New York State - Criminal Procedure - CPL - Part Three - Title U - Article 722
Section 722.00 Probation case plans.
722.10 Youth part of the superior court established.
722.20 Proceedings upon felony complaint; juvenile offender.
722.21 Proceedings upon felony complaint; adolescent offender.
722.22 Motion to remove juvenile offender to family court.
722.23 Removal of adolescent offenders to family court.
722.24 Applicability of chapter to actions and matters involving juvenile offenders or adolescent offenders.
722.10 Youth part of the superior court established.
722.20 Proceedings upon felony complaint; juvenile offender.
722.21 Proceedings upon felony complaint; adolescent offender.
722.22 Motion to remove juvenile offender to family court.
722.23 Removal of adolescent offenders to family court.
722.24 Applicability of chapter to actions and matters involving juvenile offenders or adolescent offenders.
§ 722.00 Probation case plans.
1. All juvenile offenders and adolescent offenders shall be notified of the availability of services through the local probation department. Such services shall include the ability of the probation department to conduct a risk and needs assessment, utilizing a validated risk assessment tool, in order to help determine suitable and individualized programming and referrals. Participation in such risk and needs assessment shall be voluntary and the adolescent offender or juvenile offender may be accompanied by counsel during any such assessment. Based upon the assessment findings, the probation department shall refer the adolescent offender or juvenile offender to available and appropriate services.
2. Nothing shall preclude the probation department and the adolescent offender or juvenile offender from entering into a voluntary service plan which may include alcohol, substance use and mental health treatment and services. To the extent practicable, such services shall continue through the pendency of the action and shall further continue where such action is removed in accordance with this article.
3. When preparing a pre-sentence investigation report of any such adolescent offender or juvenile offender, the probation department shall incorporate a summary of any assessment findings, referrals and progress with respect to mitigating risk and addressing any identified needs.
4. The probation service shall not transmit or otherwise communicate to the district attorney or the youth part any statement made by the juvenile or adolescent offender to a probation officer. However, the probation service may make a recommendation regarding the completion of his or her case plan to the youth part and provide such information as it shall deem relevant.
5. No statement made to the probation service may be admitted into evidence at a fact-finding hearing at any time prior to a conviction.
1. All juvenile offenders and adolescent offenders shall be notified of the availability of services through the local probation department. Such services shall include the ability of the probation department to conduct a risk and needs assessment, utilizing a validated risk assessment tool, in order to help determine suitable and individualized programming and referrals. Participation in such risk and needs assessment shall be voluntary and the adolescent offender or juvenile offender may be accompanied by counsel during any such assessment. Based upon the assessment findings, the probation department shall refer the adolescent offender or juvenile offender to available and appropriate services.
2. Nothing shall preclude the probation department and the adolescent offender or juvenile offender from entering into a voluntary service plan which may include alcohol, substance use and mental health treatment and services. To the extent practicable, such services shall continue through the pendency of the action and shall further continue where such action is removed in accordance with this article.
3. When preparing a pre-sentence investigation report of any such adolescent offender or juvenile offender, the probation department shall incorporate a summary of any assessment findings, referrals and progress with respect to mitigating risk and addressing any identified needs.
4. The probation service shall not transmit or otherwise communicate to the district attorney or the youth part any statement made by the juvenile or adolescent offender to a probation officer. However, the probation service may make a recommendation regarding the completion of his or her case plan to the youth part and provide such information as it shall deem relevant.
5. No statement made to the probation service may be admitted into evidence at a fact-finding hearing at any time prior to a conviction.
§ 722.10 Youth part of the superior court established.
1. The chief administrator of the courts is hereby directed to establish, in a superior court in each county of the state, a part of the court to be known as the youth part of the superior court for the county in which such court presides. Judges presiding in the youth part shall be family court judges, as described in article six, section one of the constitution. To aid in their work, such judges shall receive training in specialized areas, including, but not limited to, juvenile justice, adolescent development, custody and care of youths and effective treatment methods for reducing unlawful conduct by youths, and shall be authorized to make appropriate determinations within the power of such superior court with respect to the cases of youths assigned to such part. The youth part shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all proceedings in relation to juvenile offenders and adolescent offenders, except as provided in this article or article seven hundred twenty-five of this chapter.
2. The chief administrator of the courts shall also direct the presiding justice of the appellate division, in each judicial department of the state, to designate judges authorized by law to exercise criminal jurisdiction to serve as accessible magistrates, for the purpose of acting in place of the youth part for certain first appearance proceedings involving youths, as provided by law. When designating such magistrates, the presiding justice shall ensure that all areas of a county are within a reasonable distance of a designated magistrate. A judge authorized to preside as such a magistrate shall have received training in specialized areas, including, but not limited to, juvenile justice, adolescent development, custody and care of youths and effective treatment methods for reducing unlawful conduct by youths.
