such person knowingly possesses any disguised gun; or
(7) Such person possesses an assault weapon; or
(8) Such person possesses a large capacity ammunition feeding device; or
(9) Such person possesses an unloaded firearm and also commits a drug trafficking felony as defined in subdivision twenty-one of section 10.00 of this chapter as part of the same criminal transaction; or
(10) Such person possesses an unloaded firearm and also commits any violent felony offense as defined in subdivision one of section 70.02 of this chapter as part of the same criminal transaction.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.03 Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree when:
(1) with intent to use the same unlawfully against another, such person:
(a) possesses a machine-gun; or
(b) possesses a loaded firearm; or
(c) possesses a disguised gun; or
(2) such person possesses five or more firearms; or
(3) such person possesses any loaded firearm. Such possession shall not, except as provided in subdivision one or seven of section 265.02 of this article, constitute a violation of this subdivision if such possession takes place in such person's home or place of business.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree is a class C felony.
§ 265.04 Criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree when such person:
(1) possesses any explosive substance with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person or property of another; or
(2) possesses ten or more firearms.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 265.05 Unlawful possession of weapons by persons under sixteen.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of sixteen to possess any air-gun, spring-gun or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring or air, or any gun or any instrument or weapon in or upon which any loaded or blank cartridges may be used, or any loaded or blank cartridges or ammunition therefor, or any dangerous knife; provided that the possession of rifle or shotgun or ammunition therefor by the holder of a hunting license or permit issued pursuant to article eleven of the environmental conservation law and used in accordance with said law shall not be governed by this section.
A person who violates the provisions of this section shall be adjudged a juvenile delinquent.
§ 265.06 Unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds.
It shall be unlawful for any person age sixteen or older to knowingly possess any air-gun, spring-gun or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring, air, piston or CO2 cartridge in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college or university, without the written authorization of such educational institution.
Unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds is a violation.
§ 265.07 Registration and serialization of firearms, rifles, shotguns, finished frames or receivers, and unfinished frames or receivers.
(1) For the purposes of this section, "unfinished frame or receiver" means any unserialized material that does not constitute the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun but that has been shaped or formed in any way for the purpose of becoming the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun, and which may readily be made into a functional frame or receiver through milling, drilling or other means.
(2) On or before the effective date of this section, and promptly upon taking possession thereof at any time thereafter, any person licensed as a gunsmith, or required to be, or a dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, who is in possession of an unserialized firearm, rifle, shotgun, finished frame or receiver, or unfinished frame or receiver shall:
(a) engrave, cast, stamp or otherwise conspicuously place both a unique serial number and his or her name (or recognized abbreviation) on such firearm, rifle, shotgun, finished frame or receiver, or unfinished frame or receiver, in a manner that satisfies or exceeds the requirements imposed on licensed importers and manufacturers pursuant to section (i) of Section 923 of Title 18 of the United States Code and regulations issued pursuant thereto at the time of such assembly; and
(b) register with the division of criminal justice services in accordance with regulations promulgated by such division any such firearm, rifle or shotgun, finished frame or receiver, or unfinished frame or receiver.
Any person licensed as a gunsmith, or required to be, or a dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a class E felony.
§ 265.08 Criminal use of a firearm in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal use of a firearm in the second degree when he commits any class C violent felony offense as defined in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section 70.02 and he either:
(1) possesses a deadly weapon, if the weapon is a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged; or
(2) displays what appears to be a pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or other firearm.
Criminal use of a firearm in the second degree is a class C felony.
§ 265.09 Criminal use of a firearm in the first degree.
(1) A person is guilty of criminal use of a firearm in the first degree when he commits any class B violent felony offense as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section 70.02 and he either:
(a) possesses a deadly weapon, if the weapon is a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged; or
(b) displays what appears to be a pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or other firearm.
Criminal use of a firearm in the first degree is a class B felony.
(2) Sentencing. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, when a person is convicted of criminal use of a firearm in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of this section, the court shall impose an additional consecutive sentence of five years to the sentence imposed on the underlying class B violent felony offense where the person convicted of such crime displays a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged, in furtherance of the commission of such crime, provided, however, that such additional sentence shall not be imposed if the court, having regard to the nature and circumstances of the crime and to the history and character of the defendant, finds on the record that such additional consecutive sentence would be unduly harsh and that not imposing such sentence would be consistent with the public safety and would not deprecate the seriousness of the crime. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the aggregate of the five year consecutive term imposed pursuant to this subdivision and the minimum term of the indeterminate sentence imposed on the underlying class B violent felony shall constitute the new aggregate minimum term of imprisonment, and a person subject to such term shall be required to serve the entire aggregate minimum term and shall not be eligible for release on parole or conditional release during such term. This subdivision shall not apply where the defendant's criminal liability for displaying a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged, in furtherance of the commission of crime is based on the conduct of another pursuant to section 20.00 of this chapter.
§ 265.10 Manufacture, transport, disposition and defacement of weapons and dangerous instruments and appliances.
1. Any person who manufactures or causes to be manufactured any machine-gun, assault weapon, large capacity ammunition feeding device or disguised gun is guilty of a class D felony. Any person who manufactures or causes to be manufactured any rapid-fire modification device is guilty of a class E felony. Any person who manufactures or causes to be manufactured any switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, undetectable knife, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, Kung Fu star, chuka stick, sandbag, sandclub or slungshot is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
2. Any person who transports or ships any machine-gun, firearm silencer, assault weapon or large capacity ammunition feeding device or disguised gun, or who transports or ships as merchandise five or more firearms, is guilty of a class D felony. Any person who transports or ships any rapid-fire modification device is guilty of a class E felony. Any person who transports or ships as merchandise any firearm, other than an assault weapon, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, undetectable knife, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, Kung Fu star, chuka stick, sandbag or slungshot is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
3. Any person who disposes of any machine-gun, assault weapon, large capacity ammunition feeding device or firearm silencer is guilty of a class D felony. Any person who disposes of any rapid-fire modification device is guilty of a class E felony. Any person who knowingly buys, receives, disposes of, or conceals a machine-gun, firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device, rifle or shotgun which has been defaced for the purpose of concealment or prevention of the detection of a crime or misrepresenting the identity of such machine-gun, firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device, rifle or shotgun is guilty of a class D felony.
4. Any person who disposes of any of the weapons, instruments or appliances specified in subdivision one of section 265.01, except a firearm, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor, and he is guilty of a class D felony if he has previously been convicted of any crime.
5. Any person who disposes of any of the weapons, instruments, appliances or substances specified in section 265.05 to any other person under the age of sixteen years is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
6. Any person who wilfully defaces any machine-gun, large capacity ammunition feeding device or firearm is guilty of a class D felony.
7. Any person, other than a wholesale dealer, or gunsmith or dealer in firearms duly licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, lawfully in possession of a firearm or semiautomatic rifle, who disposes of the same without first notifying in writing the licensing officer in the city of New York and counties of Nassau and Suffolk and elsewhere in the state the executive department, division of state police, Albany, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
8. Any person, dealer, firm, partnership or corporation who intentionally designs or transforms a firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine-gun to resemble a toy gun by either altering or concealing the original color or surface of the gun with the purpose of selling such weapon is guilty of a class D felony.
9. Any person who modifies a microstamping-enabled pistol or microstamping component with the intent to prevent the production of a microstamp is, for a first offense, guilty of a class B misdemeanor, and for a second or subsequent offense, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. For the purposes of this subdivision, it shall not be unlawful to replace the microstamping component of a microstamping-enabled pistol when the component is damaged or in need of replacement with another valid microstamping component for the safe use of the firearm or replacing such pin for a legitimate sporting purpose that is only used for that legitimate purpose.
§ 265.11 Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree when such person is not authorized pursuant to law to possess a firearm and such person unlawfully either:
(1) sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a firearm or large capacity ammunition feeding device to another person; or
(2) possesses a firearm with the intent to sell it.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.12 Criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree when such person:
(1) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another five or more firearms; or
(2) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another person or persons a total of two or more firearms in a period of not more than one year.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree is a class C felony.
§ 265.13 Criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree when such person:
(1) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another ten or more firearms; or
(2) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another person or persons a total of three or more firearms in a period of not more than one year.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 265.14 Criminal sale of a firearm with the aid of a minor.
A person over the age of eighteen years of age is guilty of criminal sale of a weapon with the aid of a minor when a person under sixteen years of age knowingly and unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a firearm in violation of this article, and such person over the age of eighteen years of age, acting with the mental culpability required for the commission thereof, solicits, requests, commands, importunes or intentionally aids such person under sixteen years of age to engage in such conduct.
Criminal sale of a firearm with the aid of a minor is a class C felony.
§ 265.15 Presumptions of possession, unlawful intent and defacement.
1. The presence in any room, dwelling, structure or vehicle of any machine-gun is presumptive evidence of its unlawful possession by all persons occupying the place where such machine-gun is found.
2. The presence in any stolen vehicle of any weapon, instrument, appliance or substance specified in sections 265.01, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04 and 265.05 is presumptive evidence of its possession by all persons occupying such vehicle at the time such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance is found.
3. The presence in an automobile, other than a stolen one or a public omnibus, of any firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device, defaced firearm, defaced rifle or shotgun, defaced large capacity ammunition feeding device, firearm silencer, explosive or incendiary bomb, bombshell, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, dagger, dirk, stiletto, billy, blackjack, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, chuka stick, sandbag, sandclub or slungshot is presumptive evidence of its possession by all persons occupying such automobile at the time such weapon, instrument or appliance is found, except under the following circumstances: (a) if such weapon, instrument or appliance is found upon the person of one of the occupants therein; (b) if such weapon, instrument or appliance is found in an automobile which is being operated for hire by a duly licensed driver in the due, lawful and proper pursuit of his or her trade, then such presumption shall not apply to the driver; or (c) if the weapon so found is a pistol or revolver and one of the occupants, not present under duress, has in his or her possession a valid license to have and carry concealed the same.
4. The possession by any person of the substance as specified in section 265.04 is presumptive evidence of possessing such substance with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person or property of another if such person is not licensed or otherwise authorized to possess such substance. The possession by any person of any dagger, dirk, stiletto, dangerous knife or any other weapon, instrument, appliance or substance designed, made or adapted for use primarily as a weapon, is presumptive evidence of intent to use the same unlawfully against another.
5. The possession by any person of a defaced machine-gun, firearm, rifle or shotgun is presumptive evidence that such person defaced the same.
6. The possession of three or more firearms by any person is presumptive evidence that such person possessed the firearms with the intent to sell same.
§ 265.16 Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm to a minor when he is not authorized pursuant to law to possess a firearm and he unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a firearm to another person who is or reasonably appears to be less than nineteen years of age who is not licensed pursuant to law to possess a firearm.
Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor is a class C felony.
§ 265.17 Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon.
A person is guilty of criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon when:
1. Knowing that he or she is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm, rifle or shotgun because of a prior conviction or because of some other disability which would render him or her ineligible to lawfully possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun in this state, or knowing that he or she is the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense, such person purchases or otherwise acquires a firearm, rifle or shotgun from another person; or
2. Knowing that it would be unlawful for another person to possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun, or knowing that another person is the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense, he or she purchases or otherwise acquires a firearm, rifle or shotgun for, on behalf of, or for the use of such other person; or
3. Knowing that another person is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm, rifle or shotgun because of a prior conviction or because of some other disability which would render him or her ineligible to lawfully possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun in this state, or knowing that another person is the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense, a person disposes of a firearm, rifle or shotgun to such other person.
Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon is a class D felony.
§ 265.19 Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon.
A person is guilty of aggravated criminal possession of a weapon when he or she commits the crime of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree as defined in subdivision three of section 265.03 of this article and also commits any violent felony offense as defined in subdivision one of section 70.02 of this chapter or a drug trafficking felony as defined in subdivision twenty-one of section 10.00 of this chapter arising out of the same criminal transaction.
Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon is a class C felony.
§ 265.20 Exemptions.
a. Paragraph (h) of subdivision twenty-two of section 265.00 and sections 265.01, 265.01-a, 265.01-b, 265.01-c, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04, 265.05, 265.10, 265.11, 265.12, 265.13, 265.15, 265.36, 265.37, 265.50, 265.55 and 270.05 shall not apply to:
1. Possession of any of the weapons, instruments, appliances or substances specified in sections 265.01, 265.01-c, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04, 265.05, 265.50, 265.55 and 270.05 by the following:
(a) Persons in the military service of the state of New York when duly authorized by regulations issued by the adjutant general to possess the same.
(b) Police officers as defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law.
(c) Peace officers as defined by section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law.
(d) Persons in the military or other service of the United States, in pursuit of official duty or when duly authorized by federal law, regulation or order to possess the same.
(e) Persons employed in fulfilling defense contracts with the government of the United States or agencies thereof when possession of the same is necessary for manufacture, transport, installation and testing under the requirements of such contract.
(f) A person voluntarily surrendering such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance, provided that such surrender shall be made to the superintendent of the division of state police or a member thereof designated by such superintendent, or to the sheriff of the county in which such person resides, or in the county of Nassau or in the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, Islip and Smithtown in the county of Suffolk to the commissioner of police or a member of the police department thereof designated by such commissioner, or if such person resides in a city, town other than one named in this subparagraph, or village to the police commissioner or head of the police force or department thereof or to a member of the force or department designated by such commissioner or head; and provided, further, that the same shall be surrendered by such person in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be established by such superintendent, sheriff, police force or department. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as granting immunity from prosecution for any crime or offense except that of unlawful possession of such weapons, instruments, appliances or substances surrendered as herein provided. A person who possesses any such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance as an executor or administrator or any other lawful possessor of such property of a decedent may continue to possess such property for a period not over fifteen days. If such property is not lawfully disposed of within such period the possessor shall deliver it to an appropriate official described in this paragraph or such property may be delivered to the superintendent of state police. Such officer shall hold it and shall thereafter deliver it on the written request of such executor, administrator or other lawful possessor of such property to a named person, provided such named person is licensed to or is otherwise lawfully permitted to possess the same. If no request to deliver the property is received by such official within one year of the delivery of such property, such official shall dispose of it in accordance with the provisions of section 400.05 of this chapter.