1. The chief administrator of the courts is hereby directed to establish, in a superior court in each county of the state, a part of the court to be known as the youth part of the superior court for the county in which such court presides. Judges presiding in the youth part shall be family court judges, as described in article six, section one of the constitution. To aid in their work, such judges shall receive training in specialized areas, including, but not limited to, juvenile justice, adolescent development, custody and care of youths and effective treatment methods for reducing unlawful conduct by youths, and shall be authorized to make appropriate determinations within the power of such superior court with respect to the cases of youths assigned to such part. The youth part shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all proceedings in relation to juvenile offenders and adolescent offenders, except as provided in this article or article seven hundred twenty-five of this chapter.
2. The chief administrator of the courts shall also direct the presiding justice of the appellate division, in each judicial department of the state, to designate judges authorized by law to exercise criminal jurisdiction to serve as accessible magistrates, for the purpose of acting in place of the youth part for certain first appearance proceedings involving youths, as provided by law. When designating such magistrates, the presiding justice shall ensure that all areas of a county are within a reasonable distance of a designated magistrate. A judge authorized to preside as such a magistrate shall have received training in specialized areas, including, but not limited to, juvenile justice, adolescent development, custody and care of youths and effective treatment methods for reducing unlawful conduct by youths.
§ 722.20 Proceedings upon felony complaint; juvenile offender.
1. When a juvenile offender is arraigned before a youth part, the provisions of this section shall apply. If the youth part is not in session, the defendant shall be brought before the most accessible magistrate designated by the appellate division of the supreme court to act as a youth part for the purpose of making a determination whether such juvenile shall be detained or, with the consent of the district attorney, immediately removed to family court. If the defendant is ordered to be detained, he or she shall be brought before the next session of the youth part. If the defendant is not detained, he or she shall be ordered to appear at the next session of the youth part or the family court.
2. If the defendant waives a hearing upon the felony complaint, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of the grand jury with respect to the charge or charges contained in the felony complaint.
3. If there be a hearing, then at the conclusion of the hearing, the youth part court must dispose of the felony complaint as follows:
(a) If there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a crime for which a person under the age of sixteen is criminally responsible, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of a grand jury; or
(b) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a crime for which a person under the age of sixteen is criminally responsible but there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant is a "juvenile delinquent" as defined in subdivision one of section 301.2 of the family court act, the court must specify the act or acts it found reasonable cause to believe the defendant did and direct that the action be removed to the family court in accordance with the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title; or
(c) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed any criminal act, the court must dismiss the felony complaint and discharge the defendant from custody if he is in custody, or if he is at liberty on bail, it must exonerate the bail.
* 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions two and three of this section, the court shall, at the request of the district attorney, order removal of an action against a juvenile offender to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if, upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law, criminal sexual act in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective until September 1, 2024
* 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions two and three of this section, the court shall, at the request of the district attorney, order removal of an action against a juvenile offender to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if, upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one, paragraph (a) of subdivision two and paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section 130.35 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law; a crime formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective September 1, 2024
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision two, three, or four of this section, if a currently undetermined felony complaint against a juvenile offender is pending, and the defendant has not waived a hearing pursuant to subdivision two of this section and a hearing pursuant to subdivision three of this section has not commenced, the defendant may move to remove the action to family court pursuant to 722.22 of this article. The procedural rules of subdivisions one and two of section 210.45 of this chapter are applicable to a motion pursuant to this subdivision. Upon such motion, the court shall proceed and determine the motion as provided in section 722.22 of this article; provided, however, that the exception provisions of paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section 722.22 of this article shall not apply when there is not reasonable cause to believe that the juvenile offender committed one or more of the crimes enumerated therein, and in such event the provisions of paragraph (a) thereof shall apply.
6. (a) If the court orders removal of the action to family court, it shall state on the record the factor or factors upon which its determination is based, and the court shall give its reasons for removal in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(b) The district attorney shall state upon the record the reasons for his consent to removal of the action to the family court where such consent is required. The reasons shall be stated in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(c) For the purpose of making a determination pursuant to subdivision four or five of this section, the court may make such inquiry as it deems necessary. Any evidence which is not legally privileged may be introduced. If the defendant testifies, his testimony may not be introduced against him in any future proceeding, except to impeach his testimony at such future proceeding as inconsistent prior testimony.
(d) Where a motion for removal by the defendant pursuant to subdivision five of this section has been denied, no further motion pursuant to this section or section 722.22 of this article may be made by the juvenile offender with respect to the same offense or offenses.
(e) Except as provided by paragraph (f) of this subdivision, this section shall not be construed to limit the powers of the grand jury.
(f) Where a motion by the defendant pursuant to subdivision five of this section has been granted, there shall be no further proceedings against the juvenile offender in any local or superior criminal court including the youth part of the superior court for the offense or offenses which were the subject of the removal order.
1. When a juvenile offender is arraigned before a youth part, the provisions of this section shall apply. If the youth part is not in session, the defendant shall be brought before the most accessible magistrate designated by the appellate division of the supreme court to act as a youth part for the purpose of making a determination whether such juvenile shall be detained or, with the consent of the district attorney, immediately removed to family court. If the defendant is ordered to be detained, he or she shall be brought before the next session of the youth part. If the defendant is not detained, he or she shall be ordered to appear at the next session of the youth part or the family court.
2. If the defendant waives a hearing upon the felony complaint, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of the grand jury with respect to the charge or charges contained in the felony complaint.
3. If there be a hearing, then at the conclusion of the hearing, the youth part court must dispose of the felony complaint as follows:
(a) If there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a crime for which a person under the age of sixteen is criminally responsible, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of a grand jury; or
(b) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a crime for which a person under the age of sixteen is criminally responsible but there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant is a "juvenile delinquent" as defined in subdivision one of section 301.2 of the family court act, the court must specify the act or acts it found reasonable cause to believe the defendant did and direct that the action be removed to the family court in accordance with the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title; or
(c) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed any criminal act, the court must dismiss the felony complaint and discharge the defendant from custody if he is in custody, or if he is at liberty on bail, it must exonerate the bail.
* 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions two and three of this section, the court shall, at the request of the district attorney, order removal of an action against a juvenile offender to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if, upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law, criminal sexual act in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective until September 1, 2024
* 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions two and three of this section, the court shall, at the request of the district attorney, order removal of an action against a juvenile offender to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if, upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one, paragraph (a) of subdivision two and paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section 130.35 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law; a crime formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective September 1, 2024
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision two, three, or four of this section, if a currently undetermined felony complaint against a juvenile offender is pending, and the defendant has not waived a hearing pursuant to subdivision two of this section and a hearing pursuant to subdivision three of this section has not commenced, the defendant may move to remove the action to family court pursuant to 722.22 of this article. The procedural rules of subdivisions one and two of section 210.45 of this chapter are applicable to a motion pursuant to this subdivision. Upon such motion, the court shall proceed and determine the motion as provided in section 722.22 of this article; provided, however, that the exception provisions of paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section 722.22 of this article shall not apply when there is not reasonable cause to believe that the juvenile offender committed one or more of the crimes enumerated therein, and in such event the provisions of paragraph (a) thereof shall apply.
6. (a) If the court orders removal of the action to family court, it shall state on the record the factor or factors upon which its determination is based, and the court shall give its reasons for removal in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(b) The district attorney shall state upon the record the reasons for his consent to removal of the action to the family court where such consent is required. The reasons shall be stated in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(c) For the purpose of making a determination pursuant to subdivision four or five of this section, the court may make such inquiry as it deems necessary. Any evidence which is not legally privileged may be introduced. If the defendant testifies, his testimony may not be introduced against him in any future proceeding, except to impeach his testimony at such future proceeding as inconsistent prior testimony.
(d) Where a motion for removal by the defendant pursuant to subdivision five of this section has been denied, no further motion pursuant to this section or section 722.22 of this article may be made by the juvenile offender with respect to the same offense or offenses.
(e) Except as provided by paragraph (f) of this subdivision, this section shall not be construed to limit the powers of the grand jury.
(f) Where a motion by the defendant pursuant to subdivision five of this section has been granted, there shall be no further proceedings against the juvenile offender in any local or superior criminal court including the youth part of the superior court for the offense or offenses which were the subject of the removal order.
§ 722.21 Proceedings upon felony complaint; adolescent offender.
1. When an adolescent offender is arraigned before a youth part, the provisions of this section shall apply. If the youth part is not in session, the defendant shall be brought before the most accessible magistrate designated by the appellate division of the supreme court to act as a youth part for the purpose of making a determination whether such adolescent offender shall be detained or, with the consent of the district attorney, immediately removed to family court. If the defendant is ordered to be detained, he or she shall be brought before the next session of the youth part. If the defendant is not detained, he or she shall be ordered to appear at the next session of the youth part, family court or the local probation department.