2. Possession of a machine-gun, large capacity ammunition feeding device, rapid-fire modification device, firearm, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, billy or blackjack by a warden, superintendent, headkeeper or deputy of a state prison, penitentiary, workhouse, county jail or other institution for the detention of persons convicted or accused of crime or detained as witnesses in criminal cases, in pursuit of official duty or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.
3. Possession of a pistol or revolver by a person to whom a license therefor has been issued as provided under section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter or possession of a weapon as defined in paragraph (e) or (f) of subdivision twenty-two of section 265.00 of this article which is registered pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter or is included on an amended license issued pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter. In the event such license is revoked, other than because such licensee is no longer permitted to possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun under federal or state law, information sufficient to satisfy the requirements of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter, shall be transmitted by the licensing officer to the state police, in a form as determined by the superintendent of state police. Such transmission shall constitute a valid registration under such section. Further provided, notwithstanding any other section of this title, a failure to register such weapon by an individual who possesses such weapon before the enactment of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which amended this paragraph and may so lawfully possess it thereafter upon registration, shall only be subject to punishment pursuant to paragraph (c) of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter; provided, that such a license or registration shall not preclude a conviction for the offense defined in subdivision three of section 265.01 of this article or section 265.01-a of this article.
3-a. Possession of a pistol or revolver by a person undergoing live-fire range training pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter while such person is undergoing such training and is supervised by a duly authorized instructor.
4. Possession of a rifle, shotgun, crossbow or longbow for use while hunting, trapping or fishing, by a person, not a citizen of the United States, carrying a valid license issued pursuant to section 11-0713 of the environmental conservation law.
5. Possession of a rifle or shotgun by a person other than a person who has been convicted of a class A-I felony or a violent felony offense, as defined in subdivision one of section 70.02 of this chapter, who has been convicted as specified in subdivision four of section 265.01 to whom a certificate of good conduct has been issued pursuant to section seven hundred three-b of the correction law.
6. Possession of a switchblade for use while hunting, trapping or fishing by a person carrying a valid license issued to him pursuant to section 11-0713 of the environmental conservation law.
7. Possession, at an indoor or outdoor shooting range for the purpose of loading and firing, of a rifle or shotgun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder by a person under sixteen years of age but not under twelve, under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, air force, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy, air force or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state, or by a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor; or (c) a parent, guardian, or a person over the age of eighteen designated in writing by such parent or guardian who shall have a certificate of qualification in responsible hunting, including safety, ethics, and landowner relations-hunter relations, issued or honored by the department of environmental conservation; or (d) an agent of the department of environmental conservation appointed to conduct courses in responsible hunting practices pursuant to article eleven of the environmental conservation law.
7-a. Possession and use, at an indoor or outdoor pistol range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in small arms or at a target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association for the purpose of loading and firing the same, by a person duly licensed to possess a pistol or revolver pursuant to section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter of a pistol or revolver duly so licensed to another person who is present at the time.
7-b. Possession and use, at an indoor or outdoor pistol range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in small arms or at a target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association for the purpose of loading and firing the same, by a person who has applied for a license to possess a pistol or revolver and pre-license possession of same pursuant to section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter, who has not been previously denied a license, been previously convicted of a felony or serious offense, and who does not appear to be, or pose a threat to be, a danger to himself or to others, and who has been approved for possession and use herein in accordance with section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter; provided however, that such possession shall be of a pistol or revolver duly licensed to and shall be used under the supervision, guidance and instruction of, a person specified in paragraph seven of this subdivision and provided further that such possession and use be within the jurisdiction of the licensing officer with whom the person has made application therefor or within the jurisdiction of the superintendent of state police in the case of a retired sworn member of the division of state police who has opted to make an application pursuant to section 400.01 of this chapter.
7-c. Possession for the purpose of loading and firing, of a rifle, pistol or shotgun, the propelling force of which may be either air, compressed gas or springs, by a person under sixteen years of age but not under twelve, under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state, or by a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor; or (c) a parent, guardian, or a person over the age of eighteen designated in writing by such parent or guardian who shall have a certificate of qualification in responsible hunting, including safety, ethics, and landowner relations-hunter relations, issued or honored by the department of environmental conservation.
7-d. Possession, at an indoor or outdoor shooting range for the purpose of loading and firing, of a rifle, pistol or shotgun, the propelling force of which may be either air, compressed gas or springs, by a person under twelve years of age, under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state, or by a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor; or (c) a parent, guardian, or a person over the age of eighteen designated in writing by such parent or guardian who shall have a certificate of qualification in responsible hunting, including safety, ethics, and landowner relations-hunter relations, issued or honored by the department of environmental conservation.
7-e. Possession and use of a pistol or revolver, at an indoor or outdoor pistol range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in small arms or at a target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by an association or organization described in paragraph 7-a of this subdivision for the purpose of loading and firing the same by a person at least fourteen years of age but under the age of twenty-one who has not been previously convicted of a felony or serious offense, and who does not appear to be, or pose a threat to be, a danger to himself or to others; provided however, that such possession shall be of a pistol or revolver duly licensed to and shall be used under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of, a person specified in paragraph seven of this subdivision.
7-f. Possession and use of a magazine, belt, feed strip or similar device, that contains more than seven rounds of ammunition, but that does not have a capacity of or can readily be restored or converted to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition, at an indoor or outdoor firing range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in arms; at an indoor or outdoor firing range for the purpose of firing a rifle or shotgun; at a collegiate, olympic or target shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association; or at an organized match sanctioned by the International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association.
8. The manufacturer of machine-guns, firearm silencers, assault weapons, large capacity ammunition feeding devices, rapid-fire modification devices, disguised guns, pilum ballistic knives, switchblade or gravity knives, billies or blackjacks as merchandise, or as a transferee recipient of the same for repair, lawful distribution or research and development, and the disposal and shipment thereof direct to a regularly constituted or appointed state or municipal police department, sheriff, police officer or other peace officer, or to a state prison, penitentiary, workhouse, county jail or other institution for the detention of persons convicted or accused of crime or held as witnesses in criminal cases, or to the military service of this state or of the United States; or for the repair and return of the same to the lawful possessor or for research and development.
9. The regular and ordinary transport of firearms as merchandise, provided that the person transporting such firearms, where he knows or has reasonable means of ascertaining what he is transporting, notifies in writing the police commissioner, police chief or other law enforcement officer performing such functions at the place of delivery, of the name and address of the consignee and the place of delivery, and withholds delivery to the consignee for such reasonable period of time designated in writing by such police commissioner, police chief or other law enforcement officer as such official may deem necessary for investigation as to whether the consignee may lawfully receive and possess such firearms.
9-a. a. Except as provided in subdivision b hereof, the regular and ordinary transport of pistols or revolvers by a manufacturer of firearms to whom a license as a dealer in firearms has been issued pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, or by an agent or employee of such manufacturer of firearms who is otherwise duly licensed to carry a pistol or revolver and who is duly authorized in writing by such manufacturer of firearms to transport pistols or revolvers on the date or dates specified, directly between places where the manufacturer of firearms regularly conducts business provided such pistols or revolvers are transported unloaded, in a locked opaque container. For purposes of this subdivision, places where the manufacturer of firearms regularly conducts business includes, but is not limited to places where the manufacturer of firearms regularly or customarily conducts development or design of pistols or revolvers, or regularly or customarily conducts tests on pistols or revolvers, or regularly or customarily participates in the exposition of firearms to the public.
b. The transportation of such pistols or revolvers into, out of or within the city of New York may be done only with the consent of the police commissioner of the city of New York. To obtain such consent, the manufacturer must notify the police commissioner in writing of the name and address of the transporting manufacturer, or agent or employee of the manufacturer who is authorized in writing by such manufacturer to transport pistols or revolvers, the number, make and model number of the firearms to be transported and the place where the manufacturer regularly conducts business within the city of New York and such other information as the commissioner may deem necessary. The manufacturer must not transport such pistols and revolvers between the designated places of business for such reasonable period of time designated in writing by the police commissioner as such official may deem necessary for investigation and to give consent. The police commissioner may not unreasonably withhold his consent.
10. Engaging in the business of gunsmith or dealer in firearms by a person to whom a valid license therefor has been issued pursuant to section 400.00.
11. Possession of a firearm or large capacity ammunition feeding device by a police officer or sworn peace officer of another state while conducting official business within the state of New York.
12. Possession of a pistol or revolver by a person who is a member or coach of an accredited college or university target pistol team while transporting the pistol or revolver into or through New York state to participate in a collegiate, olympic or target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association, provided such pistol or revolver is unloaded and carried in a locked carrying case and the ammunition therefor is carried in a separate locked container.
12-a. Possession and use of a pistol or revolver, at an indoor or outdoor shooting range, by a registered student of a higher education institution chartered by the state of New York, who is participating in a course in gun safety and proficiency offered by such institution, under the immediate supervision, guidance, and instruction of a person specified in paragraph seven of this subdivision.
13. Possession of pistols and revolvers by a person who is a nonresident of this state while attending or traveling to or from, an organized competitive pistol match or league competition under auspices of, or approved by, the National Rifle Association and in which he is a competitor, within forty-eight hours of such event or by a person who is a non-resident of the state while attending or traveling to or from an organized match sanctioned by the International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association and in which he is a competitor, within forty-eight hours of such event, provided that he has not been previously convicted of a felony or a crime which, if committed in New York, would constitute a felony, and further provided that the pistols or revolvers are transported unloaded in a locked opaque container together with a copy of the match program, match schedule or match registration card. Such documentation shall constitute prima facie evidence of exemption, providing that such person also has in his possession a pistol license or firearms registration card issued in accordance with the laws of his place of residence. For purposes of this subdivision, a person licensed in a jurisdiction which does not authorize such license by a person who has been previously convicted of a felony shall be presumed to have no prior conviction. The superintendent of state police shall annually review the laws of jurisdictions within the United States and Canada with respect to the applicable requirements for licensing or registration of firearms and shall publish a list of those jurisdictions which prohibit possession of a firearm by a person previously convicted of a felony or crimes which if committed in New York state would constitute a felony.
13-a. Except in cities not wholly contained within a single county of the state, possession of pistols and revolvers by a person who is a nonresident of this state while attending or traveling to or from, an organized convention or exhibition for the display of or education about firearms, which is conducted under auspices of, or approved by, the National Rifle Association and in which he is a registered participant, within forty-eight hours of such event, provided that he has not been previously convicted of a felony or a crime which, if committed in New York, would constitute a felony, and further provided that the pistols or revolvers are transported unloaded in a locked opaque container together with a copy of the convention or exhibition program, convention or exhibition schedule or convention or exhibition registration card. Such documentation shall constitute prima facie evidence of exemption, providing that such person also has in his possession a pistol license or firearms registration card issued in accordance with the laws of his place of residence. For purposes of this paragraph, a person licensed in a jurisdiction which does not authorize such license by a person who has been previously convicted of a felony shall be presumed to have no prior conviction. The superintendent of state police shall annually review the laws of jurisdictions within the United States and Canada with respect to the applicable requirements for licensing or registration of firearms and shall publish a list of those jurisdictions which prohibit possession of a firearm by a person previously convicted of a felony or crimes which if committed in New York state would constitute a felony.
14. Possession in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph of a self-defense spray device as defined herein for the protection of a person or property and use of such self-defense spray device under circumstances which would justify the use of physical force pursuant to article thirty-five of this chapter.
(a) As used in this section "self-defense spray device" shall mean a pocket sized spray device which contains and releases a chemical or organic substance which is intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or disability through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air or any like device containing tear gas, pepper or similar disabling agent.
(b) The exemption under this paragraph shall not apply to a person who:
(i) is less than eighteen years of age; or
(ii) has been previously convicted in this state of a felony or any assault; or
(iii) has been convicted of a crime outside the state of New York which if committed in New York would constitute a felony or any assault crime.
(c) The department of health, with the cooperation of the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, shall develop standards and promulgate regulations regarding the type of self-defense spray device which may lawfully be purchased, possessed and used pursuant to this paragraph. The regulations shall include a requirement that every self-defense spray device which may be lawfully purchased, possessed or used pursuant to this paragraph have a label which states: "WARNING: The use of this substance or device for any purpose other than self-defense is a criminal offense under the law. The contents are dangerous - use with care. This device shall not be sold by anyone other than a licensed or authorized dealer. Possession of this device by any person under the age of eighteen or by anyone who has been convicted of a felony or assault is illegal. Violators may be prosecuted under the law."
15. Possession and sale of a self-defense spray device as defined in paragraph fourteen of this subdivision by a dealer in firearms licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, a pharmacist licensed pursuant to article one hundred thirty-seven of the education law or by such other vendor as may be authorized and approved by the superintendent of state police.
(a) Every self-defense spray device shall be accompanied by an insert or inserts which include directions for use, first aid information, safety and storage information and which shall also contain a toll free telephone number for the purpose of allowing any purchaser to call and receive additional information regarding the availability of local courses in self-defense training and safety in the use of a self-defense spray device.
(b) Before delivering a self-defense spray device to any person, the licensed or authorized dealer shall require proof of age and a sworn statement on a form approved by the superintendent of state police that such person has not been convicted of a felony or any crime involving an assault. Such forms shall be forwarded to the division of state police at such intervals as directed by the superintendent of state police. Absent any such direction the forms shall be maintained on the premises of the vendor and shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by any peace officer or police officer, acting pursuant to his or her special duties. No more than two self-defense spray devices may be sold at any one time to a single purchaser.