2. If the defendant waives a hearing upon the felony complaint, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of the grand jury with respect to the charge or charges contained in the felony complaint.
3. If there be a hearing, then at the conclusion of the hearing, the youth part court must dispose of the felony complaint as follows:
(a) If there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a felony, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of a grand jury; or
(b) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a felony but there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant is a "juvenile delinquent" as defined in subdivision one of section 301.2 of the family court act, the court must specify the act or acts it found reasonable cause to believe the defendant did and direct that the action be transferred to the family court in accordance with the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title, provided, however, notwithstanding any other provision of law, section 308.1 of the family court act shall apply to actions transferred pursuant to this subdivision and such actions shall not be considered removals subject to subdivision thirteen of such section 308.1; or
(c) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed any criminal act, the court must dismiss the felony complaint and discharge the defendant from custody if he is in custody, or if he is at liberty on bail, it must exonerate the bail.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions two and three of this section, where the defendant is charged with a felony, other than a class A felony defined outside article two hundred twenty of the penal law, a violent felony defined in section 70.02 of the penal law or a felony listed in paragraph one or two of subdivision forty-two of section 1.20 of this chapter, except as provided in paragraph (c) of subdivision two of section 722.23 of this article, the court shall, upon notice from the district attorney that he or she will not file a motion to prevent removal pursuant to section 722.23 of this article, order transfer of an action against an adolescent offender to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title, provided, however, notwithstanding any other provision of law, section 308.1 of the family court act shall apply to actions transferred pursuant to this subdivision and such actions shall not be considered removals subject to subdivision thirteen of such section 308.1.
* 5. Notwithstanding subdivisions two and three of this section, at the request of the district attorney, the court shall order removal of an action against an adolescent offender charged with an offense listed in paragraph (a) of subdivision two of section 722.23 of this article, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title and upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the adolescent offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law, criminal sexual act in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective until September 1, 2024
* 5. Notwithstanding subdivisions two and three of this section, at the request of the district attorney, the court shall order removal of an action against an adolescent offender charged with an offense listed in paragraph (a) of subdivision two of section 722.23 of this article, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title and upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the adolescent offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one, paragraph (a) of subdivision two and paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section 130.35 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law, a crime formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective September 1, 2024
6. (a) If the court orders removal of the action to family court pursuant to subdivision five of this section, it shall state on the record the factor or factors upon which its determination is based, and the court shall give its reasons for removal in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(b) The district attorney shall state upon the record the reasons for his consent to removal of the action to the family court where such consent is required. The reasons shall be stated in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(c) For the purpose of making a determination pursuant to subdivision five the court may make such inquiry as it deems necessary. Any evidence which is not legally privileged may be introduced. If the defendant testifies, his testimony may not be introduced against him in any future proceeding, except to impeach his testimony at such future proceeding as inconsistent prior testimony.
(d) Except as provided by paragraph (e), this section shall not be construed to limit the powers of the grand jury.
(e) Where an action against a defendant has been removed to the family court pursuant to this section, there shall be no further proceedings against the adolescent offender in any local or superior criminal court including the youth part of the superior court for the offense or offenses which were the subject of the removal order.
1. When an adolescent offender is arraigned before a youth part, the provisions of this section shall apply. If the youth part is not in session, the defendant shall be brought before the most accessible magistrate designated by the appellate division of the supreme court to act as a youth part for the purpose of making a determination whether such adolescent offender shall be detained or, with the consent of the district attorney, immediately removed to family court. If the defendant is ordered to be detained, he or she shall be brought before the next session of the youth part. If the defendant is not detained, he or she shall be ordered to appear at the next session of the youth part, family court or the local probation department.
2. If the defendant waives a hearing upon the felony complaint, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of the grand jury with respect to the charge or charges contained in the felony complaint.
3. If there be a hearing, then at the conclusion of the hearing, the youth part court must dispose of the felony complaint as follows:
(a) If there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a felony, the court must order that the defendant be held for the action of a grand jury; or
(b) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed a felony but there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant is a "juvenile delinquent" as defined in subdivision one of section 301.2 of the family court act, the court must specify the act or acts it found reasonable cause to believe the defendant did and direct that the action be transferred to the family court in accordance with the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title, provided, however, notwithstanding any other provision of law, section 308.1 of the family court act shall apply to actions transferred pursuant to this subdivision and such actions shall not be considered removals subject to subdivision thirteen of such section 308.1; or
(c) If there is not reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed any criminal act, the court must dismiss the felony complaint and discharge the defendant from custody if he is in custody, or if he is at liberty on bail, it must exonerate the bail.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions two and three of this section, where the defendant is charged with a felony, other than a class A felony defined outside article two hundred twenty of the penal law, a violent felony defined in section 70.02 of the penal law or a felony listed in paragraph one or two of subdivision forty-two of section 1.20 of this chapter, except as provided in paragraph (c) of subdivision two of section 722.23 of this article, the court shall, upon notice from the district attorney that he or she will not file a motion to prevent removal pursuant to section 722.23 of this article, order transfer of an action against an adolescent offender to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title, provided, however, notwithstanding any other provision of law, section 308.1 of the family court act shall apply to actions transferred pursuant to this subdivision and such actions shall not be considered removals subject to subdivision thirteen of such section 308.1.
* 5. Notwithstanding subdivisions two and three of this section, at the request of the district attorney, the court shall order removal of an action against an adolescent offender charged with an offense listed in paragraph (a) of subdivision two of section 722.23 of this article, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title and upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the adolescent offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law, criminal sexual act in the first degree as defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective until September 1, 2024
* 5. Notwithstanding subdivisions two and three of this section, at the request of the district attorney, the court shall order removal of an action against an adolescent offender charged with an offense listed in paragraph (a) of subdivision two of section 722.23 of this article, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title and upon consideration of the criteria specified in subdivision two of section 722.22 of this article, it is determined that to do so would be in the interests of justice. Where, however, the felony complaint charges the adolescent offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one, paragraph (a) of subdivision two and paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section 130.35 of the penal law, rape in the first degree as formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law, a crime formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law, or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, a determination that such action be removed to the family court shall, in addition, be based upon a finding of one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; or (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in proof of the crime.
* NB Effective September 1, 2024
6. (a) If the court orders removal of the action to family court pursuant to subdivision five of this section, it shall state on the record the factor or factors upon which its determination is based, and the court shall give its reasons for removal in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(b) The district attorney shall state upon the record the reasons for his consent to removal of the action to the family court where such consent is required. The reasons shall be stated in detail and not in conclusory terms.
(c) For the purpose of making a determination pursuant to subdivision five the court may make such inquiry as it deems necessary. Any evidence which is not legally privileged may be introduced. If the defendant testifies, his testimony may not be introduced against him in any future proceeding, except to impeach his testimony at such future proceeding as inconsistent prior testimony.
(d) Except as provided by paragraph (e), this section shall not be construed to limit the powers of the grand jury.
(e) Where an action against a defendant has been removed to the family court pursuant to this section, there shall be no further proceedings against the adolescent offender in any local or superior criminal court including the youth part of the superior court for the offense or offenses which were the subject of the removal order.
§ 722.22 Motion to remove juvenile offender to family court.
1. After a motion by a juvenile offender, pursuant to subdivision five of section 722.20 of this article, or after arraignment of a juvenile offender upon an indictment, the court may, on motion of any party or on its own motion:
(a) except as otherwise provided by paragraph (b) of this subdivision, order removal of the action to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title, if, after consideration of the factors set forth in subdivision two of this section, the court determines that to do so would be in the interests of justice; or
* (b) with the consent of the district attorney, order removal of an action involving an indictment charging a juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law; rape in the first degree, as defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law; criminal sexual act in the first degree, as defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law; or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if the court finds one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in the proof of the crime, and, after consideration of the factors set forth in subdivision two of this section, the court determined that removal of the action to the family court would be in the interests of justice.
* NB Effective until September 1, 2024
* (b) with the consent of the district attorney, order removal of an action involving an indictment charging a juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law; rape in the first degree, as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one, paragraph (a) of subdivision two and paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section 130.35 of the penal law; rape in the first degree as formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law; a crime formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law; or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if the court finds one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in the proof of the crime, and, after consideration of the factors set forth in subdivision two of this section, the court determined that removal of the action to the family court would be in the interests of justice.
* NB Effective September 1, 2024
2. In making its determination pursuant to subdivision one of this section the court shall, to the extent applicable, examine individually and collectively, the following:
(a) the seriousness and circumstances of the offense;
(b) the extent of harm caused by the offense;
(c) the evidence of guilt, whether admissible or inadmissible at trial;
(d) the history, character and condition of the defendant;
(e) the purpose and effect of imposing upon the defendant a sentence authorized for the offense;
(f) the impact of a removal of the case to the family court on the safety or welfare of the community;
(g) the impact of a removal of the case to the family court upon the confidence of the public in the criminal justice system;
(h) where the court deems it appropriate, the attitude of the complainant or victim with respect to the motion; and
(i) any other relevant fact indicating that a judgment of conviction in the criminal court would serve no useful purpose.