16. The terms "rifle," "shotgun," "pistol," "revolver," and "firearm" as used in paragraphs three, four, five, seven, seven-a, seven-b, nine, nine-a, ten, twelve, thirteen and thirteen-a of this subdivision shall not include a disguised gun or an assault weapon.
b. Section 265.01 shall not apply to possession of that type of billy commonly known as a "police baton" which is twenty-four to twenty-six inches in length and no more than one and one-quarter inches in thickness by members of an auxiliary police force of a city with a population in excess of one million persons or the county of Suffolk when duly authorized by regulation or order issued by the police commissioner of such city or such county respectively. Such regulations shall require training in the use of the police baton including but not limited to the defensive use of the baton and instruction in the legal use of deadly physical force pursuant to article thirty-five of this chapter. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or any other provision of law, possession of such baton shall not be authorized when used intentionally to strike another person except in those situations when the use of deadly physical force is authorized by such article thirty-five.
c. Sections 265.01, 265.10 and 265.15 shall not apply to possession of billies or blackjacks by persons:
1. while employed in fulfilling contracts with New York state, its agencies or political subdivisions for the purchase of billies or blackjacks; or
2. while employed in fulfilling contracts with sister states, their agencies or political subdivisions for the purchase of billies or blackjacks; or
3. while employed in fulfilling contracts with foreign countries, their agencies or political subdivisions for the purchase of billies or blackjacks as permitted under federal law.
d. Subdivision one of section 265.01 and subdivision four of section 265.15 of this article shall not apply to possession or ownership of automatic knives by any cutlery and knife museum established pursuant to section two hundred sixteen-c of the education law or by any director, officer, employee, or agent thereof when he or she is in possession of an automatic knife and acting in furtherance of the business of such museum.
e. Subdivision eight of section 265.02 and sections 265.36 and 265.37 of this chapter shall not apply to a qualified retired New York or federal law enforcement officer as defined in subdivision twenty-five of section 265.00 of this article, with respect to large capacity ammunition feeding devices issued to such officer or purchased by such officer in the course of his or her official duties and owned by such officer at the time of his or her retirement or comparable replacements for such devices, if: (i) the agency that employed the officer qualified such officer in the use of the weapon which accepts such device in accordance with applicable state or federal standards for active duty law enforcement officers within twelve months prior to his or her retirement; and (ii) such retired officer meets, at his or her own expense, such applicable standards for such weapon at least once within three years after his or her retirement date and at least once every three years thereafter, provided, however, that any such qualified officer who has been retired for eighteen months or more on the effective date of this subdivision shall have eighteen months from such effective date to qualify in the use of the weapon which accepts such large capacity ammunition feeding device according to the provisions of this subdivision, notwithstanding that such officer did not qualify within three years after his or her retirement date, provided that such officer is otherwise qualified and maintains compliance with the provisions of this subdivision.
§ 265.25 Certain wounds to be reported.
Every case of a bullet wound, gunshot wound, powder burn or any other injury arising from or caused by the discharge of a gun or firearm, and every case of a wound which is likely to or may result in death and is actually or apparently inflicted by a knife, icepick or other sharp or pointed instrument, shall be reported at once to the police authorities of the city, town or village where the person reporting is located by: (a) the physician attending or treating the case; or (b) the manager, superintendent or other person in charge, whenever such case is treated in a hospital, sanitarium or other institution. Failure to make such report is a class A misdemeanor. This subdivision shall not apply to such wounds, burns or injuries received by a member of the armed forces of the United States or the state of New York while engaged in the actual performance of duty.
§ 265.26 Burn injury and wounds to be reported.
Every case of a burn injury or wound, where the victim sustained second or third degree burns to five percent or more of the body and/or any burns to the upper respiratory tract or laryngeal edema due to the inhalation of super-heated air, and every case of a burn injury or wound which is likely to or may result in death, shall be reported at once to the office of fire prevention and control. The state fire administrator shall accept the report and notify the proper investigatory agency. A written report shall also be provided to the office of fire prevention and control within seventy-two hours. The report shall be made by (a) the physician attending or treating the case; or (b) the manager, superintendent or other person in charge, whenever such case is treated in a hospital, sanitarium, institution or other medical facility.
The intentional failure to make such report is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.30 Certain convictions to be reported.
Every conviction under this article or section 400.00, of a person who is not a citizen of the United States, shall be certified to the proper officer of the United States government by the district attorney of the county in which such conviction was had.
§ 265.35 Prohibited use of weapons.
1. Any person hunting with a dangerous weapon in any county wholly embraced within the territorial limits of a city is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
2. Any person who wilfully discharges a loaded firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, at an aircraft while such aircraft is in motion in the air or in motion or stationary upon the ground, or at any railway or street railroad train as defined by the public service law, or at a locomotive, car, bus or vehicle standing or moving upon such railway, railroad or public highway, is guilty of a class D felony if thereby the safety of any person is endangered, and in every other case, of a class E felony.
3. Any person who, otherwise than in self defense or in the discharge of official duty, (a) wilfully discharges any species of firearms, air-gun or other weapon, or throws any other deadly missile, either in a public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, or, in Putnam county, within one-quarter mile of any occupied school building other than under supervised instruction by properly authorized instructors although no injury to any person ensues; (b) intentionally, without malice, points or aims any firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, at or toward any other person; (c) discharges, without injury to any other person, firearms or any other guns, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, while intentionally without malice, aimed at or toward any person; or (d) maims or injures any other person by the discharge of any firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, pointed or aimed intentionally, but without malice, at any such person, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.37 Unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding devices.
It shall be unlawful for a person to knowingly possess an ammunition feeding device where such device contains more than seven rounds of ammunition.
If such device containing more than seven rounds of ammunition is possessed within the home of the possessor, the person so possessing the device shall, for a first offense, be guilty of a violation and subject to a fine of two hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense, be guilty of a class B misdemeanor and subject to a fine of two hundred dollars and a term of up to three months imprisonment.
If such device containing more than seven rounds of ammunition is possessed in any location other than the home of the possessor, the person so possessing the device shall, for a first offense, be guilty of a class B misdemeanor and subject to a fine of two hundred dollars and a term of up to six months imprisonment, and for each subsequent offense, be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
* § 265.38 Unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled firearm.
1. It shall be unlawful for any dealer in firearms licensed under section 400.00 of this chapter, to sell, offer for sale, exchange, give, transfer or deliver any semiautomatic pistol unless such pistol has been verified as a microstamping-enabled pistol. A pistol may be verified as microstamping-enabled if it contains a microstamp component installed by its manufacturer or by a state licensed person, association, partnership, corporation, or other entity in compliance with state standards established by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services or their designee. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a pistol manufactured prior to the effective date of this section.
2. (a) The first violation for unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled pistol pursuant to this section shall be punishable only by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and may result in a suspension or revocation of the dealer's license issued under section 400.00 of this chapter.
(b) The second violation for unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled pistol pursuant to this section shall be punishable only by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars and may result in a suspension or revocation of the dealer's license issued under section 400.00 of this chapter.
(c) The third violation for unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled pistol pursuant to this section is a class A misdemeanor and shall result in a suspension or revocation of the dealer's license issued under section 400.00 of this chapter.
* NB Effective per requirements in § 5 of chapter 205/2022 (see chapter)
§ 265.40 Purchase of rifles and/or shotguns in contiguous states.
Definitions. As used in this act:
1. "Contiguous state" shall mean any state having any portion of its border in common with a portion of the border of the state of New York;
2. All other terms herein shall be given the meaning prescribed in Public Law 90-618 known as the "Gun Control Act of l968" (18 U.S.C. 921).
It shall be lawful for a person or persons residing in this state, to purchase or otherwise obtain a rifle and/or shotgun in a contiguous state, and to receive or transport such rifle and/or shotgun into this state; provided, however, such person is otherwise eligible to possess a rifle and/or shotgun under the laws of this state.
§ 265.45 Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the first degree.
1. No person who owns or is custodian of a rifle, shotgun or firearm who resides with an individual who: (i) is under eighteen years of age; (ii) such person knows or has reason to know is prohibited from possessing a rifle, shotgun or firearm pursuant to a temporary or final extreme risk protection order issued under article sixty-three-A of the civil practice law and rules or 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) (1), (4), (8) or (9); or (iii) such person knows or has reason to know is prohibited from possessing a rifle, shotgun or firearm based on a conviction for a felony or a serious offense, shall store or otherwise leave such rifle, shotgun or firearm out of his or her immediate possession or control without having first securely locked such rifle, shotgun or firearm in an appropriate safe storage depository or rendered it incapable of being fired by use of a gun locking device appropriate to that weapon.
2. No person shall store or otherwise leave a rifle, shotgun, or firearm out of such person's immediate possession or control inside a vehicle without first removing the ammunition from and securely locking such rifle, shotgun, or firearm in an appropriate safe storage depository out of sight from outside of the vehicle; provided, however, this subdivision shall not apply to a police officer as such term is defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law, a qualified law enforcement officer authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926B, or a person in the military service of the United States or the state of New York when such police officer, qualified law enforcement officer, or person in such military service is acting in the course of such person's official duty or employment and otherwise complying with any applicable standards or requirements pertaining to the storage of such rifle, shotgun, or firearm.
3. For purposes of this section "safe storage depository" shall mean a safe or other secure container which, when locked, is incapable of being opened without the key, keypad, combination or other unlocking mechanism and is capable of preventing an unauthorized person from obtaining access to and possession of the weapon contained therein and shall be fire, impact, and tamper resistant. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect, impair or supersede any special or local act relating to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns or firearms which impose additional requirements on the owner or custodian of such weapons. For the purposes of subdivision two of this section, a glove compartment or glove box shall not be considered an appropriate safe storage depository.
4. It shall not be a violation of this section to allow a person less than eighteen years of age access to: (i) a firearm, rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized under paragraph seven or seven-e of subdivision a of section 265.20 of this article, or (ii) a rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized by article eleven of the environmental conservation law when such person less than eighteen years of age is the holder of a hunting license or permit and such rifle or shotgun is used in accordance with such law.
Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the first degree is a class A misdemeanor.
* § 265.50 Criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
A person is guilty of criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun when he or she knowingly manufactures, causes to be manufactured, sells, exchanges, gives, disposes of, transports, ships, or possesses with the intent to sell:
1. any firearm, rifle or shotgun that, after the removal of grips, stocks and magazines, is not detectable by a metal detector calibrated to detect the Security Exemplar, as defined pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 922(p); or
2. any major component of a firearm, rifle or shotgun that, if subject to the types of detection devices commonly used at airports for security screening, does not generate an image that adequately displays the shape of the component.
Criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun is a class D felony.
* NB There are 2 § 265.50's
* § 265.50 Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the second degree.
No person who owns or is custodian of a rifle, shotgun or firearm and knows, or has reason to know, that a person less than sixteen years of age is likely to gain access to such rifle, shotgun or firearm shall store or otherwise leave such rifle, shotgun or firearm out of his or her immediate possession or control without having first securely locked such rifle, shotgun or firearm in an appropriate safe storage depository or rendered it incapable of being fired by use of a gun locking device appropriate to that weapon. For purposes of this section "safe storage depository" shall have the same meaning as such term is defined in section 265.45 of this article. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect, impair or supersede any special or local act relating to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns or firearms which impose additional requirements on the owner or custodian of such weapons.
It shall not be a violation of this section to allow a person less than sixteen years of age access to: (i) a firearm, rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized under paragraph seven or seven-e of subdivision a of section 265.20 of this article, or (ii) a rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized by article eleven of the environmental conservation law when such person less than sixteen years of age is the holder of a hunting license or permit and such rifle or shotgun is used in accordance with such law.
Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the second degree is a violation punishable only by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars.
* NB There are 2 § 265.50's
§ 265.55 Criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun when he or she knowingly possesses:
1. any firearm, rifle or shotgun that, after the removal of grips, stocks and magazines, is not detectable by a metal detector calibrated to detect the Security Exemplar, as defined pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 922(p); or
2. any major component of a firearm, rifle or shotgun that, if subject to the types of detection devices commonly used at airports for security screening, does not generate an image that adequately displays the shape of the component.
Criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun is a class E felony.
§ 265.60 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree.
1. A person is guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree when, knowing or having reason to know it is a ghost gun, he or she sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a ghost gun to another person.
2. Notwithstanding subdivision one of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree when such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such ghost gun to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) within a period of six months after the effective date of this section sells, exchanges, gives, or disposes of such ghost gun to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree is a class E felony.
§ 265.61 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree.
1. A person is guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree when, knowing or having reason to know they are ghost guns, he or she sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of ten or more ghost guns to another person or persons.
2. Notwithstanding subdivision one of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree if he or she: (a) voluntarily surrenders such ghost guns to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) within a period of six months after the effective date of this section sells, exchanges, gives, or disposes of such ghost guns to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.63 Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree when, knowing it is an unserialized frame or receiver or an unfinished frame or receiver, such person unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver, provided that for a period of six months after the effective date of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree if such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) sells, exchanges, gives, or disposes of such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree is a class E felony.
§ 265.64 Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree when, knowing they are unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers, such person unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a total of ten or more unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers in a period of not more than one year, provided that for a period of six months after the effective date of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree if such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of such unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.65 Criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle.
A person is guilty of criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle when he or she purchases or takes possession of a semiautomatic rifle and does not possess a license to purchase or take possession of a semiautomatic rifle as provided in subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter. Criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle is a class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a class E felony for subsequent offenses.
§ 265.66 Criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle when, knowing or having reason to know it is a semiautomatic rifle, he or she sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a semiautomatic rifle to another person and such other person does not possess a license to purchase or take possession of a semiautomatic rifle as provided in subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle is a class E felony.
Section 265.00 Definitions.
265.01 Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
265.01-a Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds.
265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm.
265.01-c Criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device.
265.01-d Criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location.
265.01-e Criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location.
265.02 Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree.
265.03 Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree.
265.04 Criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree.
265.05 Unlawful possession of weapons by persons under sixteen.
265.06 Unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds.
265.07 Registration and serialization of firearms, rifles, shotguns, finished frames or receivers, and unfinished frames or receivers.
265.08 Criminal use of a firearm in the second degree.
265.09 Criminal use of a firearm in the first degree.
265.10 Manufacture, transport, disposition and defacement of weapons and dangerous instruments and appliances.
265.11 Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree.
265.12 Criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree.
265.13 Criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree.
265.14 Criminal sale of a firearm with the aid of a minor.
265.15 Presumptions of possession, unlawful intent and defacement.
265.16 Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor.