3. The procedure for bringing on a motion pursuant to subdivision one of this section, shall accord with the procedure prescribed in subdivisions one and two of section 210.45 of this chapter. After all papers of both parties have been filed and after all documentary evidence, if any, has been submitted, the court must consider the same for the purpose of determining whether the motion is determinable on the motion papers submitted and, if not, may make such inquiry as it deems necessary for the purpose of making a determination.
4. For the purpose of making a determination pursuant to this section, any evidence which is not legally privileged may be introduced. If the defendant testifies, his testimony may not be introduced against him in any future proceeding, except to impeach his testimony at such future proceeding as inconsistent prior testimony.
5. a. If the court orders removal of the action to family court, it shall state on the record the factor or factors upon which its determination is based, and, the court shall give its reasons for removal in detail and not in conclusory terms.
b. The district attorney shall state upon the record the reasons for his consent to removal of the action to the family court. The reasons shall be stated in detail and not in conclusory terms.
1. After a motion by a juvenile offender, pursuant to subdivision five of section 722.20 of this article, or after arraignment of a juvenile offender upon an indictment, the court may, on motion of any party or on its own motion:
(a) except as otherwise provided by paragraph (b) of this subdivision, order removal of the action to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title, if, after consideration of the factors set forth in subdivision two of this section, the court determines that to do so would be in the interests of justice; or
* (b) with the consent of the district attorney, order removal of an action involving an indictment charging a juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law; rape in the first degree, as defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law; criminal sexual act in the first degree, as defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law; or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if the court finds one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in the proof of the crime, and, after consideration of the factors set forth in subdivision two of this section, the court determined that removal of the action to the family court would be in the interests of justice.
* NB Effective until September 1, 2024
* (b) with the consent of the district attorney, order removal of an action involving an indictment charging a juvenile offender with murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of the penal law; rape in the first degree, as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one, paragraph (a) of subdivision two and paragraph (a) of subdivision three of section 130.35 of the penal law; rape in the first degree as formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.35 of the penal law; a crime formerly defined in subdivision one of section 130.50 of the penal law; or an armed felony as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision forty-one of section 1.20 of this chapter, to the family court pursuant to the provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title if the court finds one or more of the following factors: (i) mitigating circumstances that bear directly upon the manner in which the crime was committed; (ii) where the defendant was not the sole participant in the crime, the defendant's participation was relatively minor although not so minor as to constitute a defense to the prosecution; or (iii) possible deficiencies in the proof of the crime, and, after consideration of the factors set forth in subdivision two of this section, the court determined that removal of the action to the family court would be in the interests of justice.
* NB Effective September 1, 2024
2. In making its determination pursuant to subdivision one of this section the court shall, to the extent applicable, examine individually and collectively, the following:
(a) the seriousness and circumstances of the offense;
(b) the extent of harm caused by the offense;
(c) the evidence of guilt, whether admissible or inadmissible at trial;
(d) the history, character and condition of the defendant;
(e) the purpose and effect of imposing upon the defendant a sentence authorized for the offense;
(f) the impact of a removal of the case to the family court on the safety or welfare of the community;
(g) the impact of a removal of the case to the family court upon the confidence of the public in the criminal justice system;
(h) where the court deems it appropriate, the attitude of the complainant or victim with respect to the motion; and
(i) any other relevant fact indicating that a judgment of conviction in the criminal court would serve no useful purpose.
3. The procedure for bringing on a motion pursuant to subdivision one of this section, shall accord with the procedure prescribed in subdivisions one and two of section 210.45 of this chapter. After all papers of both parties have been filed and after all documentary evidence, if any, has been submitted, the court must consider the same for the purpose of determining whether the motion is determinable on the motion papers submitted and, if not, may make such inquiry as it deems necessary for the purpose of making a determination.
4. For the purpose of making a determination pursuant to this section, any evidence which is not legally privileged may be introduced. If the defendant testifies, his testimony may not be introduced against him in any future proceeding, except to impeach his testimony at such future proceeding as inconsistent prior testimony.
5. a. If the court orders removal of the action to family court, it shall state on the record the factor or factors upon which its determination is based, and, the court shall give its reasons for removal in detail and not in conclusory terms.
b. The district attorney shall state upon the record the reasons for his consent to removal of the action to the family court. The reasons shall be stated in detail and not in conclusory terms.