265.17 Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon.
265.19 Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon.
265.20 Exemptions.
265.25 Certain wounds to be reported.
265.26 Burn injury and wounds to be reported.
265.30 Certain convictions to be reported.
265.35 Prohibited use of weapons.
265.37 Unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding devices.
265.38 Unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled firearm.
265.40 Purchase of rifles and/or shotguns in contiguous states.
265.45 Safe storage of rifles, shotguns, and firearms.
265.50 Criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
265.50*2 Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the second degree.
265.55 Criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
265.60 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree.
265.61 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree.
265.63 Criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver in the second degree.
265.64 Criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver in the first degree.
265.65 Criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle.
265.66 Criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle.
§ 265.00 Definitions.
As used in this article and in article four hundred, the following terms shall mean and include:
1. "Machine-gun" means a weapon of any description, irrespective of size, by whatever name known, loaded or unloaded, from which a number of shots or bullets may be rapidly or automatically discharged from a magazine with one continuous pull of the trigger and includes a sub-machine gun.
2. "Firearm silencer" means any instrument, attachment, weapon or appliance for causing the firing of any gun, revolver, pistol or other firearms to be silent, or intended to lessen or muffle the noise of the firing of any gun, revolver, pistol or other firearms.
3. "Firearm" means (a) any pistol or revolver; or (b) a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length; or (c) a rifle having one or more barrels less than sixteen inches in length; or (d) any weapon made from a shotgun or rifle whether by alteration, modification, or otherwise if such weapon as altered, modified, or otherwise has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches; or (e) an assault weapon; or (f) any other weapon that is not otherwise defined in this section containing any component that provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate any fire control component that is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of explosive. For the purpose of this subdivision the length of the barrel on a shotgun or rifle shall be determined by measuring the distance between the muzzle and the face of the bolt, breech, or breechlock when closed and when the shotgun or rifle is cocked; the overall length of a weapon made from a shotgun or rifle is the distance between the extreme ends of the weapon measured along a line parallel to the center line of the bore. Firearm does not include an antique firearm.
3-a. "Major component of a firearm, rifle or shotgun" means the barrel, the slide or cylinder, the frame, or receiver of the firearm, rifle, or shotgun.
4. "Switchblade knife" means any knife which has a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife.
5. "Gravity knife" means any knife which has a blade which is released from the handle or sheath thereof by the force of gravity or the application of centrifugal force which, when released, is locked in place by means of a button, spring, lever or other device.
5-a. "Pilum ballistic knife" means any knife which has a blade which can be projected from the handle by hand pressure applied to a button, lever, spring or other device in the handle of the knife.
5-b. "Metal knuckle knife" means a weapon that, when closed, cannot function as a set of plastic knuckles or metal knuckles, nor as a knife and when open, can function as both a set of plastic knuckles or metal knuckles as well as a knife.
5-c. "Automatic knife" includes a stiletto, a switchblade knife, a cane sword, a pilum ballistic knife, and a metal knuckle knife.
5-d. "Undetectable knife" means any knife or other instrument, which does not utilize materials that are detectable by a metal detector or magnetometer when set at a standard calibration, that is capable of ready use as a stabbing or cutting weapon and was commercially manufactured to be used as a weapon.
6. "Dispose of" means to dispose of, give, give away, lease, loan, keep for sale, offer, offer for sale, sell, transfer and otherwise dispose of.
7. "Deface" means to remove, deface, cover, alter or destroy the manufacturer's serial number or any other distinguishing number or identification mark.
8. "Gunsmith" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of repairing, altering, assembling, manufacturing, cleaning, polishing, engraving or trueing, or who performs any mechanical operation on, any firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device or machine-gun.
8-a. "Serialized" means bearing a visible identification number and/or symbol in accordance with the requirements imposed on licensed importers and licensed manufacturers pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 923 of Title 18 of the United States Code and regulations issued pursuant thereto in effect at the time of assembly, except for antique firearms as defined in subdivision fourteen of this section, as added by chapter nine hundred eighty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-four, or any firearm, rifle or shotgun manufactured prior to nineteen hundred sixty-eight.
9. "Dealer in firearms" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of purchasing, selling, keeping for sale, loaning, leasing, or in any manner disposing of, any assault weapon, large capacity ammunition feeding device, pistol, revolver, or semiautomatic rifle.
10. "Licensing officer" means in the city of New York the police commissioner of that city; in the county of Nassau the commissioner of police of that county; in the county of Suffolk the sheriff of that county except in the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, Islip and Smithtown, the commissioner of police of that county; for the purposes of section 400.01 of this chapter the superintendent of state police; and elsewhere in the state a judge or justice of a court of record having his office in the county of issuance.
11. "Rifle" means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned and made or remade to use the energy of the explosive to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger using either: (a) fixed metallic cartridge; or (b) each projectile and explosive charge are loaded individually for each shot discharged. In addition to common, modern usage, rifles include those using obsolete ammunition not commonly available in commercial trade, or that load through the muzzle and fire a single projectile with each discharge, or loading, including muzzle loading rifles, flintlock rifles, and black powder rifles.
12. "Shotgun" means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned and made or remade to use the energy of the explosive to fire through a smooth or rifled bore either a number of ball shot or a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger using either: (a) a fixed shotgun shell; or (b) a projectile or number of ball shot and explosive charge are loaded individually for each shot discharged. In addition to common, modern usage, shotguns include those using obsolete ammunition not commonly available in commercial trade, or that load through the muzzle and fires ball shot with each discharge, or loading, including muzzle loading shotguns, flintlock shotguns, and black powder shotguns.
13. "Cane Sword" means a cane or swagger stick having concealed within it a blade that may be used as a sword or stilletto.
* 14. "Antique firearm" means:
Any unloaded muzzle loading pistol or revolver with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system, or a pistol or revolver which uses fixed cartridges which are no longer available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
* NB There are 2 sb 14's
* 14. "Chuka stick" means any device designed primarily as a weapon, consisting of two or more lengths of a rigid material joined together by a thong, rope or chain in such a manner as to allow free movement of a portion of the device while held in the hand and capable of being rotated in such a manner as to inflict serious injury upon a person by striking or choking. These devices are also known as nunchakus and centrifugal force sticks.
* NB There are 2 sb 14's
15. "Loaded firearm" means any firearm loaded with ammunition or any firearm which is possessed by one who, at the same time, possesses a quantity of ammunition which may be used to discharge such firearm.
15-a. "Electronic dart gun" means any device designed primarily as a weapon, the purpose of which is to momentarily stun, knock out or paralyze a person by passing an electrical shock to such person by means of a dart or projectile.
15-b. "Kung Fu star" means a disc-like object with sharpened points on the circumference thereof and is designed for use primarily as a weapon to be thrown.
15-c. "Electronic stun gun" means any device designed primarily as a weapon, the purpose of which is to stun, cause mental disorientation, knock out or paralyze a person by passing a high voltage electrical shock to such person.
16. "Certified not suitable to possess a self-defense spray device, a rifle or shotgun" means that the director or physician in charge of any hospital or institution for mental illness, public or private, has certified to the superintendent of state police or to any organized police department of a county, city, town or village of this state, that a person who has been judicially adjudicated incompetent, or who has been confined to such institution for mental illness pursuant to judicial authority, is not suitable to possess a self-defense spray device, as defined in section 265.20 of this article, or a rifle or shotgun.
17. "Serious offense" means (a) any of the following offenses defined in the current penal law and any offense in any jurisdiction or the former penal law that includes all of the essential elements of any of the following offenses: illegally using, carrying or possessing a pistol or other dangerous weapon; possession of burglar's tools; criminal possession of stolen property in the third degree; escape in the third degree; jostling; fraudulent accosting; endangering the welfare of a child; obscenity in the third degree; issuing abortional articles; permitting prostitution; promoting prostitution in the third degree; stalking in the fourth degree; stalking in the third degree; sexual misconduct; forcible touching; sexual abuse in the third degree; sexual abuse in the second degree; criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree; criminally possessing a hypodermic instrument; criminally using drug paraphernalia in the second degree; criminal possession of methamphetamine manufacturing material in the second degree; and a hate crime defined in article four hundred eighty-five of this chapter.
(b) any of the following offenses defined in the current penal law and any offense in any jurisdiction or in the former penal law that includes all of the essential elements of any of the following offenses, where the defendant and the person against whom the offense was committed were members of the same family or household as defined in subdivision one of section 530.11 of the criminal procedure law and as established pursuant to section 370.15 of the criminal procedure law: assault in the third degree; menacing in the third degree; menacing in the second degree; criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation; unlawful imprisonment in the second degree; coercion in the third degree; criminal tampering in the third degree; criminal contempt in the second degree; harassment in the first degree; aggravated harassment in the second degree; criminal trespass in the third degree; criminal trespass in the second degree; arson in the fifth degree; or attempt to commit any of the above-listed offenses.
(c) any misdemeanor offense in any jurisdiction or in the former penal law that includes all of the essential elements of a felony offense as defined in the current penal law.
18. "Armor piercing ammunition" means any ammunition capable of being used in pistols or revolvers containing a projectile or projectile core, or a projectile or projectile core for use in such ammunition, that is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of any of the following: tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or uranium.
19. "Duly authorized instructor" means (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, or by the division of criminal justice services, or by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state; (c) by a person duly qualified and designated by the department of environmental conservation as its agent in the giving of instruction and the making of certifications of qualification in responsible hunting practices; or (d) a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor.
20. "Disguised gun" means any weapon or device capable of being concealed on the person from which a shot can be discharged through the energy of an explosive and is designed and intended to appear to be either; (a) something other than a gun; or (b) a toy gun that shall include, but not be limited to, any firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine-gun displaying a color finish other than the original manufacture color, a decorative pattern or plastic like surface; provided, however, that any rifle or shotgun displaying a camouflage color finish or pattern that is intended for hunting, as defined by article eleven of the environmental conservation law, shall not be considered a "disguised gun" for purposes of this section.
21. "Semiautomatic" means any repeating rifle, shotgun or pistol, regardless of barrel or overall length, which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge or shell to extract the fired cartridge case or spent shell and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge or shell.
22. "Assault weapon" means
(a) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least one of the following characteristics:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
(iii) a thumbhole stock;
(iv) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand;
(v) a bayonet mount;
(vi) a flash suppressor, muzzle break, muzzle compensator, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor, muzzle break, or muzzle compensator;
(vii) a grenade launcher; or
(b) a semiautomatic shotgun that has at least one of the following characteristics:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a thumbhole stock;
(iii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand;
(iv) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of seven rounds;
(v) an ability to accept a detachable magazine; or
(c) a semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least one of the following characteristics:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a thumbhole stock;
(iii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand;
(iv) capacity to accept an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip;
(v) a threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer;
(vi) a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned;
(vii) a manufactured weight of fifty ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded; or
(viii) a semiautomatic version of an automatic rifle, shotgun or firearm;
(d) a revolving cylinder shotgun;
(e) a semiautomatic rifle, a semiautomatic shotgun or a semiautomatic pistol or weapon defined in subparagraph (v) of paragraph (e) of subdivision twenty-two of section 265.00 of this chapter as added by chapter one hundred eighty-nine of the laws of two thousand and otherwise lawfully possessed pursuant to such chapter of the laws of two thousand prior to September fourteenth, nineteen hundred ninety-four;
(f) a semiautomatic rifle, a semiautomatic shotgun or a semiautomatic pistol or weapon defined in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this subdivision, possessed prior to the date of enactment of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which added this paragraph;
(g) provided, however, that such term does not include:
(i) any rifle, shotgun or pistol that (A) is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (B) has been rendered permanently inoperable; or (C) is an antique firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(16);
(ii) a semiautomatic rifle that cannot accept a detachable magazine that holds more than five rounds of ammunition;
(iii) a semiautomatic shotgun that cannot hold more than five rounds of ammunition in a fixed or detachable magazine; or
(iv) a rifle, shotgun or pistol, or a replica or a duplicate thereof, specified in Appendix A to 18 U.S.C. 922 as such weapon was manufactured on October first, nineteen hundred ninety-three. The mere fact that a weapon is not listed in Appendix A shall not be construed to mean that such weapon is an assault weapon;
(v) any weapon validly registered pursuant to subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter. Such weapons shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (h) of this subdivision;
(vi) any firearm, rifle, or shotgun that was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, but not including replicas thereof that is validly registered pursuant to subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter;
(h) Any weapon defined in paragraph (e) or (f) of this subdivision may only be sold to, exchanged with or disposed of to a purchaser authorized to possess such weapons or to an individual or entity outside of the state provided that any such transfer to an individual or entity outside of the state must be reported to the entity wherein the weapon is registered within seventy-two hours of such transfer. An individual who transfers any such weapon to an individual inside New York state or without complying with the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
23. "Large capacity ammunition feeding device" means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition; provided, however, that such term does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition or a feeding device that is a curio or relic. A feeding device that is a curio or relic is defined as a device that (i) was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, (ii) is only capable of being used exclusively in a firearm, rifle, or shotgun that was manufactured at least fifty years prior to the current date, but not including replicas thereof, (iii) is possessed by an individual who is not prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm and (iv) is registered with the division of state police pursuant to subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter, except such feeding devices transferred into the state may be registered at any time, provided they are registered within thirty days of their transfer into the state. Notwithstanding paragraph (h) of subdivision twenty-two of this section, such feeding devices may be transferred provided that such transfer shall be subject to the provisions of section 400.03 of this chapter including the check required to be conducted pursuant to such section.
24. "Seller of ammunition" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of purchasing, selling or keeping ammunition.
25. "Qualified retired New York or federal law enforcement officer" means an individual who is a retired police officer as police officer is defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law, a retired peace officer as peace officer is defined in section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law or a retired federal law enforcement officer as federal law enforcement officer is defined in section 2.15 of the criminal procedure law, who: (a) separated from service in good standing from a public agency located in New York state in which such person served as either a police officer, peace officer or federal law enforcement officer; and (b) before such separation, was authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law, and had statutory powers of arrest, pursuant to their official duties, under the criminal procedure law; and (c) (i) before such separation, served as either a police officer, peace officer or federal law enforcement officer for five years or more and at the time of separation, is such an officer; or (ii) separated from service with such agency, after completing any applicable probationary period of such service, due to a service-connected disability, as determined by such agency at or before the time of separation; and (d)(i) has not been found by a qualified medical professional employed by such agency to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health; or (ii) has not entered into an agreement with such agency from which the individual is separating from service in which that individual acknowledges he or she is not qualified for reasons relating to mental health; and (e) is not otherwise prohibited by New York or federal law from possessing any firearm.
26. "Rapid-fire modification device" means any bump stock, trigger crank, binary trigger system, burst trigger system, or any other device that is designed to accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-automatic firearm, rifle or shotgun.
27. "Bump stock" means any device or instrument that increases the rate of fire achievable with a semi-automatic firearm, rifle or shotgun by using energy from the recoil of the weapon to generate a reciprocating action that facilitates repeated activation of the trigger.
28. "Trigger crank" means any device or instrument that repeatedly activates the trigger of a semi-automatic firearm, rifle or shotgun through the use of a lever or other part that is turned in a circular motion and thereby accelerates the rate of fire of such firearm, rifle or shotgun, provided, however, that "trigger crank" shall not include any weapon initially designed and manufactured to fire through the use of a crank or lever.
29. "Binary trigger system" means any device that, when installed in or attached to a semi-automatic firearm rifle, or shotgun causes that weapon to fire once when the trigger is pulled and again when the trigger is released.
30. "Burst trigger system" means any device that, when installed in or attached to a semi-automatic firearm, rifle, or shot gun, allows that weapon to discharge two or more shots with a single pull or the trigger by altering the trigger reset.
31. "New York state 4-H certified shooting instructor" means a certified shooting sports instructor of the National 4-H Shooting Sports, a non-profit organization, engaged in shooting education and youth development programming that is administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the United States department of agriculture.
* 32. "Unfinished frame or receiver" means any unserialized material that does not constitute the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun but that has been shaped or formed in any way for the purpose of becoming the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun, and which may readily be made into a functional frame or receiver through milling, drilling or other means.
* NB There are 2 sb 32's
* 32. "Ghost gun" means a firearm, rifle or shotgun that does not comply with the provisions of section 265.07 of this article and is not serialized.
* NB There are 2 sb 32's
33. "Microstamp" means a unique alphanumeric or geometric code that identifies the make, model, and serial number of a firearm.
34. "Microstamping component" means a component part of a semi-automatic pistol that will produce a microstamp on at least one location of the expended cartridge case each time the pistol is fired.
35. "Microstamping-enabled pistol" means any semiautomatic pistol that contains a microstamping component.
§ 265.01 Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree when:
(1) He or she possesses any firearm, electronic dart gun, electronic stun gun, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, cane sword, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, chuka stick, sand bag, sandclub, wrist-brace type slingshot or slungshot, shirken, or "Kung Fu star";
(2) He or she possesses any dagger, dangerous knife, dirk, machete, razor, stiletto, imitation pistol, undetectable knife or any other dangerous or deadly instrument or weapon with intent to use the same unlawfully against another; or
(3); or
(4) He possesses a rifle, shotgun, antique firearm, black powder rifle, black powder shotgun, or any muzzle-loading firearm, and has been convicted of a felony or serious offense; or
(5) He possesses any dangerous or deadly weapon and is not a citizen of the United States; or
(6) He is a person who has been certified not suitable to possess a rifle or shotgun, as defined in subdivision sixteen of section 265.00, and refuses to yield possession of such rifle or shotgun upon the demand of a police officer. Whenever a person is certified not suitable to possess a rifle or shotgun, a member of the police department to which such certification is made, or of the state police, shall forthwith seize any rifle or shotgun possessed by such person. A rifle or shotgun seized as herein provided shall not be destroyed, but shall be delivered to the headquarters of such police department, or state police, and there retained until the aforesaid certificate has been rescinded by the director or physician in charge, or other disposition of such rifle or shotgun has been ordered or authorized by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(7) He knowingly possesses a bullet containing an explosive substance designed to detonate upon impact.
(8) Such person possesses any armor piercing ammunition with intent to use the same unlawfully against another.
* (9) Such person possesses a major component of a firearm, rifle, or shotgun and such person is prohibited from possessing a shotgun or rifle pursuant to:
(i) this article;
(ii) subsection (g) of section 922 of title 18 of the United States Code; or
(iii) a temporary or final extreme risk protection order issued under article sixty-three-A of the civil practice law and rules; or
* NB There are 2 sb (9)'s
* (9) Such person is not licensed as a gunsmith or a dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter and, knowing it is a ghost gun, such person possesses a ghost gun, provided that a person shall not be guilty under this subdivision when he or she (a) voluntarily surrenders such ghost gun to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) for a period of six months after the effective date of this section possesses a ghost gun prior to serialization and registration of such ghost gun pursuant to section 265.07 of this article.
* NB There are 2 sb (9)'s
(10) Such person is not licensed as a gunsmith or dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter and, knowing it is an unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver, such person possesses an unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver, provided that for a period of six months after the effective date of this subdivision, a person shall not be guilty under this subdivision when such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) possesses such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver prior to serialization of such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver in accordance with the requirements imposed on licensed importers and licensed manufacturers pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 923 of Title 18 of the United States Code and regulations issued pursuant thereto, except for antique firearms as defined in subdivision fourteen of section 265.00 of this article, as added by chapter nine hundred eighty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-four, or any firearm, rifle or shotgun manufactured prior to nineteen hundred sixty-eight.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.01-a Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds when he or she knowingly has in his or her possession a rifle, shotgun, or firearm in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college, or university, except the forestry lands, wherever located, owned, maintained or held in trust for the benefit of the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University, now known as the State University of New York college of environmental science and forestry, or upon a school bus as defined in section one hundred forty-two of the vehicle and traffic law, without the written authorization of such educational institution; provided, however no school, as defined in subdivision ten of section eleven hundred twenty-five of the education law, shall issue such written authorization to any teacher, school administrator, or other person employed at the school who is not primarily employed as a school resource officer, police officer, peace officer, or security guard who has been issued a special armed guard registration card as defined in section eighty-nine-f of the general business law, regardless of whether the person is employed directly by such school or by a third party.
Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds is a class E felony.
§ 265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm when he or she: (1) possesses any firearm or; (2) lawfully possesses a firearm prior to the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which added this section subject to the registration requirements of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter and knowingly fails to register such firearm pursuant to such subdivision.
Criminal possession of a firearm is a class E felony.
§ 265.01-c Criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device when he or she knowingly possesses any rapid-fire modification device.
Criminal possession of a rapid-fire modification device is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.01-d Criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location.
1. A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location when such person possesses a firearm, rifle, or shotgun and enters into or remains on or in private property where such person knows or reasonably should know that the owner or lessee of such property has not permitted such possession by clear and conspicuous signage indicating that the carrying of firearms, rifles, or shotguns on their property is permitted or by otherwise giving express consent.
2. This section shall not apply to:
(a) police officers as defined in section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law;
(b) persons who are designated peace officers as defined in section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law;
(c) qualified law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926B, or qualified retired law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926C;
(d) security guards as defined by and registered under article seven-A of the general business law who has been granted a special armed registration card, while at the location of their employment and during their work hours as such a security guard;
(e) active-duty military personnel;
(f) persons licensed under paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter while in the course of his or her official duties;
(g) persons while lawfully engaged in taking of wildlife or attempts to take wildlife pursuant to a hunting permit or license issued by the department of environmental conservation, or as otherwise authorized pursuant to section 11-0707 and 11-0709 of the environmental conservation law; or
(h) persons, while acting in the scope of their official duties, who are employed in the revenue control and security departments of the metropolitan transportation authority, or the New York city transit authority or an affiliate or subsidiary thereof, who are authorized to carry a firearm as part of their employment.
Criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location is a class E felony.
§ 265.01-e Criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location.
1. A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location when such person possesses a firearm, rifle or shotgun in or upon a sensitive location, and such person knows or reasonably should know such location is a sensitive location.
2. For the purposes of this section, a sensitive location shall mean:
(a) any place owned or under the control of federal, state or local government, for the purpose of government administration, including courts;
(b) any location providing health, behavioral health, or chemical dependance care or services;
(c) any place of worship, except for those persons responsible for security at such place of worship;
(d) libraries, public playgrounds, public parks, and zoos, provided that for the purposes of this section a "public park" shall not include (i) any privately held land within a public park not dedicated to public use or (ii) the forest preserve as defined in subdivision six of section 9-0101 of the environmental conservation law;
(e) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, funded, or approved by the office of children and family services that provides services to children, youth, or young adults, any legally exempt childcare provider; a childcare program for which a permit to operate such program has been issued by the department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to the health code of the city of New York;
(f) nursery schools, preschools, and summer camps; provided that for the purposes of this section, nothing shall prohibit the activity permitted under subdivisions seven-c, seven-d, and seven-e of section 265.20 of this article where such activity occurs at a summer camp in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations;
(g) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office for people with developmental disabilities;
(h) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by office of addiction services and supports;
(i) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office of mental health;
(j) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office of temporary and disability assistance;
(k) homeless shelters, runaway homeless youth shelters, family shelters, shelters for adults, domestic violence shelters, and emergency shelters, and residential programs for victims of domestic violence;
(l) residential settings licensed, certified, regulated, funded, or operated by the department of health;
(m) in or upon any building or grounds, owned or leased, of any educational institutions, colleges and universities, licensed private career schools, school districts, public schools, private schools licensed under article one hundred one of the education law, charter schools, non-public schools, board of cooperative educational services, special act schools, preschool special education programs, private residential or non-residential schools for the education of students with disabilities, and any state-operated or state-supported schools;
(n) any place, conveyance, or vehicle used for public transportation or public transit, subway cars, train cars, buses, ferries, railroad, omnibus, marine or aviation transportation; or any facility used for or in connection with service in the transportation of passengers, airports, train stations, subway and rail stations, and bus terminals;
(o) any establishment holding an active license for on-premise consumption pursuant to article four, four-A, five, or six of the alcoholic beverage control law where alcohol is consumed and any establishment licensed under article four of the cannabis law for on-premise consumption;
(p) any place used for the performance, art entertainment, gaming, or sporting events such as theaters, stadiums, racetracks, museums, amusement parks, performance venues, concerts, exhibits, conference centers, banquet halls, and gaming facilities and video lottery terminal facilities as licensed by the gaming commission;
(q) any location being used as a polling place;
(r) any public sidewalk or other public area restricted from general public access for a limited time or special event that has been issued a permit for such time or event by a governmental entity, or subject to specific, heightened law enforcement protection, or has otherwise had such access restricted by a governmental entity, provided such location is identified as such by clear and conspicuous signage;
(s) any gathering of individuals to collectively express their constitutional rights to protest or assemble;
(t) the area commonly known as Times Square, as such area is determined and identified by the city of New York; provided such area shall be clearly and conspicuously identified with signage.
3. This section shall not apply to:
(a) qualified law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C 926B, or qualified retired law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926C;
(b) persons who are police officers as defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law;
(c) persons who are designated peace officers by section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law;
(d) persons who were employed as police officers as defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law but are retired;
(e) security guards as defined by and registered under article seven-A of the general business law, who have been granted a special armed registration card, while at the location of their employment and during their work hours as such a security guard;
(f) active-duty military personnel;
(g) persons licensed under paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter while in the course of his or her official duties;
(h) a government employee under the express written consent of such employee's supervising government entity for the purposes of natural resource protection and management;
(i) persons while lawfully engaged in taking of wildlife or attempts to take wildlife pursuant to a hunting permit or license issued by the department of environmental conservation, or as otherwise authorized pursuant to the environmental conservation law, and persons while lawfully engaged in hunter education training, marksmanship practice, marksmanship competition or training, or training in the safe handling and use of firearms, in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations;
(j) persons operating a program in a sensitive location out of their residence, which is licensed, certified, authorized, or funded by the state or a municipality, so long as such possession is in compliance with any rules or regulations applicable to the operation of such program and use or storage of firearms;
(k) persons, while acting in the scope of their official duties, who are employed in the revenue control and security departments of the metropolitan transportation authority, or the New York city transit authority or an affiliate or subsidiary thereof, who are authorized to carry a firearm as part of their employment;
(l) persons while lawfully engaged in historical reenactments, educational programming involving historical weapons of warfare, or motion picture or theatrical productions, in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations;
(m) persons, while acting within the scope of their official duties, who are responsible for the storage or display of antique firearms, rifles or shotguns at museums and historic sites;
(n) persons while participating in military ceremonies, funerals, and honor guards; or
(o) persons while lawfully engaging in learning, practicing, training for, competing in, or travelling into or within the state to learn, practice, train for, or compete in, the sport of biathlon, in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations.
Criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location is a class E felony.
§ 265.02 Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree when:
(1) Such person commits the crime of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree as defined in subdivision one, two, three or five of section 265.01, and has been previously convicted of any crime; or
(2) Such person possesses any explosive or incendiary bomb, bombshell, firearm silencer, machine-gun or any other firearm or weapon simulating a machine-gun and which is adaptable for such use; or
(3) Such person knowingly possesses a machine-gun, firearm, rifle or shotgun which has been defaced for the purpose of concealment or prevention of the detection of a crime or misrepresenting the identity of such machine-gun, firearm, rifle or shotgun; or
(5) (i) Such person possesses three or more firearms; or (ii) such person possesses a firearm and has been previously convicted of a felony or a class A misdemeanor defined in this chapter within the five years immediately preceding the commission of the offense and such possession did not take place in the person's home or place of business; or
(6) Such person knowingly possesses any disguised gun; or
(7) Such person possesses an assault weapon; or
(8) Such person possesses a large capacity ammunition feeding device; or
(9) Such person possesses an unloaded firearm and also commits a drug trafficking felony as defined in subdivision twenty-one of section 10.00 of this chapter as part of the same criminal transaction; or
(10) Such person possesses an unloaded firearm and also commits any violent felony offense as defined in subdivision one of section 70.02 of this chapter as part of the same criminal transaction.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.03 Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree when:
(1) with intent to use the same unlawfully against another, such person:
(a) possesses a machine-gun; or
(b) possesses a loaded firearm; or
(c) possesses a disguised gun; or
(2) such person possesses five or more firearms; or
(3) such person possesses any loaded firearm. Such possession shall not, except as provided in subdivision one or seven of section 265.02 of this article, constitute a violation of this subdivision if such possession takes place in such person's home or place of business.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree is a class C felony.