§ 722.23 Removal of adolescent offenders to family court.
1. (a) Following the arraignment of a defendant charged with a crime committed when he or she was sixteen, or commencing October first, two thousand nineteen, seventeen years of age, other than any class A felony except for those defined in article two hundred twenty of the penal law, a violent felony defined in section 70.02 of the penal law or a felony listed in paragraph one or two of subdivision forty-two of section 1.20 of this chapter, or an offense set forth in the vehicle and traffic law, the court shall order the removal of the action to the family court in accordance with the applicable provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title unless, within thirty calendar days of such arraignment, the district attorney makes a motion to prevent removal of the action pursuant to this subdivision. If the defendant fails to report to the probation department as directed, the thirty day time period shall be tolled until such time as he or she reports to the probation department.
(b) A motion to prevent removal of an action in youth part shall be made in writing and upon prompt notice to the defendant. The motion shall contain allegations of sworn fact based upon personal knowledge of the affiant, and shall indicate if the district attorney is requesting a hearing. The motion shall be noticed to be heard promptly.
(c) The defendant shall be given an opportunity to reply. The defendant shall be granted any reasonable request for a delay. Either party may request a hearing on the facts alleged in the motion to prevent removal of the action. The hearing shall be held expeditiously.
(d) The court shall deny the motion to prevent removal of the action in youth part unless the court makes a determination upon such motion by the district attorney that extraordinary circumstances exist that should prevent the transfer of the action to family court.
(e) The court shall make a determination in writing or on the record within five days of the conclusion of the hearing or submission by the defense, whichever is later. Such determination shall include findings of fact and to the extent practicable conclusions of law.
(f) For the purposes of this section, there shall be a presumption against custody and case planning services shall be made available to the defendant.
(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, section 308.1 of the family court act shall apply to all actions transferred pursuant to this section provided, however, such cases shall not be considered removals subject to subdivision thirteen of such section 308.1.
(h) Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude, and a court may order, the removal of an action to family court where all parties agree or pursuant to this chapter.
2. (a) Upon the arraignment of a defendant charged with a crime committed when he or she was sixteen or, commencing October first, two thousand nineteen, seventeen years of age on a class A felony, other than those defined in article 220 of the penal law, or a violent felony defined in section 70.02 of the penal law, the court shall schedule an appearance no later than six calendar days from such arraignment for the purpose of reviewing the accusatory instrument pursuant to this subdivision. The court shall notify the district attorney and defendant regarding the purpose of such appearance.
(b) Upon such appearance, the court shall review the accusatory instrument and any other relevant facts for the purpose of making a determination pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subdivision. Both parties may be heard and submit information relevant to the determination.
(c) The court shall order the action to proceed in accordance with subdivision one of this section unless, after reviewing the papers and hearing from the parties, the court determines in writing that the district attorney proved by a preponderance of the evidence one or more of the following as set forth in the accusatory instrument:
(i) the defendant caused significant physical injury to a person other than a participant in the offense; or
(ii) the defendant displayed a firearm, shotgun, rifle or deadly weapon as defined in the penal law in furtherance of such offense; or
(iii) the defendant unlawfully engaged in sexual intercourse, oral sexual conduct, anal sexual conduct or sexual contact as defined in section 130.00 of the penal law.
(d) Where the court makes a determination that the action shall not proceed in accordance with subdivision one of this section, such determination shall be made in writing or on the record and shall include findings of fact and to the extent practicable conclusions of law.
(e) Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude, and the court may order, the removal of an action to family court where all parties agree or pursuant to this chapter.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, if at any time one or more charges in the accusatory instrument are reduced, such that the elements of the highest remaining charge would be removable pursuant to subdivisions one or two of this section, then the court, sua sponte or in response to a motion pursuant to subdivisions one or two of this section by the defendant, shall promptly notify the parties and direct that the matter proceed in accordance with subdivision one of this section, provided, however, that in such instance, the district attorney must file any motion to prevent removal within thirty days of effecting or receiving notice of such reduction.
4. A defendant may waive review of the accusatory instrument by the court and the opportunity for removal in accordance with this section, provided that such waiver is made by the defendant knowingly, voluntarily and in open court, in the presence of and with the approval of his or her counsel and the court. An earlier waiver shall not constitute a waiver of review and the opportunity for removal under this section.
1. (a) Following the arraignment of a defendant charged with a crime committed when he or she was sixteen, or commencing October first, two thousand nineteen, seventeen years of age, other than any class A felony except for those defined in article two hundred twenty of the penal law, a violent felony defined in section 70.02 of the penal law or a felony listed in paragraph one or two of subdivision forty-two of section 1.20 of this chapter, or an offense set forth in the vehicle and traffic law, the court shall order the removal of the action to the family court in accordance with the applicable provisions of article seven hundred twenty-five of this title unless, within thirty calendar days of such arraignment, the district attorney makes a motion to prevent removal of the action pursuant to this subdivision. If the defendant fails to report to the probation department as directed, the thirty day time period shall be tolled until such time as he or she reports to the probation department.
(b) A motion to prevent removal of an action in youth part shall be made in writing and upon prompt notice to the defendant. The motion shall contain allegations of sworn fact based upon personal knowledge of the affiant, and shall indicate if the district attorney is requesting a hearing. The motion shall be noticed to be heard promptly.
(c) The defendant shall be given an opportunity to reply. The defendant shall be granted any reasonable request for a delay. Either party may request a hearing on the facts alleged in the motion to prevent removal of the action. The hearing shall be held expeditiously.
(d) The court shall deny the motion to prevent removal of the action in youth part unless the court makes a determination upon such motion by the district attorney that extraordinary circumstances exist that should prevent the transfer of the action to family court.
(e) The court shall make a determination in writing or on the record within five days of the conclusion of the hearing or submission by the defense, whichever is later. Such determination shall include findings of fact and to the extent practicable conclusions of law.
(f) For the purposes of this section, there shall be a presumption against custody and case planning services shall be made available to the defendant.
(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, section 308.1 of the family court act shall apply to all actions transferred pursuant to this section provided, however, such cases shall not be considered removals subject to subdivision thirteen of such section 308.1.
(h) Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude, and a court may order, the removal of an action to family court where all parties agree or pursuant to this chapter.
2. (a) Upon the arraignment of a defendant charged with a crime committed when he or she was sixteen or, commencing October first, two thousand nineteen, seventeen years of age on a class A felony, other than those defined in article 220 of the penal law, or a violent felony defined in section 70.02 of the penal law, the court shall schedule an appearance no later than six calendar days from such arraignment for the purpose of reviewing the accusatory instrument pursuant to this subdivision. The court shall notify the district attorney and defendant regarding the purpose of such appearance.
(b) Upon such appearance, the court shall review the accusatory instrument and any other relevant facts for the purpose of making a determination pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subdivision. Both parties may be heard and submit information relevant to the determination.
(c) The court shall order the action to proceed in accordance with subdivision one of this section unless, after reviewing the papers and hearing from the parties, the court determines in writing that the district attorney proved by a preponderance of the evidence one or more of the following as set forth in the accusatory instrument:
(i) the defendant caused significant physical injury to a person other than a participant in the offense; or
(ii) the defendant displayed a firearm, shotgun, rifle or deadly weapon as defined in the penal law in furtherance of such offense; or
(iii) the defendant unlawfully engaged in sexual intercourse, oral sexual conduct, anal sexual conduct or sexual contact as defined in section 130.00 of the penal law.
(d) Where the court makes a determination that the action shall not proceed in accordance with subdivision one of this section, such determination shall be made in writing or on the record and shall include findings of fact and to the extent practicable conclusions of law.
(e) Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude, and the court may order, the removal of an action to family court where all parties agree or pursuant to this chapter.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, if at any time one or more charges in the accusatory instrument are reduced, such that the elements of the highest remaining charge would be removable pursuant to subdivisions one or two of this section, then the court, sua sponte or in response to a motion pursuant to subdivisions one or two of this section by the defendant, shall promptly notify the parties and direct that the matter proceed in accordance with subdivision one of this section, provided, however, that in such instance, the district attorney must file any motion to prevent removal within thirty days of effecting or receiving notice of such reduction.
4. A defendant may waive review of the accusatory instrument by the court and the opportunity for removal in accordance with this section, provided that such waiver is made by the defendant knowingly, voluntarily and in open court, in the presence of and with the approval of his or her counsel and the court. An earlier waiver shall not constitute a waiver of review and the opportunity for removal under this section.
§ 722.24 Applicability of chapter to actions and matters involving juvenile
offenders or adolescent offenders.
Except where inconsistent with this article, all provisions of this chapter shall apply to all criminal actions and proceedings, and all appeals and post-judgment motions relating or attached thereto, involving a juvenile offender or adolescent offender.
offenders or adolescent offenders.
Except where inconsistent with this article, all provisions of this chapter shall apply to all criminal actions and proceedings, and all appeals and post-judgment motions relating or attached thereto, involving a juvenile offender or adolescent offender.