§ 265.04 Criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree when such person:
(1) possesses any explosive substance with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person or property of another; or
(2) possesses ten or more firearms.
Criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 265.05 Unlawful possession of weapons by persons under sixteen.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of sixteen to possess any air-gun, spring-gun or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring or air, or any gun or any instrument or weapon in or upon which any loaded or blank cartridges may be used, or any loaded or blank cartridges or ammunition therefor, or any dangerous knife; provided that the possession of rifle or shotgun or ammunition therefor by the holder of a hunting license or permit issued pursuant to article eleven of the environmental conservation law and used in accordance with said law shall not be governed by this section.
A person who violates the provisions of this section shall be adjudged a juvenile delinquent.
§ 265.06 Unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds.
It shall be unlawful for any person age sixteen or older to knowingly possess any air-gun, spring-gun or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring, air, piston or CO2 cartridge in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college or university, without the written authorization of such educational institution.
Unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds is a violation.
§ 265.07 Registration and serialization of firearms, rifles, shotguns, finished frames or receivers, and unfinished frames or receivers.
(1) For the purposes of this section, "unfinished frame or receiver" means any unserialized material that does not constitute the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun but that has been shaped or formed in any way for the purpose of becoming the frame or receiver of a firearm, rifle or shotgun, and which may readily be made into a functional frame or receiver through milling, drilling or other means.
(2) On or before the effective date of this section, and promptly upon taking possession thereof at any time thereafter, any person licensed as a gunsmith, or required to be, or a dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, who is in possession of an unserialized firearm, rifle, shotgun, finished frame or receiver, or unfinished frame or receiver shall:
(a) engrave, cast, stamp or otherwise conspicuously place both a unique serial number and his or her name (or recognized abbreviation) on such firearm, rifle, shotgun, finished frame or receiver, or unfinished frame or receiver, in a manner that satisfies or exceeds the requirements imposed on licensed importers and manufacturers pursuant to section (i) of Section 923 of Title 18 of the United States Code and regulations issued pursuant thereto at the time of such assembly; and
(b) register with the division of criminal justice services in accordance with regulations promulgated by such division any such firearm, rifle or shotgun, finished frame or receiver, or unfinished frame or receiver.
Any person licensed as a gunsmith, or required to be, or a dealer in firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a class E felony.
§ 265.08 Criminal use of a firearm in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal use of a firearm in the second degree when he commits any class C violent felony offense as defined in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section 70.02 and he either:
(1) possesses a deadly weapon, if the weapon is a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged; or
(2) displays what appears to be a pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or other firearm.
Criminal use of a firearm in the second degree is a class C felony.
§ 265.09 Criminal use of a firearm in the first degree.
(1) A person is guilty of criminal use of a firearm in the first degree when he commits any class B violent felony offense as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section 70.02 and he either:
(a) possesses a deadly weapon, if the weapon is a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged; or
(b) displays what appears to be a pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or other firearm.
Criminal use of a firearm in the first degree is a class B felony.
(2) Sentencing. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, when a person is convicted of criminal use of a firearm in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of this section, the court shall impose an additional consecutive sentence of five years to the sentence imposed on the underlying class B violent felony offense where the person convicted of such crime displays a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged, in furtherance of the commission of such crime, provided, however, that such additional sentence shall not be imposed if the court, having regard to the nature and circumstances of the crime and to the history and character of the defendant, finds on the record that such additional consecutive sentence would be unduly harsh and that not imposing such sentence would be consistent with the public safety and would not deprecate the seriousness of the crime. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the aggregate of the five year consecutive term imposed pursuant to this subdivision and the minimum term of the indeterminate sentence imposed on the underlying class B violent felony shall constitute the new aggregate minimum term of imprisonment, and a person subject to such term shall be required to serve the entire aggregate minimum term and shall not be eligible for release on parole or conditional release during such term. This subdivision shall not apply where the defendant's criminal liability for displaying a loaded weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious injury may be discharged, in furtherance of the commission of crime is based on the conduct of another pursuant to section 20.00 of this chapter.
§ 265.10 Manufacture, transport, disposition and defacement of weapons and dangerous instruments and appliances.
1. Any person who manufactures or causes to be manufactured any machine-gun, assault weapon, large capacity ammunition feeding device or disguised gun is guilty of a class D felony. Any person who manufactures or causes to be manufactured any rapid-fire modification device is guilty of a class E felony. Any person who manufactures or causes to be manufactured any switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, undetectable knife, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, Kung Fu star, chuka stick, sandbag, sandclub or slungshot is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
2. Any person who transports or ships any machine-gun, firearm silencer, assault weapon or large capacity ammunition feeding device or disguised gun, or who transports or ships as merchandise five or more firearms, is guilty of a class D felony. Any person who transports or ships any rapid-fire modification device is guilty of a class E felony. Any person who transports or ships as merchandise any firearm, other than an assault weapon, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, undetectable knife, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, Kung Fu star, chuka stick, sandbag or slungshot is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
3. Any person who disposes of any machine-gun, assault weapon, large capacity ammunition feeding device or firearm silencer is guilty of a class D felony. Any person who disposes of any rapid-fire modification device is guilty of a class E felony. Any person who knowingly buys, receives, disposes of, or conceals a machine-gun, firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device, rifle or shotgun which has been defaced for the purpose of concealment or prevention of the detection of a crime or misrepresenting the identity of such machine-gun, firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device, rifle or shotgun is guilty of a class D felony.
4. Any person who disposes of any of the weapons, instruments or appliances specified in subdivision one of section 265.01, except a firearm, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor, and he is guilty of a class D felony if he has previously been convicted of any crime.
5. Any person who disposes of any of the weapons, instruments, appliances or substances specified in section 265.05 to any other person under the age of sixteen years is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
6. Any person who wilfully defaces any machine-gun, large capacity ammunition feeding device or firearm is guilty of a class D felony.
7. Any person, other than a wholesale dealer, or gunsmith or dealer in firearms duly licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, lawfully in possession of a firearm or semiautomatic rifle, who disposes of the same without first notifying in writing the licensing officer in the city of New York and counties of Nassau and Suffolk and elsewhere in the state the executive department, division of state police, Albany, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
8. Any person, dealer, firm, partnership or corporation who intentionally designs or transforms a firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine-gun to resemble a toy gun by either altering or concealing the original color or surface of the gun with the purpose of selling such weapon is guilty of a class D felony.
9. Any person who modifies a microstamping-enabled pistol or microstamping component with the intent to prevent the production of a microstamp is, for a first offense, guilty of a class B misdemeanor, and for a second or subsequent offense, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. For the purposes of this subdivision, it shall not be unlawful to replace the microstamping component of a microstamping-enabled pistol when the component is damaged or in need of replacement with another valid microstamping component for the safe use of the firearm or replacing such pin for a legitimate sporting purpose that is only used for that legitimate purpose.
§ 265.11 Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree when such person is not authorized pursuant to law to possess a firearm and such person unlawfully either:
(1) sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a firearm or large capacity ammunition feeding device to another person; or
(2) possesses a firearm with the intent to sell it.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.12 Criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree when such person:
(1) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another five or more firearms; or
(2) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another person or persons a total of two or more firearms in a period of not more than one year.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree is a class C felony.
§ 265.13 Criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree when such person:
(1) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another ten or more firearms; or
(2) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of to another person or persons a total of three or more firearms in a period of not more than one year.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 265.14 Criminal sale of a firearm with the aid of a minor.
A person over the age of eighteen years of age is guilty of criminal sale of a weapon with the aid of a minor when a person under sixteen years of age knowingly and unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a firearm in violation of this article, and such person over the age of eighteen years of age, acting with the mental culpability required for the commission thereof, solicits, requests, commands, importunes or intentionally aids such person under sixteen years of age to engage in such conduct.
Criminal sale of a firearm with the aid of a minor is a class C felony.
§ 265.15 Presumptions of possession, unlawful intent and defacement.
1. The presence in any room, dwelling, structure or vehicle of any machine-gun is presumptive evidence of its unlawful possession by all persons occupying the place where such machine-gun is found.
2. The presence in any stolen vehicle of any weapon, instrument, appliance or substance specified in sections 265.01, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04 and 265.05 is presumptive evidence of its possession by all persons occupying such vehicle at the time such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance is found.
3. The presence in an automobile, other than a stolen one or a public omnibus, of any firearm, large capacity ammunition feeding device, defaced firearm, defaced rifle or shotgun, defaced large capacity ammunition feeding device, firearm silencer, explosive or incendiary bomb, bombshell, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, dagger, dirk, stiletto, billy, blackjack, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, chuka stick, sandbag, sandclub or slungshot is presumptive evidence of its possession by all persons occupying such automobile at the time such weapon, instrument or appliance is found, except under the following circumstances: (a) if such weapon, instrument or appliance is found upon the person of one of the occupants therein; (b) if such weapon, instrument or appliance is found in an automobile which is being operated for hire by a duly licensed driver in the due, lawful and proper pursuit of his or her trade, then such presumption shall not apply to the driver; or (c) if the weapon so found is a pistol or revolver and one of the occupants, not present under duress, has in his or her possession a valid license to have and carry concealed the same.
4. The possession by any person of the substance as specified in section 265.04 is presumptive evidence of possessing such substance with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person or property of another if such person is not licensed or otherwise authorized to possess such substance. The possession by any person of any dagger, dirk, stiletto, dangerous knife or any other weapon, instrument, appliance or substance designed, made or adapted for use primarily as a weapon, is presumptive evidence of intent to use the same unlawfully against another.
5. The possession by any person of a defaced machine-gun, firearm, rifle or shotgun is presumptive evidence that such person defaced the same.
6. The possession of three or more firearms by any person is presumptive evidence that such person possessed the firearms with the intent to sell same.
§ 265.16 Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a firearm to a minor when he is not authorized pursuant to law to possess a firearm and he unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a firearm to another person who is or reasonably appears to be less than nineteen years of age who is not licensed pursuant to law to possess a firearm.
Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor is a class C felony.
§ 265.17 Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon.
A person is guilty of criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon when:
1. Knowing that he or she is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm, rifle or shotgun because of a prior conviction or because of some other disability which would render him or her ineligible to lawfully possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun in this state, or knowing that he or she is the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense, such person purchases or otherwise acquires a firearm, rifle or shotgun from another person; or
2. Knowing that it would be unlawful for another person to possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun, or knowing that another person is the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense, he or she purchases or otherwise acquires a firearm, rifle or shotgun for, on behalf of, or for the use of such other person; or
3. Knowing that another person is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm, rifle or shotgun because of a prior conviction or because of some other disability which would render him or her ineligible to lawfully possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun in this state, or knowing that another person is the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense, a person disposes of a firearm, rifle or shotgun to such other person.
Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon is a class D felony.
§ 265.19 Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon.
A person is guilty of aggravated criminal possession of a weapon when he or she commits the crime of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree as defined in subdivision three of section 265.03 of this article and also commits any violent felony offense as defined in subdivision one of section 70.02 of this chapter or a drug trafficking felony as defined in subdivision twenty-one of section 10.00 of this chapter arising out of the same criminal transaction.
Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon is a class C felony.
§ 265.20 Exemptions.
a. Paragraph (h) of subdivision twenty-two of section 265.00 and sections 265.01, 265.01-a, 265.01-b, 265.01-c, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04, 265.05, 265.10, 265.11, 265.12, 265.13, 265.15, 265.36, 265.37, 265.50, 265.55 and 270.05 shall not apply to:
1. Possession of any of the weapons, instruments, appliances or substances specified in sections 265.01, 265.01-c, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04, 265.05, 265.50, 265.55 and 270.05 by the following:
(a) Persons in the military service of the state of New York when duly authorized by regulations issued by the adjutant general to possess the same.
(b) Police officers as defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law.
(c) Peace officers as defined by section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law.
(d) Persons in the military or other service of the United States, in pursuit of official duty or when duly authorized by federal law, regulation or order to possess the same.
(e) Persons employed in fulfilling defense contracts with the government of the United States or agencies thereof when possession of the same is necessary for manufacture, transport, installation and testing under the requirements of such contract.
(f) A person voluntarily surrendering such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance, provided that such surrender shall be made to the superintendent of the division of state police or a member thereof designated by such superintendent, or to the sheriff of the county in which such person resides, or in the county of Nassau or in the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, Islip and Smithtown in the county of Suffolk to the commissioner of police or a member of the police department thereof designated by such commissioner, or if such person resides in a city, town other than one named in this subparagraph, or village to the police commissioner or head of the police force or department thereof or to a member of the force or department designated by such commissioner or head; and provided, further, that the same shall be surrendered by such person in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be established by such superintendent, sheriff, police force or department. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as granting immunity from prosecution for any crime or offense except that of unlawful possession of such weapons, instruments, appliances or substances surrendered as herein provided. A person who possesses any such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance as an executor or administrator or any other lawful possessor of such property of a decedent may continue to possess such property for a period not over fifteen days. If such property is not lawfully disposed of within such period the possessor shall deliver it to an appropriate official described in this paragraph or such property may be delivered to the superintendent of state police. Such officer shall hold it and shall thereafter deliver it on the written request of such executor, administrator or other lawful possessor of such property to a named person, provided such named person is licensed to or is otherwise lawfully permitted to possess the same. If no request to deliver the property is received by such official within one year of the delivery of such property, such official shall dispose of it in accordance with the provisions of section 400.05 of this chapter.
2. Possession of a machine-gun, large capacity ammunition feeding device, rapid-fire modification device, firearm, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, billy or blackjack by a warden, superintendent, headkeeper or deputy of a state prison, penitentiary, workhouse, county jail or other institution for the detention of persons convicted or accused of crime or detained as witnesses in criminal cases, in pursuit of official duty or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.
3. Possession of a pistol or revolver by a person to whom a license therefor has been issued as provided under section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter or possession of a weapon as defined in paragraph (e) or (f) of subdivision twenty-two of section 265.00 of this article which is registered pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter or is included on an amended license issued pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter. In the event such license is revoked, other than because such licensee is no longer permitted to possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun under federal or state law, information sufficient to satisfy the requirements of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter, shall be transmitted by the licensing officer to the state police, in a form as determined by the superintendent of state police. Such transmission shall constitute a valid registration under such section. Further provided, notwithstanding any other section of this title, a failure to register such weapon by an individual who possesses such weapon before the enactment of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen which amended this paragraph and may so lawfully possess it thereafter upon registration, shall only be subject to punishment pursuant to paragraph (c) of subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter; provided, that such a license or registration shall not preclude a conviction for the offense defined in subdivision three of section 265.01 of this article or section 265.01-a of this article.
3-a. Possession of a pistol or revolver by a person undergoing live-fire range training pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter while such person is undergoing such training and is supervised by a duly authorized instructor.
4. Possession of a rifle, shotgun, crossbow or longbow for use while hunting, trapping or fishing, by a person, not a citizen of the United States, carrying a valid license issued pursuant to section 11-0713 of the environmental conservation law.
5. Possession of a rifle or shotgun by a person other than a person who has been convicted of a class A-I felony or a violent felony offense, as defined in subdivision one of section 70.02 of this chapter, who has been convicted as specified in subdivision four of section 265.01 to whom a certificate of good conduct has been issued pursuant to section seven hundred three-b of the correction law.
6. Possession of a switchblade for use while hunting, trapping or fishing by a person carrying a valid license issued to him pursuant to section 11-0713 of the environmental conservation law.
7. Possession, at an indoor or outdoor shooting range for the purpose of loading and firing, of a rifle or shotgun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder by a person under sixteen years of age but not under twelve, under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, air force, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy, air force or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state, or by a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor; or (c) a parent, guardian, or a person over the age of eighteen designated in writing by such parent or guardian who shall have a certificate of qualification in responsible hunting, including safety, ethics, and landowner relations-hunter relations, issued or honored by the department of environmental conservation; or (d) an agent of the department of environmental conservation appointed to conduct courses in responsible hunting practices pursuant to article eleven of the environmental conservation law.
7-a. Possession and use, at an indoor or outdoor pistol range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in small arms or at a target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association for the purpose of loading and firing the same, by a person duly licensed to possess a pistol or revolver pursuant to section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter of a pistol or revolver duly so licensed to another person who is present at the time.
7-b. Possession and use, at an indoor or outdoor pistol range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in small arms or at a target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association for the purpose of loading and firing the same, by a person who has applied for a license to possess a pistol or revolver and pre-license possession of same pursuant to section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter, who has not been previously denied a license, been previously convicted of a felony or serious offense, and who does not appear to be, or pose a threat to be, a danger to himself or to others, and who has been approved for possession and use herein in accordance with section 400.00 or 400.01 of this chapter; provided however, that such possession shall be of a pistol or revolver duly licensed to and shall be used under the supervision, guidance and instruction of, a person specified in paragraph seven of this subdivision and provided further that such possession and use be within the jurisdiction of the licensing officer with whom the person has made application therefor or within the jurisdiction of the superintendent of state police in the case of a retired sworn member of the division of state police who has opted to make an application pursuant to section 400.01 of this chapter.
7-c. Possession for the purpose of loading and firing, of a rifle, pistol or shotgun, the propelling force of which may be either air, compressed gas or springs, by a person under sixteen years of age but not under twelve, under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state, or by a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor; or (c) a parent, guardian, or a person over the age of eighteen designated in writing by such parent or guardian who shall have a certificate of qualification in responsible hunting, including safety, ethics, and landowner relations-hunter relations, issued or honored by the department of environmental conservation.
7-d. Possession, at an indoor or outdoor shooting range for the purpose of loading and firing, of a rifle, pistol or shotgun, the propelling force of which may be either air, compressed gas or springs, by a person under twelve years of age, under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of (a) a duly commissioned officer of the United States army, navy, marine corps or coast guard, or of the national guard of the state of New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of the United States who has been granted a certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued by the United States army, navy or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of this state, by the national rifle association of America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized under the laws of this state, or by a New York state 4-H certified shooting sports instructor; or (c) a parent, guardian, or a person over the age of eighteen designated in writing by such parent or guardian who shall have a certificate of qualification in responsible hunting, including safety, ethics, and landowner relations-hunter relations, issued or honored by the department of environmental conservation.
7-e. Possession and use of a pistol or revolver, at an indoor or outdoor pistol range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in small arms or at a target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by an association or organization described in paragraph 7-a of this subdivision for the purpose of loading and firing the same by a person at least fourteen years of age but under the age of twenty-one who has not been previously convicted of a felony or serious offense, and who does not appear to be, or pose a threat to be, a danger to himself or to others; provided however, that such possession shall be of a pistol or revolver duly licensed to and shall be used under the immediate supervision, guidance and instruction of, a person specified in paragraph seven of this subdivision.
7-f. Possession and use of a magazine, belt, feed strip or similar device, that contains more than seven rounds of ammunition, but that does not have a capacity of or can readily be restored or converted to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition, at an indoor or outdoor firing range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in arms; at an indoor or outdoor firing range for the purpose of firing a rifle or shotgun; at a collegiate, olympic or target shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association; or at an organized match sanctioned by the International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association.
8. The manufacturer of machine-guns, firearm silencers, assault weapons, large capacity ammunition feeding devices, rapid-fire modification devices, disguised guns, pilum ballistic knives, switchblade or gravity knives, billies or blackjacks as merchandise, or as a transferee recipient of the same for repair, lawful distribution or research and development, and the disposal and shipment thereof direct to a regularly constituted or appointed state or municipal police department, sheriff, police officer or other peace officer, or to a state prison, penitentiary, workhouse, county jail or other institution for the detention of persons convicted or accused of crime or held as witnesses in criminal cases, or to the military service of this state or of the United States; or for the repair and return of the same to the lawful possessor or for research and development.
9. The regular and ordinary transport of firearms as merchandise, provided that the person transporting such firearms, where he knows or has reasonable means of ascertaining what he is transporting, notifies in writing the police commissioner, police chief or other law enforcement officer performing such functions at the place of delivery, of the name and address of the consignee and the place of delivery, and withholds delivery to the consignee for such reasonable period of time designated in writing by such police commissioner, police chief or other law enforcement officer as such official may deem necessary for investigation as to whether the consignee may lawfully receive and possess such firearms.
9-a. a. Except as provided in subdivision b hereof, the regular and ordinary transport of pistols or revolvers by a manufacturer of firearms to whom a license as a dealer in firearms has been issued pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, or by an agent or employee of such manufacturer of firearms who is otherwise duly licensed to carry a pistol or revolver and who is duly authorized in writing by such manufacturer of firearms to transport pistols or revolvers on the date or dates specified, directly between places where the manufacturer of firearms regularly conducts business provided such pistols or revolvers are transported unloaded, in a locked opaque container. For purposes of this subdivision, places where the manufacturer of firearms regularly conducts business includes, but is not limited to places where the manufacturer of firearms regularly or customarily conducts development or design of pistols or revolvers, or regularly or customarily conducts tests on pistols or revolvers, or regularly or customarily participates in the exposition of firearms to the public.
b. The transportation of such pistols or revolvers into, out of or within the city of New York may be done only with the consent of the police commissioner of the city of New York. To obtain such consent, the manufacturer must notify the police commissioner in writing of the name and address of the transporting manufacturer, or agent or employee of the manufacturer who is authorized in writing by such manufacturer to transport pistols or revolvers, the number, make and model number of the firearms to be transported and the place where the manufacturer regularly conducts business within the city of New York and such other information as the commissioner may deem necessary. The manufacturer must not transport such pistols and revolvers between the designated places of business for such reasonable period of time designated in writing by the police commissioner as such official may deem necessary for investigation and to give consent. The police commissioner may not unreasonably withhold his consent.
10. Engaging in the business of gunsmith or dealer in firearms by a person to whom a valid license therefor has been issued pursuant to section 400.00.
11. Possession of a firearm or large capacity ammunition feeding device by a police officer or sworn peace officer of another state while conducting official business within the state of New York.
12. Possession of a pistol or revolver by a person who is a member or coach of an accredited college or university target pistol team while transporting the pistol or revolver into or through New York state to participate in a collegiate, olympic or target pistol shooting competition under the auspices of or approved by the national rifle association, provided such pistol or revolver is unloaded and carried in a locked carrying case and the ammunition therefor is carried in a separate locked container.
12-a. Possession and use of a pistol or revolver, at an indoor or outdoor shooting range, by a registered student of a higher education institution chartered by the state of New York, who is participating in a course in gun safety and proficiency offered by such institution, under the immediate supervision, guidance, and instruction of a person specified in paragraph seven of this subdivision.
13. Possession of pistols and revolvers by a person who is a nonresident of this state while attending or traveling to or from, an organized competitive pistol match or league competition under auspices of, or approved by, the National Rifle Association and in which he is a competitor, within forty-eight hours of such event or by a person who is a non-resident of the state while attending or traveling to or from an organized match sanctioned by the International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association and in which he is a competitor, within forty-eight hours of such event, provided that he has not been previously convicted of a felony or a crime which, if committed in New York, would constitute a felony, and further provided that the pistols or revolvers are transported unloaded in a locked opaque container together with a copy of the match program, match schedule or match registration card. Such documentation shall constitute prima facie evidence of exemption, providing that such person also has in his possession a pistol license or firearms registration card issued in accordance with the laws of his place of residence. For purposes of this subdivision, a person licensed in a jurisdiction which does not authorize such license by a person who has been previously convicted of a felony shall be presumed to have no prior conviction. The superintendent of state police shall annually review the laws of jurisdictions within the United States and Canada with respect to the applicable requirements for licensing or registration of firearms and shall publish a list of those jurisdictions which prohibit possession of a firearm by a person previously convicted of a felony or crimes which if committed in New York state would constitute a felony.
13-a. Except in cities not wholly contained within a single county of the state, possession of pistols and revolvers by a person who is a nonresident of this state while attending or traveling to or from, an organized convention or exhibition for the display of or education about firearms, which is conducted under auspices of, or approved by, the National Rifle Association and in which he is a registered participant, within forty-eight hours of such event, provided that he has not been previously convicted of a felony or a crime which, if committed in New York, would constitute a felony, and further provided that the pistols or revolvers are transported unloaded in a locked opaque container together with a copy of the convention or exhibition program, convention or exhibition schedule or convention or exhibition registration card. Such documentation shall constitute prima facie evidence of exemption, providing that such person also has in his possession a pistol license or firearms registration card issued in accordance with the laws of his place of residence. For purposes of this paragraph, a person licensed in a jurisdiction which does not authorize such license by a person who has been previously convicted of a felony shall be presumed to have no prior conviction. The superintendent of state police shall annually review the laws of jurisdictions within the United States and Canada with respect to the applicable requirements for licensing or registration of firearms and shall publish a list of those jurisdictions which prohibit possession of a firearm by a person previously convicted of a felony or crimes which if committed in New York state would constitute a felony.
14. Possession in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph of a self-defense spray device as defined herein for the protection of a person or property and use of such self-defense spray device under circumstances which would justify the use of physical force pursuant to article thirty-five of this chapter.
(a) As used in this section "self-defense spray device" shall mean a pocket sized spray device which contains and releases a chemical or organic substance which is intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or disability through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air or any like device containing tear gas, pepper or similar disabling agent.
(b) The exemption under this paragraph shall not apply to a person who:
(i) is less than eighteen years of age; or
(ii) has been previously convicted in this state of a felony or any assault; or
(iii) has been convicted of a crime outside the state of New York which if committed in New York would constitute a felony or any assault crime.
(c) The department of health, with the cooperation of the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, shall develop standards and promulgate regulations regarding the type of self-defense spray device which may lawfully be purchased, possessed and used pursuant to this paragraph. The regulations shall include a requirement that every self-defense spray device which may be lawfully purchased, possessed or used pursuant to this paragraph have a label which states: "WARNING: The use of this substance or device for any purpose other than self-defense is a criminal offense under the law. The contents are dangerous - use with care. This device shall not be sold by anyone other than a licensed or authorized dealer. Possession of this device by any person under the age of eighteen or by anyone who has been convicted of a felony or assault is illegal. Violators may be prosecuted under the law."
15. Possession and sale of a self-defense spray device as defined in paragraph fourteen of this subdivision by a dealer in firearms licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, a pharmacist licensed pursuant to article one hundred thirty-seven of the education law or by such other vendor as may be authorized and approved by the superintendent of state police.
(a) Every self-defense spray device shall be accompanied by an insert or inserts which include directions for use, first aid information, safety and storage information and which shall also contain a toll free telephone number for the purpose of allowing any purchaser to call and receive additional information regarding the availability of local courses in self-defense training and safety in the use of a self-defense spray device.
(b) Before delivering a self-defense spray device to any person, the licensed or authorized dealer shall require proof of age and a sworn statement on a form approved by the superintendent of state police that such person has not been convicted of a felony or any crime involving an assault. Such forms shall be forwarded to the division of state police at such intervals as directed by the superintendent of state police. Absent any such direction the forms shall be maintained on the premises of the vendor and shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by any peace officer or police officer, acting pursuant to his or her special duties. No more than two self-defense spray devices may be sold at any one time to a single purchaser.
16. The terms "rifle," "shotgun," "pistol," "revolver," and "firearm" as used in paragraphs three, four, five, seven, seven-a, seven-b, nine, nine-a, ten, twelve, thirteen and thirteen-a of this subdivision shall not include a disguised gun or an assault weapon.
b. Section 265.01 shall not apply to possession of that type of billy commonly known as a "police baton" which is twenty-four to twenty-six inches in length and no more than one and one-quarter inches in thickness by members of an auxiliary police force of a city with a population in excess of one million persons or the county of Suffolk when duly authorized by regulation or order issued by the police commissioner of such city or such county respectively. Such regulations shall require training in the use of the police baton including but not limited to the defensive use of the baton and instruction in the legal use of deadly physical force pursuant to article thirty-five of this chapter. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or any other provision of law, possession of such baton shall not be authorized when used intentionally to strike another person except in those situations when the use of deadly physical force is authorized by such article thirty-five.
c. Sections 265.01, 265.10 and 265.15 shall not apply to possession of billies or blackjacks by persons:
1. while employed in fulfilling contracts with New York state, its agencies or political subdivisions for the purchase of billies or blackjacks; or
2. while employed in fulfilling contracts with sister states, their agencies or political subdivisions for the purchase of billies or blackjacks; or
3. while employed in fulfilling contracts with foreign countries, their agencies or political subdivisions for the purchase of billies or blackjacks as permitted under federal law.
d. Subdivision one of section 265.01 and subdivision four of section 265.15 of this article shall not apply to possession or ownership of automatic knives by any cutlery and knife museum established pursuant to section two hundred sixteen-c of the education law or by any director, officer, employee, or agent thereof when he or she is in possession of an automatic knife and acting in furtherance of the business of such museum.
e. Subdivision eight of section 265.02 and sections 265.36 and 265.37 of this chapter shall not apply to a qualified retired New York or federal law enforcement officer as defined in subdivision twenty-five of section 265.00 of this article, with respect to large capacity ammunition feeding devices issued to such officer or purchased by such officer in the course of his or her official duties and owned by such officer at the time of his or her retirement or comparable replacements for such devices, if: (i) the agency that employed the officer qualified such officer in the use of the weapon which accepts such device in accordance with applicable state or federal standards for active duty law enforcement officers within twelve months prior to his or her retirement; and (ii) such retired officer meets, at his or her own expense, such applicable standards for such weapon at least once within three years after his or her retirement date and at least once every three years thereafter, provided, however, that any such qualified officer who has been retired for eighteen months or more on the effective date of this subdivision shall have eighteen months from such effective date to qualify in the use of the weapon which accepts such large capacity ammunition feeding device according to the provisions of this subdivision, notwithstanding that such officer did not qualify within three years after his or her retirement date, provided that such officer is otherwise qualified and maintains compliance with the provisions of this subdivision.
§ 265.25 Certain wounds to be reported.
Every case of a bullet wound, gunshot wound, powder burn or any other injury arising from or caused by the discharge of a gun or firearm, and every case of a wound which is likely to or may result in death and is actually or apparently inflicted by a knife, icepick or other sharp or pointed instrument, shall be reported at once to the police authorities of the city, town or village where the person reporting is located by: (a) the physician attending or treating the case; or (b) the manager, superintendent or other person in charge, whenever such case is treated in a hospital, sanitarium or other institution. Failure to make such report is a class A misdemeanor. This subdivision shall not apply to such wounds, burns or injuries received by a member of the armed forces of the United States or the state of New York while engaged in the actual performance of duty.
§ 265.26 Burn injury and wounds to be reported.
Every case of a burn injury or wound, where the victim sustained second or third degree burns to five percent or more of the body and/or any burns to the upper respiratory tract or laryngeal edema due to the inhalation of super-heated air, and every case of a burn injury or wound which is likely to or may result in death, shall be reported at once to the office of fire prevention and control. The state fire administrator shall accept the report and notify the proper investigatory agency. A written report shall also be provided to the office of fire prevention and control within seventy-two hours. The report shall be made by (a) the physician attending or treating the case; or (b) the manager, superintendent or other person in charge, whenever such case is treated in a hospital, sanitarium, institution or other medical facility.
The intentional failure to make such report is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.30 Certain convictions to be reported.
Every conviction under this article or section 400.00, of a person who is not a citizen of the United States, shall be certified to the proper officer of the United States government by the district attorney of the county in which such conviction was had.
§ 265.35 Prohibited use of weapons.
1. Any person hunting with a dangerous weapon in any county wholly embraced within the territorial limits of a city is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
2. Any person who wilfully discharges a loaded firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, at an aircraft while such aircraft is in motion in the air or in motion or stationary upon the ground, or at any railway or street railroad train as defined by the public service law, or at a locomotive, car, bus or vehicle standing or moving upon such railway, railroad or public highway, is guilty of a class D felony if thereby the safety of any person is endangered, and in every other case, of a class E felony.
3. Any person who, otherwise than in self defense or in the discharge of official duty, (a) wilfully discharges any species of firearms, air-gun or other weapon, or throws any other deadly missile, either in a public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, or, in Putnam county, within one-quarter mile of any occupied school building other than under supervised instruction by properly authorized instructors although no injury to any person ensues; (b) intentionally, without malice, points or aims any firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, at or toward any other person; (c) discharges, without injury to any other person, firearms or any other guns, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, while intentionally without malice, aimed at or toward any person; or (d) maims or injures any other person by the discharge of any firearm or any other gun, the propelling force of which is gunpowder, pointed or aimed intentionally, but without malice, at any such person, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
§ 265.37 Unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding devices.
It shall be unlawful for a person to knowingly possess an ammunition feeding device where such device contains more than seven rounds of ammunition.
If such device containing more than seven rounds of ammunition is possessed within the home of the possessor, the person so possessing the device shall, for a first offense, be guilty of a violation and subject to a fine of two hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense, be guilty of a class B misdemeanor and subject to a fine of two hundred dollars and a term of up to three months imprisonment.
If such device containing more than seven rounds of ammunition is possessed in any location other than the home of the possessor, the person so possessing the device shall, for a first offense, be guilty of a class B misdemeanor and subject to a fine of two hundred dollars and a term of up to six months imprisonment, and for each subsequent offense, be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
* § 265.38 Unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled firearm.
1. It shall be unlawful for any dealer in firearms licensed under section 400.00 of this chapter, to sell, offer for sale, exchange, give, transfer or deliver any semiautomatic pistol unless such pistol has been verified as a microstamping-enabled pistol. A pistol may be verified as microstamping-enabled if it contains a microstamp component installed by its manufacturer or by a state licensed person, association, partnership, corporation, or other entity in compliance with state standards established by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services or their designee. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a pistol manufactured prior to the effective date of this section.
2. (a) The first violation for unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled pistol pursuant to this section shall be punishable only by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and may result in a suspension or revocation of the dealer's license issued under section 400.00 of this chapter.
(b) The second violation for unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled pistol pursuant to this section shall be punishable only by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars and may result in a suspension or revocation of the dealer's license issued under section 400.00 of this chapter.
(c) The third violation for unlawful sale of a non-microstamping-enabled pistol pursuant to this section is a class A misdemeanor and shall result in a suspension or revocation of the dealer's license issued under section 400.00 of this chapter.
* NB Effective per requirements in § 5 of chapter 205/2022 (see chapter)
§ 265.40 Purchase of rifles and/or shotguns in contiguous states.
Definitions. As used in this act:
1. "Contiguous state" shall mean any state having any portion of its border in common with a portion of the border of the state of New York;
2. All other terms herein shall be given the meaning prescribed in Public Law 90-618 known as the "Gun Control Act of l968" (18 U.S.C. 921).
It shall be lawful for a person or persons residing in this state, to purchase or otherwise obtain a rifle and/or shotgun in a contiguous state, and to receive or transport such rifle and/or shotgun into this state; provided, however, such person is otherwise eligible to possess a rifle and/or shotgun under the laws of this state.
§ 265.45 Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the first degree.
1. No person who owns or is custodian of a rifle, shotgun or firearm who resides with an individual who: (i) is under eighteen years of age; (ii) such person knows or has reason to know is prohibited from possessing a rifle, shotgun or firearm pursuant to a temporary or final extreme risk protection order issued under article sixty-three-A of the civil practice law and rules or 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) (1), (4), (8) or (9); or (iii) such person knows or has reason to know is prohibited from possessing a rifle, shotgun or firearm based on a conviction for a felony or a serious offense, shall store or otherwise leave such rifle, shotgun or firearm out of his or her immediate possession or control without having first securely locked such rifle, shotgun or firearm in an appropriate safe storage depository or rendered it incapable of being fired by use of a gun locking device appropriate to that weapon.
2. No person shall store or otherwise leave a rifle, shotgun, or firearm out of such person's immediate possession or control inside a vehicle without first removing the ammunition from and securely locking such rifle, shotgun, or firearm in an appropriate safe storage depository out of sight from outside of the vehicle; provided, however, this subdivision shall not apply to a police officer as such term is defined in subdivision thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law, a qualified law enforcement officer authorized to carry concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926B, or a person in the military service of the United States or the state of New York when such police officer, qualified law enforcement officer, or person in such military service is acting in the course of such person's official duty or employment and otherwise complying with any applicable standards or requirements pertaining to the storage of such rifle, shotgun, or firearm.
3. For purposes of this section "safe storage depository" shall mean a safe or other secure container which, when locked, is incapable of being opened without the key, keypad, combination or other unlocking mechanism and is capable of preventing an unauthorized person from obtaining access to and possession of the weapon contained therein and shall be fire, impact, and tamper resistant. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect, impair or supersede any special or local act relating to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns or firearms which impose additional requirements on the owner or custodian of such weapons. For the purposes of subdivision two of this section, a glove compartment or glove box shall not be considered an appropriate safe storage depository.
4. It shall not be a violation of this section to allow a person less than eighteen years of age access to: (i) a firearm, rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized under paragraph seven or seven-e of subdivision a of section 265.20 of this article, or (ii) a rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized by article eleven of the environmental conservation law when such person less than eighteen years of age is the holder of a hunting license or permit and such rifle or shotgun is used in accordance with such law.
Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the first degree is a class A misdemeanor.
* § 265.50 Criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
A person is guilty of criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun when he or she knowingly manufactures, causes to be manufactured, sells, exchanges, gives, disposes of, transports, ships, or possesses with the intent to sell:
1. any firearm, rifle or shotgun that, after the removal of grips, stocks and magazines, is not detectable by a metal detector calibrated to detect the Security Exemplar, as defined pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 922(p); or
2. any major component of a firearm, rifle or shotgun that, if subject to the types of detection devices commonly used at airports for security screening, does not generate an image that adequately displays the shape of the component.
Criminal manufacture, sale, or transport of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun is a class D felony.
* NB There are 2 § 265.50's
* § 265.50 Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the second degree.
No person who owns or is custodian of a rifle, shotgun or firearm and knows, or has reason to know, that a person less than sixteen years of age is likely to gain access to such rifle, shotgun or firearm shall store or otherwise leave such rifle, shotgun or firearm out of his or her immediate possession or control without having first securely locked such rifle, shotgun or firearm in an appropriate safe storage depository or rendered it incapable of being fired by use of a gun locking device appropriate to that weapon. For purposes of this section "safe storage depository" shall have the same meaning as such term is defined in section 265.45 of this article. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect, impair or supersede any special or local act relating to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns or firearms which impose additional requirements on the owner or custodian of such weapons.
It shall not be a violation of this section to allow a person less than sixteen years of age access to: (i) a firearm, rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized under paragraph seven or seven-e of subdivision a of section 265.20 of this article, or (ii) a rifle or shotgun for lawful use as authorized by article eleven of the environmental conservation law when such person less than sixteen years of age is the holder of a hunting license or permit and such rifle or shotgun is used in accordance with such law.
Failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the second degree is a violation punishable only by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars.
* NB There are 2 § 265.50's
§ 265.55 Criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun when he or she knowingly possesses:
1. any firearm, rifle or shotgun that, after the removal of grips, stocks and magazines, is not detectable by a metal detector calibrated to detect the Security Exemplar, as defined pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 922(p); or
2. any major component of a firearm, rifle or shotgun that, if subject to the types of detection devices commonly used at airports for security screening, does not generate an image that adequately displays the shape of the component.
Criminal possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun is a class E felony.
§ 265.60 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree.
1. A person is guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree when, knowing or having reason to know it is a ghost gun, he or she sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a ghost gun to another person.
2. Notwithstanding subdivision one of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree when such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such ghost gun to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) within a period of six months after the effective date of this section sells, exchanges, gives, or disposes of such ghost gun to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the second degree is a class E felony.
§ 265.61 Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree.
1. A person is guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree when, knowing or having reason to know they are ghost guns, he or she sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of ten or more ghost guns to another person or persons.
2. Notwithstanding subdivision one of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree if he or she: (a) voluntarily surrenders such ghost guns to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) within a period of six months after the effective date of this section sells, exchanges, gives, or disposes of such ghost guns to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a ghost gun in the first degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.63 Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree when, knowing it is an unserialized frame or receiver or an unfinished frame or receiver, such person unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver, provided that for a period of six months after the effective date of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree if such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) sells, exchanges, gives, or disposes of such unserialized frame or receiver or unfinished frame or receiver to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the second degree is a class E felony.
§ 265.64 Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree when, knowing they are unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers, such person unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a total of ten or more unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers in a period of not more than one year, provided that for a period of six months after the effective date of this section, a person shall not be guilty of criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree if such person: (a) voluntarily surrenders such unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers to any law enforcement official designated pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 265.20 of this article; or (b) sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of such unserialized frames or receivers or unfinished frames or receivers to a gunsmith licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a frame or receiver in the first degree is a class D felony.
§ 265.65 Criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle.
A person is guilty of criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle when he or she purchases or takes possession of a semiautomatic rifle and does not possess a license to purchase or take possession of a semiautomatic rifle as provided in subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter. Criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle is a class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a class E felony for subsequent offenses.
§ 265.66 Criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle.
A person is guilty of criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle when, knowing or having reason to know it is a semiautomatic rifle, he or she sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a semiautomatic rifle to another person and such other person does not possess a license to purchase or take possession of a semiautomatic rifle as provided in subdivision two of section 400.00 of this chapter.
Criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle is a class E felony.